IBM 3274 Family


3274 IBM Control Unit

Most parts, components and features available.
Diskettes available.
Configuration assistance

The IBM 3274 Control Unit provides the capability of controlling up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals consisting of display stations, and/or printers. The 3274 models attach the terminals to S/3, S/360, S/370, 303x, 308x, 3090, 4300, 8100, or 9370 processors with SNA or 3270 attachment, via a local byte multiplexer, selector, or block multiplexer channel. The 3274 also has models for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

The IBM 3274 Model A01 (1A) provides a local (SNA) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370, 30xx, or 4300 processor.

The IBM 3274 Model B01 (1B) provides a local (3272) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/360, S/370, 30xx, or 4300 processor.

The IBM 3274 Model C01 (1C) provides a local (SNA) attachment or remote communications for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/360, S/370, 30xx, or 4300 processor.

The IBM 3274 Model D01 (1D) provides a local (3272) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370 or 4300 processor.

The IBM 3274 Model 21A provides a local (SNA) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370, 30xx, or 4300 processor. Model 21A comes with 64k storage size.

The IBM 3274 Model 21B provides a local (3272) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/360, S/370, 30xx, or 4300 processor. Model 21B comes with 64k storage size.

The IBM 3274 Model 21C provides remote communications for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/3, S/360, S/370, 30xx, 303x, 3081, 308x, 3090, 4300, 8100, or 9370 processor. Model 21C comes with 64k storage size.

The IBM 3274 Model 21D provides a local (3272) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370 or 4300 processor. Model 21D comes with 64k storage size

The IBM 3274 Model 31A provides a local (SNA) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370, 30xx, or 4300 processor. Model 31A comes with 128k storage size

The IBM 3274 Model 31C provides remote communications for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/3, S/360, S/370, 30xx, 303x, 3081, 308x, 3090, 4300, 8100, or 9370 processor. Model 31C comes with 128k storage size.

The IBM 3274 Model 31D provides a local (3272) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370 or 4300 processor. Model 31D comes with 128k storage size.

The IBM 3274 Model 41A provides a local (SNA) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370, 30xx, or 4300 processor. Model 41A comes with 192k storage size

The IBM 3274 Model 41C provides remote communications for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/3, S/360, S/370, 30xx, 303x, 3081, 308x, 3090, 4300, 8100, or 9370 processor. Model 41C comes with 192k storage size.

The IBM 3274 Model 41D provides a local (3272) attachment for up to 32 terminals/printers to a S/370 or 4300 processor. Model 41D comes with 192k storage size.

The IBM 3274 Model 51C provides remote communications for up to 12 terminals/printers to a S/3, S/360, S/370, 30xx, 303x, 3081, 308x, 3090, 4300, 8100, or 9370 processor. Model 51C comes with 64k storage size with capability to add another 64k. M

The IBM 3274 Model 61C provides remote communications for up to 16 terminals/printers to a S/3, S/360, S/370, 30xx, 303x, 3081, 308x, 3090, 4300, 8100, or 9370 processor. Model 61C comes with 192k storage size.

  • Controller for up to 32 terminals consisting of display stations or printers
  • Connection to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303x, 3081, 308x, 3090, 4300, 8100, 9370, and some other processors
  • Local-attachment models via SNA or 3272
  • Communication models for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex facilities

Description The 3274 is a terminal control unit which can attach up to 32 displays (12 on Model 51C; 16 on Model 61C) and/or printers, unless a Displaywriter System(s), which includes a printer, is to be attached. A Displaywriter System without a printer requires one terminal port (the same as other terminals), but when a Displaywriter System includes a printer, two terminal ports are required to attach. These terminals are grouped into two categories, A and B. The Category A terminals are a display and printers which were developed for attachment to the 3274, while the Category B terminals were designed for attachment to the 3271s and 3272s. The 3274 attaches the Category B terminals with certain limitations. A maximum of 16 of the 32 attachable terminals can be Category B terminals. During a write operation, a 3277 attached to a 3274 via a Type B Terminal Adapter will blink more frequently than when attached to a 3271 or 3272.

The 3274 can communicate with a S/360, S/370, 30xx, 4300 or 9370 Processor by local channel attach or remotely via communications facilities. The channel-attached Control Unit is available in three model groups: Models 1A, 21A, 31A, 41A for SNA operation with extended data stream handling capabilities, Models 1B, 21B for 3272 operation, and Models 1D, 21D, 31D, 41D for 3272 operation with extended data stream handling capabilities. The Models 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, 61C can operate with extended data stream handling capabilities as either a BSC 3271 or as an SNA/SDLC unit.

Models 51C and 61C can also attach via a Data Link to the 8100 Information System or to the 8100 or 4331/4361 via a direct- or data link-attached loop.

The flexibility of 3274s enables the user to configure a display sub-system for initial requirements, and later change hardware and functions to meet future needs. Function configurability is attained through Configuration Support options, via Feature and System Diskettes.

One Feature Diskette and two System Diskettes are shipped with each 3274.

For Models 31A, 31C, 31D, or 51C that are upgraded to Configuration Support D, a Language Diskette is also shipped.

An Encrypt/Decrypt Feature Diskette is also shipped with the Encrypt/Decrypt feature (#3680) on a 3274 Model 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, or 61C. As part of the installation procedure, a customized System Diskette is generated. The generation process is accomplished by the customer keying in system configuration parameters. A unique configuration table is written on the System Diskette along with the necessary control code to accomplish the functions. For example, during subsequent control unit loading or initialization of a Model 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, or 61C; BSC or SNA/SDLC mode of operation is determined by the configuration recorded on the System Diskette used. It is possible to create two different System Diskettes; one to be used for BSC operation and the other to be used when operating SNA/SDLC.

The control unit is initialized with control code and configuration parameters as a result of Power On or by pressing the IML pushbutton. The load occurs from an integrated diskette drive using the previously customized System Diskette. The loading process starts with the execution of extended tests contained on the diskette.

The character set to be used on attached terminals is specified on the customized IML Diskette during installation procedure. All attached terminals must have the same character set.

Either EBCDIC or ASCII can be selected during 3274 Model 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, or 61C customization. ASCII support is provided to correspond with transmission code that is used by S/3. Both ASCII transmission codes and ASCII data codes are supported in BSC. Only ASCII alphameric data bytes of Function Management Request/Response Units are supported in SNA/SDLC. SCS, APL/Text, and the 3270 data stream extensions included in the Structured Field and Attribute Processing (SFAP) customization option are not supported in either BSC or SNA/SDLC when ASCII is used.

Detailed information for initial customizing, for customizing made necessary by changing configurations, and for optionally updating the diskettes, is contained in the "IBM 3270 Information Display System, GA27-2827; IBM 3274 Control Unit Planning, Setup and Customizing Guide", GA23-0065.


Local Attachment: For attachment to a host via a byte multiplexer, selector, or block multiplexer channel.

Remote Attachment: For attachment to a host in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

Enhanced Functions: Support for:

  • APL
  • Extended Highlighting
  • Extended Color
  • Programmed Symbols (PS)
  • Query
SNA: Systems Network Architecture

Control Unit Terminal Mode: The 3270 Personal Computer operates as a 3178, 3278 Model 2 or 3279.

Model Description 3274-A01 Provides the capability of controlling up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals consisting of display stations, and/or printers. Two categories of terminal adapters are used in attaching the desired displays or printers (see "Terminal Attachment List" below). The basic 3274 allows attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. The two categories of terminal adapters can be featured in various combinations to provide the maximum terminal configuration of 32 terminals (a maximum of 16 of the 32 terminals can be Category B units and at least one Category A Display Station with keyboard is needed for diagnostic purposes). The 3274 has one model for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities and three models for local channel attachment.

For local (SNA version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector, or *block multiplexer channel, to a S/370 or 30XX processor; or any 4300 processor via a byte multiplexer or block multiplexer channel.

Attachable Terminals

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (See Note 5)
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3262 Model 3 & 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode)
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B,
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, S2A, S2B, S3G, 02X, 03X: Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C w/#8331: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 Model 1: Information Panel (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4245 Models D12, D20 (supported as a 3262 Model 3): Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 2 and 3)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model (supported as 3262-3) Line Printers
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 4): Displaywriter System
  1. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended the IBM Aid FIVE3270 be used to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  2. Two terminal ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  3. Model C3, C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section in 3178 pages for details.
Category B Terminals:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
3274 Control Storage Requirement Tables

Use the following procedure to determine which, if any, EFS features must be ordered on the Model 1A:

  1. Select the Configuration Support option which contains the functions desired. If T is selected, go directly to Table 2, line 6, for EFS feature codes needed, otherwise continue to Step #2.
  2. After determining the desired Configuration Support, refer to the appropriate part of Table 1 and select the features desired:
    • 3274 Model 1A, refer to Table 1, Part 1.
  3. Determine the total Type C and total Type D storage required for the features and functions selected in Step #2.
  4. Add the Type C and Type D totals to determine the total control storage required. If the total is equal to or less than 65,536, no EFS features are required. If the total is greater than 65,536, continue with Step #5.
  5. Refer to Table 2. For Configuration Support A or B, begin at line 1 and work down. For C, begin at line 4 and work down. Stop at the first line that satisfies the control storage requirements determined in Steps 3 and 4. Order the EFS features listed in the last column.
Notes For Table 1:
  1. Configuration Support A Consideration Only: If all three keyboard types (Typewriter, Data Entry and Data Entry-Keypunch-like) are required on display stations attached to the 3274, add 1000 to the Type D storage requirements in addition to that listed in the table.
  2. If the total Type D storage requirement calculated for Category A, plus Category B terminals, exceeds the applicable maximum storage value listed below, use the applicable maximum value.
  3.                     Maximum
    Unit Storage Value
    3274-1A 10,744
  4. There is no customizing option nor additional control storage required to support 10 Numeric-only Character Set for Operator Identification Card Reader (#4600) on 3277s (Category B terminals) which are attached to a 3274.
  5. Add the indicated amount for each keyboard type to be used.
  6. The SFAP function is also required when the SCS Support for SFAP (#9661) feature is to be used on 3287 Models 1, 2, 1C or 2C.
  7. SCS Printer Support is required for DCA-LV2 Word Processing applications. This support also required for 5210 Models G01 or G02, attached to 3274 Models 1A and 1C SNA for applications that utilize the cut sheet feed attachment feature (#7860) when operating with 2 drawers.
  8. Configuration Support C (#9112) is required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 1A SNA for support of Word Processing applications. This includes those applications which utilize the cut sheet feed attachment feature (#7860) when operating with 2 drawers.
  9. The SFAP function is also required when the Query function is used with 3262 Models 3 and 13, 3268 Model 2, (and 4214 Model 1 in EMEA) printers. The Query function allows the application to interrogate the printer to determine what function is supported.
  10. For 4250 attachment to 3274 Models 1A, the SFAP function is required plus support for one Extended Attribute Terminal for each 4250 attached.
  11. SCS printer support required for 4250 attachment.
  12. A Displaywriter System requires two terminal ports when it includes a printer.
  13. Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.
Table 1 - Part 1
3274 Model 1A             TYPE C  TYPE D
Model 1A Base (including
copy) (Choose one)
Support A (#9110) 41,200 13,600
Support B (#9111) 45,072 14,484
Support C (#9112) 50,030 17,940
Category A terminals
(Choose one) (2,11)
1 to 8 terminals
(included in base) 0 0
1 to 16 terminals 0 2,048
1 to 24 terminals 0 4,096
1 to 32 terminals 0 6,144
Keyboards on Cat. A termi-
nals (select all that
apply, choosing at least
one) (4)
Typewriter(1) (3278/3279-
#4621, #4624, #4627, #4628,
#4640, #4651, 3178 Model C2) 0 786
3191 Display Station 0 786
3192 Display Station 0 786
3270 Personal Computer
Control Unit Terminal Mode 0 786
Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 0 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 0 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279- #4622, 3178 Model C1) 0 786 Data Entry KP(1) (3278/3279-#4623) 0 786
Text (3278/3279-#4629) 0 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/ 3279-#4626, #4652) 0 1,560

Category B terminals (Choose one)(2,3) 1 to 4 terminals 4,900 5,624 1 to 8 terminals 4,900 6,648 1 to 12 terminals 4,900 7,672 1 to 16 terminals 4,900 8,696 APL/Text Control Function (Choose one) Configuration Support A or B 1,700 1,200 Configuration Support C 0 0

3289 Text Print Control 0 512
Host-Loadable Printer Auth- orization Matrix 500 0 Between Bracket Printer Sharing 800 100 SCS Printer Support (3287- #9660,#9661)(5,10) (3262 and 3268 basic function) (8), (3289 basic function), (4250 basic function)(9),

(5210 basic function) (6,7) 1,500 100 Magnetic Rdr Ctrl (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277-Like 10-Ch Set 600 60 Num & Alpha Char Sets 1,630 316 Color Convergence (Base or Extended Color) 4,296 1,198 Alert Function 2,544 4,224 ---------------------------------------- The Following Are Available w/Configuration Support C Only: Structured Field & Attri- bute Processing (SFAP) 4,950 950 (Note 12 for US and EMEA only) Programmed Symbols(PS) 2,700 190 Decompression 900 0 Extended Attribute Termi- nals (add 256 for each terminal) (3268 Model 2C/ 3278/3287-#3610/3279 Model 2B or 3B) 0 #x256

IBM Personal Computer Sup- port Attachment (3278/ 3279-#5315,#5316/#5325, #5326) 3,200 300

Table 2

|1|Type C + D|LT/= 65,536| None |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 | |
|2|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#1801 + #3622|
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|3|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#3627 |
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|4|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625; or |
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768|#1801, #3623 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|5|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3627;|
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152|or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3627 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|6|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| GT 49,152 |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
| |Type C | GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|7|and Type C|LT/= 71,680|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| Any |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
|8|Type C | GT 71,680 |Invalid |
| | | |Configuration|
Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 1A, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3278s, 3268 Model 2, 3262s (text only), 3279, and 3287s attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903).

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284, 3286 or 3287s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 1A, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function:

This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Models 1A (SNA). The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, 5210 attached to a 3274 Model 1A (SNA) is also provided as basic.

Local Copy Summary

3274 Mdl  Print Key     Host Initiated
1A Basic Basic
Note: The 3274 does not support copying the screen contents of an attached display station to an attached 4250.

Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Between Bracket Printer Sharing Function:

This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 1A (SNA), enables attached 3268s, 3287s, 3289s, 3262s, 5210s, to be used as Local Copy output devices for the screen contents of attached 3178, 3278 and 3279s, when the printers are Between Brackets with the host application program. Printers are available for Local Copy operations only when they are not in session with an application program if this option is not selected.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

SFAP Function:

This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3278, 3279, 3287, 3262, 3268 terminals.

Data Streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, or Programmed Symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode. Limitations in the US: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed. Limitations in EMEA: This function does NOT support the 1,970 Alternate Character Set codes for Austria/Germany, Denmark/Norway, Finland/Sweden, and Spain.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s, 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended Highlighting, and Programmed Symbols, will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, except 21x, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

3274 Entry Assist RPQ: This RPQ provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word-wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character and word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist RPQ is intended for use with a specific set of host editor programs. See RPQ 8K1147 Description and Price Transmittal for storage requirements and prerequisites.

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 1A reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display, when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Model Description 3274-B01 Provides the capability of controlling up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals consisting of display stations, and/or printers. Two categories of terminal adapters are used in attaching the desired displays or printers (see "Terminal Attachment List" below). The basic 3274 allows attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. The two categories of terminal adapters can be featured in various combinations to provide the maximum terminal configuration of 32 terminals (a maximum of 16 of the 32 terminals can be Category B units and at least one Category A Display Station with keyboard is needed for diagnostic purposes). The 3274 has one model for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities and three models for local channel attachment.

Model B01 1B

For local (3272 version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector, or *block multiplexer channel, to a S/370 or 30XX processor, or S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195; or any 4300 processor via a byte multiplexer or block multiplexer channel.

  • * Attachment to a non-DCC subchannel of a block multiplexer channel or to a selector channel is not recommended due to performance considerations which may yield less than maximum throughput.
Attachable Terminals

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (See Note 5)
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3262 Model 3 & 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode)
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B,
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, S2A, S2B, S3G, 02X, 03X: Color Display Station
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, S2A, S2B, S3A, S3B, S3G: Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C w/#8331: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 Model 1: Information Panel (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4214 Model 1: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 4245 Models D12, D20 (supported as a 3262 Model 3): Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 2 and 3)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model (supported as 3262-3) Line Printers
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 4): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 1B.
  2. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Models 1B.
  3. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended the IBM Aid FIVE3270 be used to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  4. Two terminal ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
Category B Terminals:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
3274 Control Storage Requirement Tables

Table 2

|1|Type C + D|LT/= 65,536| None |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 | |
|2|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#1801 + #3622|
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|3|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#3627 |
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|4|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625; or |
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768|#1801, #3623 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|5|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3627;|
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152|or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3627 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|6|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| GT 49,152 |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
| |Type C | GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|7|and Type C|LT/= 71,680|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| Any |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
|8|Type C | GT 71,680 |Invalid |
| | | |Configuration|
Control Storage Functions

Copy Function:

This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Model 1B.

Local Copy Summary

3274 Mdl  Print Key     Host Initiated
1B Basic Not Applicable
Note: The 3274 does not support copying the screen contents of an attached display station to an attached 4250.

Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, except 21x, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

3274 Entry Assist RPQ: This RPQ provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word-wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character and word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist RPQ is intended for use with a specific set of host editor programs. See RPQ 8K1147 Description and Price Transmittal for storage requirements and prerequisites.

3274 Entry Assist RPQ is supported for the following keyboard languages/character sets:

Model Description 3274-C01 Provides the capability of controlling up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals consisting of display stations, and/or printers. Two categories of terminal adapters are used in attaching the desired displays or printers (see "Terminal Attachment List" below). The basic 3274 allows attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. The two categories of terminal adapters can be featured in various combinations to provide the maximum terminal configuration of 32 terminals (a maximum of 16 of the 32 terminals can be Category B units and at least one Category A Display Station with keyboard is needed for diagnostic purposes). The 3274 has one model for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities and three models for local channel attachment.

Model 1C C01

For communicating in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or duplex communications facilities with the following:

  • A S/370, 30XX or 4300 processor via 3704 or 3705 (or via the Communications Adapter feature on the 4331), using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA).
  • A S/370, 30XX or 4300 processor via (where applicable) 2701, 2703, a 3704 or 3705, or a Communications Adapter feature on the 4331, using Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC).
  • S/370 Models 115, 125, 135 and 138 via Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) using BSC.
  • S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195 via 2701 , 2703, or a 3704 or 3705 using BSC.
Attachable Terminals

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (See Note 5)
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3262 Model 3 & 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode)
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B,
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, S2A, S2B, S3G, 02X, 03X: Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C w/#8331: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 Model 1: Information Panel
  • 4245 Models D12, D20 (supported as a 3262 Model 3): Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 2 and 3)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model (supported as 3262-3) Line Printers
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 4): Displaywriter System
  1. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Models 1C.
  2. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended the IBM Aid FIVE3270 be used to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  3. Two terminal ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  4. Model C3, C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section in 3178 pages for details.
Category B Terminals:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
3274 Control Storage Requirement Tables

Use the following procedure to determine which, if any, EFS features must be ordered on the Model 1A, 1C or 1D:

  1. Select the Configuration Support option which contains the functions desired. If T is selected, go directly to Table 2, line 6, for EFS feature codes needed, otherwise continue to Step #2.
  2. After determining the desired Configuration Support, refer to the appropriate part of Table 1 and select the features desired:
    • 3274 Model 1C/SNA, refer to Table 1, Part 2.
    • 3274 Model 1C/BSC, refer to Table 1, Part 3.
  3. Determine the total Type C and total Type D storage required for the features and functions selected in Step #2.
  4. Add the Type C and Type D totals to determine the total control storage required. If the total is equal to or less than 65,536, no EFS features are required. If the total is greater than 65,536, continue with Step #5.
  5. Refer to Table 2. For Configuration Support A or B, begin at line 1 and work down. For C, begin at line 4 and work down. Stop at the first line that satisfies the control storage requirements determined in Steps 3 and 4. Order the EFS features listed in the last column.
Notes For Table 1:
  1. Configuration Support A Consideration Only: If all three keyboard types (Typewriter, Data Entry and Data Entry-Keypunch-like) are required on display stations attached to the 3274, add 1000 to the Type D storage requirements in addition to that listed in the table.
  2. If the total Type D storage requirement calculated for Category A, plus Category B terminals, exceeds the applicable maximum storage value listed below, use the applicable maximum value.
  3.                     Maximum
    Unit Storage Value
    3274-1C/SNA 10,744
    3274-1C/BSC 6,844
  4. There is no customizing option nor additional control storage required to support 10 Numeric-only Character Set for Operator Identification Card Reader (#4600) on 3277s (Category B terminals) which are attached to a 3274.
  5. Add the indicated amount for each keyboard type to be used.
  6. The SFAP function is also required when the SCS Support for SFAP (#9661) feature is to be used on 3287 Models 1, 2, 1C or 2C.
  7. SCS Printer Support is required for DCA-LV2 Word Processing applications. This support also required for 5210 Models G01 or G02, attached to 3274 Models 1C SNA for applications that utilize the cut sheet feed attachment feature (#7860) when operating with 2 drawers.
  8. Configuration Support C (#9112) is required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 1C SNA for support of Word Processing applications. This includes those applications which utilize the cut sheet feed attachment feature (#7860) when operating with 2 drawers.
  9. The SFAP function is also required when the Query function is used with 3262 Models 3 and 13, 3268 Model 2, (and 4214 Model 1 in EMEA) printers. The Query function allows the application to interrogate the printer to determine what function is supported.
  10. SCS printer support required for 4250 attachment.
  11. A Displaywriter System requires two terminal ports when it includes a printer.
  12. Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.
Table 1 - Part 2
3274 Model 1C/SNA         TYPE C  TYPE D
Model 1C/SNA (including
copy) (Choose one)
Conf. Support A (#9110) 41,030 13,700
Conf. Support B (#9111) 46,102 15,096
Conf. Support C (#9112) 50,580 17,940
ASCII Conf. Support A (#9110) 41,446 14,100 Conf. Support B (#9111) 46,518 15,496 Conf. Support C (#9112) 51,700 18,090
Category A Terminals (Choose one)(2,11) 1 to 8 terminals (included in base) 0 0 1 to 16 terminals 0 2,048 1 to 24 terminals 0 4,096 1 to 32 terminals 0 6,144 Keyboards on Cat. A terminals (select all that apply, choosing at least one)(4) Typewriter(1) (3278/3279- #4621,#4624,#4627,#4628, #4640,#4651, 3178 Model C2) 0 786 3191 Display Station 0 786 3192 Display Station 0 786 3270 PC Control Unit Terminal Mode 0 786

Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 0 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 0 786
Data Entry(1) (#3278/3279- #4622, 3178 Model C1) 0 786 Data Entry(1) KP (3278/3279-#4623) 0 786
Text (3278/3279-#4629) 0 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/ 3279-#4626,#4652) 0 1,560

Category B terminals (Choose one)(2,3) 1 to 4 terminals 4,900 5,624 1 to 8 terminals 4,900 6,648 1 to 12 terminals 4,900 7,672 1 to 16 terminals 4,900 8,696 APL/Text Control Function (Choose one) Conf. Support A or B 1,700 1,200 Conf. Support C 0 0

3289 Text Print Control 0 512
High-Perf. Comm. Adapter (#6303) (Choose one) Conf. Support A or B 600 -500 Conf. Support C 600 +400 Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 500 0 Between Bracket Ptr Sharing 800 100 SCS Printer Support (3287- #9660,#9661)(5), (3262 and 3268 basic function)(8), (3289 basic function),

(5210 basic function) 1,600 100 Magnetic Rdr Ctrl (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277-Like 10-Ch Set 600 60 Num & Alpha Char Sets 1,630 316 Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) 3,200 2,000 Color Convergence (Base or Extended Color) 4,296 1,198 Alert Function 2,544 4,224 ---------------------------------------- The Following Are Available w/ Configuration Support C Only: Structured Field & Attri- bute Processing (SFAP) (EBCDIC only) 4,950 950

(12)Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700 190 Decompression 900 0 Extended Attribute Termi- nals (add 256 for each terminal) (3268 Model 2C/ 3278/3287-#3610/3279 Model 2B or 3B) 0 #x256

IBM PC Support Attachment (3278/3279-#5315,#5316/ #5325,#5326) 3,200 300

Table 1 - Part 3

3274 Model 1C/BSC         TYPE C  TYPE D
Model 1C/BSC (Choose one)
Conf. Support A (#9110) 38,000 13,800
Conf. Support B (#9111) 41,872 14,684
Conf. Support C (#9112) 47,150 22,200

ASCII Conf. Support A (#9110) 41,446 14,100 Conf. Support B (#9111) 46,518 15,496 Conf. Support C (#9112) 51,700 18,090
Category A Terminals (Choose one)(2,11) 1 to 8 terminals (included in base) 0 0 1 to 16 terminals 0 2,048 1 to 24 terminals 0 4,096 1 to 32 terminals 0 6,144 Keyboards on Cat. A terminals (select all that apply, choosing at least one)(4) Typewriter(1) (3278/3279- #4621,#4624,#4627,#4628, #4640,#4651, 3178 Model C2) 0 786 3191 Display Station 0 786 3192 Display Station 0 786 3270 PC Control Unit Terminal Mode 0 786

Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 0 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 0 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279- #4622, 3178 Model C1) 0 786 Data Entry KP(1) (3278/3279-#4623) 0 786
Text (3278/3279-#4629) 0 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279-#4626,#4652) 0 1,560

Category B terminals (Choose one)(2,3) 1 to 4 terminals 4,700 1,724 1 to 8 terminals 4,700 2,748 1 to 12 terminals 4,700 3,772 1 to 16 terminals 4,700 4,796 APL/Text Control Function (Choose one) Conf. Support A or B 2 ,200 4,700 Conf. Support C 0 0

3289 Text Print Control 0 512
Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 550 0 Copy (Print Key Function) 2,700 0 Magnetic Rdr Ctrl (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277-Like 10-Ch Set 600 60 Num & Alpha Char Sets 1,630 316 Color Convergence (Base or Extended Color) 4,296 1,198 ---------------------------------------- The Following Are Available w/ Configuration Support C Only: Structured Field & Attri- bute Processing (SFAP) (EBCDIC only) 4,950 950

(12) Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700 9,610 Decompression 900 0 Extended Attribute Terminals (add 256 for each terminal) (3268 Model 2C/3278/3287- #3610/3279 Model 2B or 3B) 0 #x256

IBM PC Support Attachment (3278/3279-#5315,#5316/ #5325,#5326) 3,200 300

Table 2

|1|Type C + D|LT/= 65,536| None |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 | |
|2|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#1801 + #3622|
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|3|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#3627 |
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|4|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625; or |
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768|#1801, #3623 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|5|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3627;|
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152|or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3627 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|6|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| GT 49,152 |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
| |Type C | GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|7|and Type C|LT/= 71,680|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| Any |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
|8|Type C | GT 71,680 |Invalid |
| | | |Configuration|
Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 1A, 1C or 1D, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3278s, 3268 Model 2, 3262s (text only), 3279, and 3287s attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903).

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284, 3286 or 3287s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 1C, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function:

This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 1C (BSC), enables the copying of the screen contents of an attached 3178 or 3278 to an attached 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, 5210 through use of the Local Print Key on the display keyboard. This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Models 1C (SNA). The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, 5210 attached to a 3274 Model 1C (SNA) is also provided as basic. In addition, the 3274 Model 1C (BSC) supports the 3270 host Copy command as basic.

Local Copy Summary

3274 Mdl  Print Key     Host Initiated
1C (BSC) Cust. Option Basic
1C (SNA) Basic Basic
Note: The 3274 does not support copying the screen contents of an attached display station to an attached 4250.

Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Between Bracket Printer Sharing Function:

This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 1C (SNA), enables attached 3268s, 3287s, 3289s, 3262s, 5210s, to be used as Local Copy output devices for the screen contents of attached 3178, 3278 and 3279s, when the printers are Between Brackets with the host application program. Printers are available for Local Copy operations only when they are not in session with an application program if this option is not selected.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

SFAP Function:

This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3278, 3279, 3287, 3262, 3268 terminals.

Data Streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, or Programmed Symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode. Limitations in the US: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed. Limitations in EMEA: This function does NOT support the 1,970 Alternate Character Set codes for Austria/Germany, Denmark/Norway, Finland/Sweden, and Spain.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s, 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended Highlighting, and Programmed Symbols, will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

X.25 Support: (Model 1C) This function, through the use of Configuration Support P (#9116) on a 3274 Model 1C, provides for attachment to X.25 data transmission services having an interface which complies with Recommendation X.25 (Geneva 1980) of the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT). IBM conformance to this X.25 interface is defined in "IBM General Information Manual - The X.25 Interface for Attaching IBM SNA nodes to Packet - Switched Data Networks", GA27-3345. Keyboard labels on attached 3178s, 3278s or 3279s keyboards and display screen indicators are provided for operator reference during the calling, data exchange, and disconnecting phases. See "X.25 Keyboard Labels" under "Accessories" for details on the labels required for selected keyboards on terminals connected to a 3274 attached to a X.25 communications facility. Limitations: #3680 is mutually exclusive with 3274 X.25 capability. The cryptographic feature cannot be used with X.25 operation. Prerequisites: (1) Configuration Support P. (2) SNA/SDLC protocol. (3) Configuration Support P requires 128K of control storage. (4) One of the following Communications Interfaces: #3701,#5655 or#1550.

Note: The maximum line speed supported with any of these Communications Interface features is 9600 bps with X.25. The Communications Interface feature required depends upon the X.25 physical interface provided by the network. (5) #6303.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, except Models 21x, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.
<---US, CAN

3274 Entry Assist RPQ: This RPQ provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word-wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character and word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist RPQ is intended for use with a specific set of host editor programs. See RPQ 8K1147 Description and Price Transmittal for storage requirements and prerequisites.

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 1C/SNA reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display, when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Terminal Attachment

Either RG-62A/U coaxial cable, IBM Cabling System media or specified telephone twisted-pair wire (IBM Cabling System Type 3 media) can be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. (3289 attaches with coaxial cable only.) Depending on the type of wire used, the distance between the 3274 and its attached terminals can be up to 1,500m (4,920 ft.); when a 3299 is used, the maximum distance can be up to 3,000m (9,840 ft.). The 3274 ports use BNC connectors and require a balun cable assembly to connect terminals via IBM Cabling System Types 1, 2, or 9 media. A balun assembly may also be required at the terminal. (Refer to the appropriate terminal pages.) The number of balun assemblies reduces the maximum allowable wire lengths as shown below.

3274 Category A Terminal Attachment Maximum Lengths:

| | |IBM Cabling System |
| |RG-62A/U | Media |
| |Coaxial |--------------------|
|Number| Cable |Types 1 & 2|Type 9 |
| of |------------------------------|
|Baluns| m |ft. | m | ft. | m |ft. |
| 0 |1500|4920|N/A | N/A |N/A|N/A |
| 1 |N/A |N/A |1000| 3280 |667|2186|
| 2 |N/A |N/A | 610| 2000 |406|1333|
IBM Cabling System Type 3 media (specified telephone twisted-pair wire) can also be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. Connection to the telephone twisted-pair can be via an IBM/ROLM Coax of Twisted-Pair Adapter (CTPA) or equivalent. When one end of the telephone twisted-pair is attached to a CTPA, the maximum wire length is 275m (900 ft.), the minimum wire length is 30.5m (100 ft.).

Category B devices can be driven a maximum of 610m (2,000 ft.) using RG-62A/U coaxial cable or 152m (500 ft.) using IBM Cabling System Type 1 or Type 2 media.


The 3274 Model 1C communicates in half duplex mode with a S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor using SDLC over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities to a 3704/3705 (or via Communications Adapter feature (#1601) on the 4331); or by BSC to a S/360, S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor, over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities via (where applicable) a 2701, 2703, or a 3704/3705.

Communications with a S/370 Model 115, 125, 135, or 138 can also be via the Integrated Communications Adapter (4640) and appropriate BSC features on a 3115, 3125, 3135, or 3138. Communications with a 4331 Processor can be via the Communications Adapter (#1601) using BSC or SDLC/SNA protocols.

SDLC as used in the 3274-1C conforms to a subset (unbalanced normal mode) of both the ISO HDLC and ANSI ADCCP standards. For details of this conformance, see "General Information Manual, IBM Synchronous Data Link Control", GA27-3093.

A 3274 Model 1C can be used with X.25 communications facilities by using Configuration Support P #9116 and having appropriate hardware features to support this Configuration Support Option. See "X.25 Support" under "Control Storage Functions" and the Configuration Support P description for details.


For many 3274 Model 1C systems, response time is limited by transmission line speeds. For these cases, applicable line speed upgrades can be translated into immediate response time improvements. However, performance is also data stream-dependent. Refer to IBM Aids for performance evaluation information.

Communications Facilities

The 3274 Model 1C operates in half-duplex point-to-point or multipoint mode on half-duplex or duplex facilities at transmission speeds of 2000 (US and Canada only), 2400, 4800, 7200 and 9600 bps on nonswitched facilities. See 2700 pages for facilities. For the UK, see the "RPQ Manual", Section 7.

Multipoint and point-to-point communications at speeds up to 56K bps are also possible where facilities are available. In addition, communications through a 3705, or to the 4331 Communications Adapter can be via direct connection (without modems or communications facilities) at speeds up to 57.6K bps. All communications at speeds greater than 9600 bps must use SDLC. See 3705 and 4331 pages for details.

Communications Adapters

Communications adapters handle the transmission control protocols (SDLC and BSC) for the 3274 Model 1C.

Communications Interfaces

Communications interfaces connect the 3274 Model 1C to the host link. One and only one, can be selected.


Unless the 3274 Model 1C will be directly attached to its host, an external modem with its own clocking is required when the External Modem Interface (#3701) or CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) feature is installed.

Modem        Speed (bps)
3863 Model 1 2400/1200
3864 Model 1 4800/1200
3865 Model 1/2 9600/4800
3868 Model 1 2400/1200
3868 Model 2 4800/2400
3868 Model 3/4 9600/4800
3872 Model 1 2400/1200
5811 Model 10 2400/4800/ Limited
9600 Distance
Model 18 Rack Mount
Version of
Model 10
5865 Model 1 9600/7200
5866 Model 1 14.4K/12K
(5865 Mode) 9600/7200
5868 Model 10 Rack Mount
Version of
Model 18 Rack Mount
Version of
4-wire Switched Network Back-up is available on 3863, 3864, and 3865 modems with Auto Answer.

Switched network backup operation with Manual Call and Manual or Auto Answer is available on the 3863 Model 1, 3864 Model 1, 3865 Model 1, 3865 Model 2 and 3872 Model 1. For communications capabilities, product utilization and features, see 2700, 3863, 3864, 3865 and 3872 pages.

Direct Connection Attachment

In addition to host attachment via modems or other data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), attachment can be made by direct connect, without the need for intervening DCE. The direct connect is made by using either the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the V.35 Interface (#1550), the corresponding host interface feature(s), and a connecting cable. Shown below are the hosts that provide direct connection attachment for the 3274. Only the basic features needed by the 3274 direct connect hosts are listed. These features may have prerequisites, therefore the machine pages for those hosts should also be reviewed. Physical planning manuals for the respective direct connect hosts can provide additional information on the connecting cables.

Attach Host S L
Host Speed (bps) Feature # C C
3705 14.4K,57.6K #4727(1W) - x
3705 14.4K,57.6K #4728(1Z) - x
4331 2400 #4801 x x
4331 4800 #4801 x x
4331 9600 #4801 x x
Attach Max Cable 3274
Host Length Feature #
3705 57m (190') #1550, #6303
3705 57m (190') #1550, #6303
4331 400m (1,312') #3701, #6302
4331 200m (656') #3701, #6302
4331 100m (328') #3701, #6302
or #6303
Model Description 3274-D01 Provides the capability of controlling up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals consisting of display stations, and/or printers. Two categories of terminal adapters are used in attaching the desired displays or printers (see "Terminal Attachment List" below). The basic 3274 allows attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. The two categories of terminal adapters can be featured in various combinations to provide the maximum terminal configuration of 32 terminals (a maximum of 16 of the 32 terminals can be Category B units and at least one Category A Display Station with keyboard is needed for diagnostic purposes). The 3274 has one model for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities and three models for local channel attachment.

Model D01 1D

For Local (3272 version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector or *block multiplexer channel, to a virtual storage S/370 processor, or any 4300 processor via a byte multiplexer or block multiplexer channel.

  • * Attachment to non-DCC subchannel of a block multiplexer channel or to a selector channel is not recommended due to performance considerations which may yield less than maximum throughput.
Attachable Terminals

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (See Note 5)
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3262 Model 3 & 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode)
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B,
  • 3279 Model 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, S2A, S2B, S3G, 02X, 03X: Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C w/#8331: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 Model 1: Information Panel (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4245 Models D12, D20 (supported as a 3262 Model 3): Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 2 and 3)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model (supported as 3262-3) Line Printers
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 4): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 1B.
  2. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Models 1B and 1C.
  3. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended the IBM Aid FIVE3270 be used to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  4. Two terminal ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  5. Model C3, C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section in 3178 pages for details.
Category B Terminals:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
3274 Control Storage Requirement Tables

Use the following procedure to determine which, if any, EFS features must be ordered on the Model 1D:

  1. Select the Configuration Support option which contains the functions desired. If T is selected, go directly to Table 2, line 6, for EFS feature codes needed, otherwise continue to Step #2.
  2. After determining the desired Configuration Support, refer to the appropriate part of Table 1 and select the features desired:
    • 3274 Model 1D, refer to Table 1, Part 4.
  3. Determine the total Type C and total Type D storage required for the features and functions selected in Step #2.
  4. Add the Type C and Type D totals to determine the total control storage required. If the total is equal to or less than 65,536, no EFS features are required. If the total is greater than 65,536, continue with Step #5.
  5. Refer to Table 2. For Configuration Support A or B, begin at line 1 and work down. For C, begin at line 4 and work down. Stop at the first line that satisfies the control storage requirements determined in Steps 3 and 4. Order the EFS features listed in the last column.
Notes For Table 1:
  1. Configuration Support A Consideration Only: If all three keyboard types (Typewriter, Data Entry and Data Entry-Keypunch-like) are required on display stations attached to the 3274, add 1000 to the Type D storage requirements in addition to that listed in the table.
  2. If the total Type D storage requirement calculated for Category A, plus Category B terminals, exceeds the applicable maximum storage value listed below, use the applicable maximum value.
  3.                     Maximum
    Unit Storage Value
    3274-1D 8,844
  4. There is no customizing option nor additional control storage required to support 10 Numeric-only Character Set for Operator Identification Card Reader (#4600) on 3277s (Category B terminals) which are attached to a 3274.
  5. Add the indicated amount for each keyboard type to be used.
  6. The SFAP function is also required when the SCS Support for SFAP (#9661) feature is to be used on 3287 Models 1, 2, 1C or 2C.
  7. SCS Printer Support is required for DCA-LV2 Word Processing applications. This includes those applications which utilize the cut sheet feed attachment feature (#7860) when operating with 2 drawers.
  8. The SFAP function is also required when the Query function is used with 3262 Models 3 and 13, 3268 Model 2, (and 4214 Model 1 in EMEA) printers. The Query function allows the application to interrogate the printer to determine what function is supported.
  9. For 4250 attachment to 3274 Model 1D, the SFAP function is required plus support for one Extended Attribute Terminal for each 4250 attached.
  10. SCS printer support required for 4250 attachment.
  11. A Displaywriter System requires two terminal ports when it includes a printer.
Table 1 - Part 4
3274 Model 1D             TYPE C  TYPE D
Model 1D Base (including
copy) (Choose one)
Conf. Support A (#9110) 34,500 17,000
Conf. Support B (#9111) 38,372 17,884
Conf. Support C (#9112) 39,720 24,900
Category A terminals
(Choose one)(2,11)
1 to 8 terminals
(included in base) 0 0
1 to 16 terminals 0 2,048
1 to 24 terminals 0 4,096
1 to 32 terminals 0 6,144
Keyboards on Cat. A terminals
(select all that apply,
choosing at least one)(4)
Typewriter(1) (3278/3279-
#4640,#4651, 3178 Model C2) 0 786
3191 Display Station 0 786
3192 Display Station 0 786
3270 PC Computer Control
Unit Terminal Mode 0 786
Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 0 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 0 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279- #4622, 3178 Model C1) 0 786 Data Entry KP(1) (3278/3279-#4623) 0 786

Text (3278/3279-#4629) 0 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/ 3279-#4626,#4652) 0 1,560

Category B terminals (Choose one)(2,3) 1 to 4 terminals 4,300 3,724 1 to 8 terminals 4,300 4,748 1 to 12 terminals 4,300 5,772 1 to 16 terminals 4,300 6,796 APL/Text Control Function (Choose one) Conf. Support A or B 1,700 4,600 Conf. Support C 0 0 Copy (Print Key Function) 2,700 0

3289 Text Print Control 0 512
Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 550 0 Magnetic Rdr Ctrl (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277-Like 10-Ch Set 600 60 Num & Alpha Char Sets 1,120 316 Color Convergence (Base or Extended Color) 4,296 1,198 ---------------------------------------- The Following Are Available w/ Configuration Support C Only: Structured Field & Attri- bute Processing (SFAP)(9) 4,950 950

(12) Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700 190 Decompression 900 0 Extended Attribute Termi- nals (add 256 for each terminal) (3268 Model 2C/ 3278/3287-#3610/3279 Model 2B or 3B/4250) 0 #x256

IBM PC Support Attachment (3278/3279-#5315,#5316/ #5325,#5326) 3,200 300

Table 2

|1|Type C + D|LT/= 65,536| None |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 | |
|2|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#1801 + #3622|
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|3|and Type C|LT/= 49,152|#3627 |
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152| |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|4|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625; or |
| |and Type D|LT/= 32,768|#1801, #3623 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|5|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3627;|
| |and Type D|LT/= 49,152|or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3627 |
| |Type C + D| GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|6|and Type C|LT/= 65,536|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| GT 49,152 |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
| |Type C | GT 65,536 |#1801, #3622,|
|7|and Type C|LT/= 71,680|#3625, #3628;|
| |and Type D| Any |or #1801, |
| | | |#3623, #3628 |
|8|Type C | GT 71,680 |Invalid |
| | | |Configuration|
Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 1D, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3278s, 3268 Model 2, 3262s (text only), 3279, and 3287s attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903).

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284, 3286 or 3287s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 1D, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function:

This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 1D, enables the copying of the screen contents of an attached 3178 or 3278 to an attached 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, 5210 through use of the Local Print Key on the display keyboard.

Local Copy Summary

3274 Mdl  Print Key     Host Initiated
1D Cust. Option Not Applicable
Note: The 3274 does not support copying the screen contents of an attached display station to an attached 4250.

Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

SFAP Function:

This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3278, 3279, 3287, 3262, 3268 terminals.

Data Streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, or Programmed Symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode. Limitations in the US: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed. Limitations in EMEA: This function does NOT support the 1,970 Alternate Character Set codes for Austria/Germany, Denmark/Norway, Finland/Sweden, and Spain.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s, 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended Highlighting, and Programmed Symbols, will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, except 21x, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

3274 Entry Assist RPQ: This RPQ provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word-wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character and word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist RPQ is intended for use with a specific set of host editor programs. See RPQ 8K1147 Description and Price Transmittal for storage requirements and prerequisites.

Model Description 3274-21A Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 21A A21 For local (SNA version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector, or *block multiplexer channel, to a S/370, 30XX processor; or a 4300 Processor via a byte multiplexer or multiplexer channel.

Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21 or a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21X. Attachment to 3274 Models 31C and 51C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer
  • IBM Personal Computer XT with XT/370 Option: IBM Personal Computer XT
  • * Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

Model 21s have 64K bytes of control storage and do not support all terminal features.

The basic Model 21s allow attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. Two types of terminal adapter features are offered to attach additional terminals. The two types can be ordered in various combinations to attach up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals -- a maximum of 16 of the terminals can be Category B terminals.

Note: The 3274 Models 21C are functionally equivalent to the 3274 Model 1C.

Control Storage Requirement Tables (Models 21A)

After the desired "Special Features" have been selected, the control storage requirement must be determined by using the appropriate table below. Some combinations of functions and features may exceed the capacity of the control storage in the Models 21A without EFS.

  1. Refer to the appropriate part of Table 1 and select the features desired:
    • 3274 Model 21A, refer to Table 1, Part 1
  2. Determine the total storage requirements for the features selected in Step #1.
  3. If the total storage requirement calculated in Step #2 is equal to or less than 65,536, the Model 21 or 51C without EFS can be used. However, if step #2 storage requirement is greater than 65,536, the Model 21 Control Unit or Model 51C without EFS cannot be used and a Model 31 Control Unit or Model 51C with EFS is required.
Notes for Table 1
  1. Configuration Support A Consideration Only: If all three keyboard types (Typewriter, Data Entry, and Date Entry/Keypunch-like) are required on display stations attached to the 3274, add 1,000 to the storage requirements in addition to those listed in the table.
  2. There is no customizing option nor additional control storage required to support 10 Numeric-only Character Set for Operator Identification Card Reader (#4600) on 3277s (Category B terminals) which are attached to a 3274.
  3. Add the indicated amount for each keyboard type to be used.
  4. A 6580 requires two terminal ports when it includes a printer.
Table 1 - Part 1
3274 Model 21A Reqts
Model 21A (including copy)
Configuration Support A (#9110) 54,800
Category A terminals
(Choose one)(5)
1 to 8 terminals (incl. in base) 0
1 to 16 terminals 2,048
1 to 24 terminals 4,096
1 to 32 terminals 6,144
Keyboards on Category A terminals
(select all that apply,
choosing at least one)(4)
Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180
Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621,
#4627, 3178 Model C2) 786
3191 Display Station 786
3192 Display Station 786
3270 Personal Computer
Control Unit Terminal Mode 786
5160 Model 589 (XT/370)
5170 Model 599 (AT/370)
Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 786 Data Entry (3180 Model 1-#4601) 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622, 3178 Model C1) 786 Data Entry KP(1) (3278/3279-#4623) 786
Text (3278/3279-#4629) 1,560
(3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,560
APL/Text Control Function 2,900

3289 Text Print Control 512
ost-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 500 Between Bracket Printer Sharing 900 SCS Printer Support (3287-#9660) (3262, 3268, 3289, and in EMEA 4214) 4224, 4234, 4245, and 5210-basic function) 1,700 Magnetic Reader Control (3278/3279- #4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277 Like 10-Character Set 660 Numeric and Alphameric Char. Sets 1,946 3279 Color Convergence 5,494

Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 21A, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3180 Model 130 (APL only), 3278s, 3262s (text only), 3268 Model 2 and 2C, 3279s, 3287 attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903), 4224s and 4234.

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284s, 3286s or 3286s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 21A, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function: This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Models 21A. The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 attached to a 3274 Model 21A, 21C/SNA, 31A or 31C/SNA is also provided as basic.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
---------- ------ ---------
21A Basic Basic
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Between Bracket Printer Sharing Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 21A, enables attached 3268s, 3287s, 3289s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234, 4245s and 5210s to be used as Local Copy output devices for the screen contents of attached 3178s, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, and 3279s, when the printers are Between Brackets with the host application program. Printers are available for Local Copy operations only when they are not in session with an application program if this option is not selected.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s and 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.
(On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31A, reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display, when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631. Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

Model Description 3274-21B Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 21B B21 For local (3272 version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector, or *block multiplexer channel, to a S/370, 30XX processor, or S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195; or a 4300 Processor via a byte multiplexer or multiplexer channel.

Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21x without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21x.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer
  • Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

Model 21s have 64K bytes of control storage and do not support all terminal features.

The basic Model 21s allow attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. Two types of terminal adapter features are offered to attach additional terminals. The two types can be ordered in various combinations to attach up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals -- a maximum of 16 of the terminals can be Category B terminals.

Note: The 3274 Models 21C and 31C are functionally equivalent to the 3274 Model 1C.

The Model 51C has 64K bytes for central storage with a feature for adding 64K bytes to provide for support of all terminal features. A terminal adapter feature can be used to attach up to four Category B terminals giving a maximum cluster size of 12 terminals.

Control Storage Functions

Copy Function: This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Models 21B. The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 is also provided as basic.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
----------- ------ ----------
21B Basic Not
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631. Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

Model Description 3274-21C Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 21C C21 For communicating in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or duplex communications facilities with the following:

  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via 3704, 3705, or 3725 (or via the Communications Adapter feature on the 4321 or 4331 or via Telecommunications Subsystems Controller on the 9370), using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA).
  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via (where applicable) 2701, 2703, a 3704, 3705, or 3725, or a Communications Adapter feature on the 4321, 4331 or a Telecommunications Subsystem Controller on the 9370, using BSC.
  • S/370 Models 115, 125, 135 and 138 via Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) using BSC.
  • S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195 via 2701, 2703, or a 3704 or 3705 using BSC.
  • 4331/4361 Processor - The Model 51C can also attach to a 4331 via a direct- or data link-attached loop using SDLC.
  • A 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor via 3720 using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA) or BSC.
  • 8100 Information System - The Model 51C can attach using SDLC via a data link or a direct-attached or data link-attached loop.
IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, except 21x, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21 or a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21X. Attachment to 3274 Models 31C and 51C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer
  • * Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

Model 21s have 64K bytes of control storage and do not support all terminal features.

The basic Model 21s allow attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. Two types of terminal adapter features are offered to attach additional terminals. The two types can be ordered in various combinations to attach up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals -- a maximum of 16 of the terminals can be Category B terminals.

Note: The 3274 Models 21C are functionally equivalent to the 3274 Model 1C.
Control Storage Requirement Tables (Models 21C)

After the desired "Special Features" have been selected, the control storage requirement must be determined by using the appropriate table below. Some combinations of functions and features may exceed the capacity of the control storage in the Models 21C without EFS.

  1. Refer to the appropriate part of Table 1 and select the features desired:
    • 3274 Model 21C/or 51C w/o EFS SNA, refer to Table 1, Part 2
    • 3274 Model 21C/or 51C w/o EFS BSC, refer to Table 1, Part 3
  2. Determine the total storage requirements for the features selected in Step #1.
  3. If the total storage requirement calculated in Step #2 is equal to or less than 65,536, the Model 21 or 51C without EFS can be used. However, if step #2 storage requirement is greater than 65,536, the Model 21 Control Unit or Model 51C without EFS cannot be used and a Model 31 Control Unit or Model 51C with EFS is required.
Notes for Table 1 - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4
  1. Configuration Support A Consideration Only: If all three keyboard types (Typewriter, Data Entry, and Date Entry/Keypunch-like) are required on display stations attached to the 3274, add 1,000 to the storage requirements in addition to those listed in the table.
  2. There is no customizing option nor additional control storage required to support 10 Numeric-only Character Set for Operator Identification Card Reader (#4600) on 3277s (Category B terminals) which are attached to a 3274.
  3. If the total storage requirement calculated for Category A plus Category B Terminals exceeds the applicable maximum storage value below, use the applicable maximum storage:
  4.                      Maximum
    Unit Storage Value
    3274 Model 21C/BSC 11,544
  5. Add the indicated amount for each keyboard type to be used.
  6. A 6580 requires two terminal ports when it includes a printer.
Table 1 - Part 2
3274 Model 21C/SNA or 51C/SNA Reqts
Model 21C/SNA or 51C/SNA (incl copy)
Configuration Support A (#9110) 54,730

Category A Terminals (Choose one) (Model 21C only)(5) 1 to 8 terminals (included in base) 0 1 to 16 terminals 2,048 1 to 24 terminals 4,096 1 to 32 terminals 6,144 Keyboards for Category A terminals (select all that apply, choosing at least one)(4) Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621, #4627, #4628, 3178 Model C2) 786 3191 Display Station 786 3192 Display Station 786 3270 PC Control Unit Terminal Mode 786 5160 Model 589 (XT/370) 5170 Model 599 (AT/370)

Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622, 3178 Model C1) 786 Data Entry KP(1)(3278/3279-#4623) 786 Data Entry(1) (3180 Model 1-#4601) 786

Text (3278/3279-#4629) 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,560

Canadian French Keyboards (any) 650 Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621, #4624,#4627,#4628) 1,042 Data Entry (1) (3278/3279-#4622) 1,042 Data Entry (1)(3180 Mdl 1-#4601) 1,042 Data Entry KP(1) (#3278/3279- #4623) 1,042 APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626 1,816 Japanese Katakana Keyboards Typewriter (3278/3279-#2715, #2717, 3178 Model C2) 1,304 Data Entry (3278/3279-#2716, 3178 Model C1) 1,304 Data Entry (3180 Model 1-#4601) 1,304 APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #2718,#2721) 2,072
APL/Text Control Function 2,900

3289 Text Print Control 512
High-Performance Communications Adapter (#6303) 100 Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 500 Between Bracket Printer Sharing 900 SCS Printer Support (3287-#9660) (3262, 3268, 3289, and in EMEA 4214) 4224, 4234, 4245, and 5210-basic function) 1,700 Magnetic Reader Control (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277 Like 10-Character Set 660 Numeric and Alphameric Character Sets 1,946 Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) 5,200 3279 Color Convergence 5,494

Table 1 - Part 3

3274 Model 21C/BSC or 51C/BSC Reqts
Configuration Support A (#9110) 51,800
Category A Terminals (Choose one)(3) (Model 21C only)(5) 1 to 8 terminals (incl. in base) 0 1 to 16 terminals 2,048 1 to 24 terminals 4,096 1 to 32 terminals 6,144 Keyboards on Category A terminals (select all that apply, choosing at least one)(4) Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621, #4624,#4627,#4628, 3178 Model C2) 786 3191 Display Station 786 3192 Display Station 786 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode 786 5160 Model 589 (XT/370) 5170 Model 599 (AT/370)

Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622, 3178 Model C1) 786 Data Entry KP(1) (3278/3279-#4623) 786 Data Entry(1) (3180 Model 1-#4601) 786

Text (3278/3279-#4629) 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,560
Category B terminals (Choose one) (2,3) 1 to 4 terminals 6,424 1 to 8 terminals (Model 21C) 7,448 1 to 12 terminals (Model 21C) 8,472 1 to 16 terminals (Model 21C) 9,496 APL/Text Control Function 6,900

3289 Text Print Control 512
Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 550 Copy (Print Key Function) 2,700 Magnetic Reader Control (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277 Like 10-Character Set 660 Numeric & Alphameric Character Sets (Model 21C) 1,436 Numeric & Alphameric Character Sets (Model 51C) 1,946 3279 Color Convergence 5,494

Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 21C, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3180 Model 130 (APL only), 3278s, 3262s (text only), 3268 Model 2 and 2C, 3279s, 3287 attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903), 4224s and 4234.

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284s, 3286s or 3286s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 21C, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 21C/BSC, enables the copying of the screen contents of an attached 3178, 3179, 3180 Model 1, 3278, or 3279 to an attached 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 through use of the Local Print Key on the display keyboard. This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Models 21C/SNA. The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 attached to a 3274 Model 21C/SNA is also provided as basic. In addition, the 3274 Model 21C/BSC and 31C/BSC supports the 3270 host Copy command as basic.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
---------- ------- ---------
21C/BSC Cust. Basic
21C/SNA Basic Basic
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Between Bracket Printer Sharing Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 21C/SNA, enables attached 3268s, 3287s, 3289s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234, 4245s and 5210s to be used as Local Copy output devices for the screen contents of attached 3178s, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, and 3279s, when the printers are Between Brackets with the host application program. Printers are available for Local Copy operations only when they are not in session with an application program if this option is not selected.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 except Model 1B, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s and 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

(On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631.

Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

Terminal Attachment

Either RG-62A/U coaxial cable, IBM Cabling System media or specified telephone twisted-pair wire (IBM Cabling System Type 3 media) can be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. (3289 attaches with coaxial cable only.) Depending on the type of wire used, the distance between the 3274 and its attached terminals can be up to 1,500m (4,920 ft.); when a 3299 is used, the maximum distance can be up to 3,000m (9,840 ft.). The 3274 ports use BNC connectors and require a balun cable assembly to connect terminals via IBM Cabling System Types 1, 2, or 9 media. A balun assembly may also be required at the terminal. (Refer to the appropriate terminal pages.) The number of balun assemblies reduces the maximum allowable wire lengths as shown below.

3274 Category A Terminal Attachment Maximum Lengths:

| | |IBM Cabling System |
| |RG-62A/U | Media |
| |Coaxial |--------------------|
|Number| Cable |Types 1 & 2|Type 9 |
| of |------------------------------|
|Baluns| m |ft. | m | ft. | m |ft. |
| 0 |1500|4920|N/A | N/A |N/A|N/A |
| 1 |N/A |N/A |1000| 3280 |667|2186|
| 2 |N/A |N/A | 610| 2000 |406|1333|
IBM Cabling System Type 3 media (specified telephone twisted-pair wire) can also be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. Connection to the telephone twisted-pair can be via an IBM/ROLM Coax of Twisted-Pair Adapter (CTPA) or equivalent. When one end of the telephone twisted-pair is attached to a CTPA, the maximum wire length is 275m (900 ft.), the minimum wire length is 30.5m (100 ft.).

Category B devices can be driven a maximum of 610m (2,000 ft.) using RG-62A/U coaxial cable or 152m (500 ft.) using IBM Cabling System Type 1 or Type 2 media. (3284, 3286, and 3288 attach with coaxial cable only.)


The 3274 Model 21C communicates by BSC in data half-duplex mode with a System/3 over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities as follows:

  • System/3 Model 4 via BSCA
  • System/3 Model 8 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 10 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 12 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 15 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 15D via BSCA, BSCC, or LCA
Communications Facilities (System/3)

The 3274 Model 21C operates over data half-duplex mode on point-to-point or multipoint half-duplex or duplex nonswitched facilities at transmission speeds of 2000, 2400, 4800, 7200, and 9600 bps. See 2700 pages for facilities.

The 3274 Model 21C communicates with a S/370, 4300 or 9370 Processor using SDLC over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities to a 3704, 3705, or 3725 or via the Communications Adapter on the 4321, 4331 or 9370 (SNA/SDLC), or by BSC to a S/360, S/370, 4300 or 9370 Processor, over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities via (where applicable) a 2701, 2703, or a 3704, 3705, 3725 (see Note 1), or the Communications Adapter on a 4321 or 4331 or via the Telecommunications Subsystem Controller on the 9370 Processor.

Communications with a S/370 Model 115, 125, 135, or 138 can also be via the Integrated Communications Adapter (#4640) and appropriate BSC features on a 3115, 3125, 3135, or 3138.

SDLC is used in the 3274-21C conforms as a subset (unbalanced normal mode) of both the ISO HDLC and ANSI ADCCP standards. For details of this conformance, see "General Information Manual - IBM Synchronous Data Link Control", GA27-3093.

A 3274 Model 21C can be used with X.25 communications facilities by using Configuration Support P (#9116), or by customization with Configuration Support D (#9124) (release level 63.1 or higher). Appropriate hardware features must be installed to support the Configuration Support option being used. See "X.25 Support" under "Control Storage Functions" and the Configuration Support P and D descriptions for details.

Note: The 3725 is not connectable to a S/360.


For many 3274 Model 21C systems, response time is limited by transmission line speeds. For these cases, applicable line speed upgrades can be translated into immediate response time improvements. However, performance is also data stream dependent. Refer to IBM Aids for performance evaluation information.

Communications Facilities

The 3274 Model 21C communicates with a 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor using SDLC or BSC in half-duplex mode over duplex or half-duplex communication facilities to a 3720.

The 3274 Model 21C operates in half-duplex point-to-point multipoint mode on half-duplex or duplex facilities, using SDLC or BSC, at transmission speeds of (Canada only 2000) 2400/1200, 4800/2400, 7200/3600 and 9600/4800 bps on nonswitched facilities. See 2700 pages for facilities. For the UK, see the RPQ Manual, Section 7.

Multipoint and point-to-point communications at speeds up to 56K bps are also possible where facilities are available. In addition, communications through a 3705, or to the Local Attachment Interface #4801 on the 4331 or to an 8130/8140 Processor can be via direct connection without the need for communications facilities or modems. All communications at speeds greater than 9600 bps must use SDLC. See 3705, 4331, 8101, 8130 and 8140 pages for details.


Unless the 3274 Model 21C will be direct connected, an external Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) is required when the External Modem Interface (#3701) or CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) or CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655 or #5656) is installed.

For use with the S/3, unless a Digital Data Service (DDS) Adapter #5650 or #5651 is installed or an external modem must be attached to the 3274 Model 21C, External modems require the External Modem Interface (#3701). No external modem is required when attached locally to S/3 through BSCA/EIA Local, BSCC/EIA Local, LCA or ICA; however, External Modem Interface (#3701) is required.

Modem         Speed (bps)
3863 Model 1/2 2400/1200
3864 Model 1/2 4800/2400
3865 Model 1/2 9600/4800
3868 Model 1 2400/1200
3868 Model 2 4800/2400
3868 Model 3/4 9600/4800
3872 Model 1 2400/1200
5811 Model 10 2400/4800/ Limited
9600 Distance Modem
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Model 10
5865 Model 1 9600/7200
5866 Model 1 14.4K/12K
(5865 mode) 9600/7200
5868 Model 10 Rack mount
version of
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Switched network backup (SNBU) operation with Manual Call and Manual or Auto Answer is available on the 3872 Model 1.4-wire SNBU operation with Manual Call and Auto Answer is available on the 3863 Model 1, 3864 Model 1, and 3865 Models 1 and 2. For communications capabilities, product utilization and features, see 2700, 3863, 3864, 3865 and 3872 pages.

Direct Connection Attachment

In addition to host attachment via modems or other DCE, attachment can be made by direct connect, without the need for intervening DCE. The direct connect is made by using either the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the V.35 Interface (#1550), the corresponding host interface feature(s), and a connecting cable. Shown below are the hosts that provide direct connection attachment for the 3274. Only the basic features needed by the 3274 direct connect hosts are listed. These features may have prerequisites, therefore the machine pages for those hosts should also be reviewed. Physical planning manuals for the respective direct connect hosts can provide additional information on the connecting cables.

Model 21C

Host B D
Unit Speed Feature S L
Attach (bps) Number C C
------------ ------ - -
3705-1, 2, 80
14.4K,57.6K #4727 (1W) - x
14.4K,57.6K #4728 (1Z) - x
14.4K,57.6K #6715 (LS5) - x
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
38400 #4931 x x
55885 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
38400 #4942 - x
55885 #4942 - x
3725-1, 2, 3726
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
56000 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
56000 #4942 - x
4331 Model Grp 1 and 2
2400 #4801 x x
4800 #4801 x x
9600 #4801 x x
Maximum 3274
Unit Cable Feature
Attach Length Number
------- ---------- --------------
3705-1, 2, 80
57m (190') #1550, #6303
57m (190') #1550, #6303
60m (200') #1550, #6303
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
3725-1, 2, 3726
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
4331 Model Grp 1, 2
400m (1,312') #3701, #6302
200m (656') #3701, #6302
100m (328') #3701, #6302
or #6303
Communications Adapters (Model 21C)

Communications adapters handle the transmission control protocols (SDLC and BSC). One, and only one can be selected, but one is required on each 21C.

Communications Interfaces (Model 21C)

Communications interfaces connect a Model 21C to the host link. One and only one can be selected, but one is required.

Model Description 3274-21D Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 21D D21 For Local (3272 version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector or *block multiplexer channel, to a virtual storage S/370 processor, or a 4300 processor via a byte multiplexer or block multiplexer channel.

Note: Attachment to a non-DCC subchannel of a block multiplexer channel or to a selector channel is not recommended due to performance considerations which may yield less than maximum throughput.

Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21 or a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21X.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer
  • Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

Model 21s have 64K bytes of control storage and do not support all terminal features.

The basic Model 21s allow attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. Two types of terminal adapter features are offered to attach additional terminals. The two types can be ordered in various combinations to attach up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals -- a maximum of 16 of the terminals can be Category B terminals.

Control Storage Requirement Tables (Model 21D)

After the desired "Special Features" have been selected, the control storage requirement must be determined by using the appropriate table below. Some combinations of functions and features may exceed the capacity of the control storage in the Models 21A, 21C, 21D, and 51C without EFS.

  1. Refer to the appropriate part of Table 1 and select the features desired:
    • 3274 Model 21D, refer to Table 1, Part 4
  2. Determine the total storage requirements for the features selected in Step #1.
  3. If the total storage requirement calculated in Step #2 is equal to or less than 65,536, the Model 21 or 51C without EFS can be used. However, if step #2 storage requirement is greater than 65,536, the Model 21 Control Unit or Model 51C without EFS cannot be used and a Model 31 Control Unit or Model 51C with EFS is required.
Notes for Table 1 - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4
  1. Configuration Support A Consideration Only: If all three keyboard types (Typewriter, Data Entry, and Date Entry/Keypunch-like) are required on display stations attached to the 3274, add 1,000 to the storage requirements in addition to those listed in the table.
  2. There is no customizing option nor additional control storage required to support 10 Numeric-only Character Set for Operator Identification Card Reader (#4600) on 3277s (Category B terminals) which are attached to a 3274.
  3. If the total storage requirement calculated for Category A plus Category B Terminals exceeds the applicable maximum storage value below, use the applicable maximum storage:
  4.                      Maximum
    Unit Storage Value
    3274 Model 21D 13,144
  5. Add the indicated amount for each keyboard type to be used.
  6. A 6580 requires two terminal ports when it includes a printer.
Table 1 - Part 4
3274 Model 21D Reqts
Configuration Support A (#9110) 51,500
Category A terminals (Choose
1 to 8 terminals (included in
base) 0
1 to 16 terminals 2,048
1 to 24 terminals 4,096
1 to 32 terminals 6,144
Keyboards on Category A terminals
(select all that apply, choosing
at least one)(4)
Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180
Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621,
#4627, 3178 Model C2) 786
3191 Display Station 786
3192 Display Station 786
3270 Personal Computer Control
Unit Terminal Mode 786
5160 Model 589 (XT/370)
5170 Model 599 (AT/370)

Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622, 3178 Model C1) 786 Data Entry KP(1)(3278/3279-#4623) 786 Data Entry(1) (3180 Model 1-#4601) 786
Text (3278/3279-#4629) 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,560
Canadian French keyboards (any) 650 Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621, #4624, #4627, #4628) 1,042 Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622) 1,042 Data Entry KP(1)(3278/3279-#4623) 1,042 Data Entry(1) (3180 Mdl 1-#4601) 1,042 APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,816 Japanese Katakana Keyboards Typewriter (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#2715, #2717, 3178 Model C2) 1,304 Data Entry (3278/3279-#2716, 3178 Model C1) 1,304 Data Entry (3180 Model 1-#4601) 1,304 APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #2718) 2,072
Category B terminals (Choose one) (2,3) 1 to 4 terminals 8,024 1 to 8 terminals 9,048 1 to 12 terminals 10,072 1 to 16 terminals 11,096 APL/Text Control Function 6,300 Copy (Print Key Function) 2,700

3289 Text Print Control 512
Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 550 Magnetic Reader Control (3278/3279- #4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277 Like 10-Character Set 660 Numeric and Alphameric Character Sets 1,436 3279 Color Convergence 5,494

Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 21D, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3180 Model 130 (APL only), 3278s, 3262s (text only), 3268 Model 2 and 2C, 3279s, 3287 attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903), 4224s and 4234.

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284s, 3286s or 3286s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 21D, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 21D, enables the copying of the screen contents of an attached 3178, 3179, 3180 Model 1, 3278, or 3279 to an attached 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 through use of the Local Print Key on the display keyboard. This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Models 21A, 21B, 21C/SNA, 31A and 31C/SNA. The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 attached to a 3274 Model 21A, 21C/SNA, 31A or 31C/SNA is also provided as basic. In addition, the 3274 Model 21C/BSC and 31C/BSC supports the 3270 host Copy command as basic.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
---------- ------- ---------
21D Cust. Not
Option Appl.
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s and 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

(On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Keyboard Definition Utility: This precustomizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631.

Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

Model Description 3274-31A Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 31A A31 For local (SNA version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector, or *block multiplexer channel, to a S/370, 30XX processor; or a 4300 Processor via a byte multiplexer or multiplexer channel.

Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21 or a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21X. Attachment to 3274 Models 31C and 51C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer
  • IBM Personal Computer XT with XT/370 Option: IBM Personal Computer XT
  • Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

Model 31s have 128K bytes of control storage and do support all terminal features, except for limitations on some feature combinations for Models 31A, 31C/SNA, and 51C (with EFS)/SNA (see "Special Considerations" table with the "Configuration Support Requirements Tables"].

The basic Model 31s allow attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. Two types of terminal adapter features are offered to attach additional terminals. The two types can be ordered in various combinations to attach up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals -- a maximum of 16 of the terminals can be Category B terminals.

Control Storage Requirement Tables (Models 31A)

After the desired "Special Features" have been selected, the control storage requirement must be determined by using the appropriate table below. If the sum of the storage requirements is greater than 65,536, a Model 31 with EFS Control Unit is required. The Model 31s with EFS can run any combination of functions and features, except as noted under the "Special Consideration - Model 31A, that follows after the tables.

Special Consideration - Model 31A: When using Configuration Support C (#9112) on a Model 31A, it is necessary to ensure that the desired combination of features and functions forms a valid configuration.

Notes for Table 2

  1. Refer to the appropriate table of control storage requirements, and select the desired features and functions
    1. For 3274 Model 31A, use Table 2, Part 1. Part 2.
  2. Determine the total storage requirements for the features and functions selected in step 1.
  3. If the total storage requirement exceeds 71,680, one or more features must be forfeited in order to reduce the control storage requirements to 71,680 or less.
  4. SCS printer support is required for DCA-LV2 word processing applications. This support also required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 31A, for applications that utilize the Cut Sheet Feed Attachment (#7860), when operating with two drawers.
  5. Configuration Support C #9112 is required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 31A SNA for support of word processing applications. This includes those applications which utilize the Cut Sheet Feed Attachment (#7860), when operating with two drawers.
Table 2 - Part 1
3274 Model 31A Reqts
Configuration Support C 50,030
Category B Terminals 4,900
Host-Loadable Printer
Authorization Matrix 500
Between Bracket Printer Sharing 800
SCS Printer Support (3287 -
#9660/#9661)(Note 1)
(3262, 3268,
(and 4214 in EMEA only)
4224, 4234 and 4245
- basic function)(Note 2)
(3289 - basic function) (5210 Model
G1, G2 basic function - #4, #5)
(4245 Models D12 and D20 (supported
as a 3262 Model 3)) (4250 - basic
function)(Note 3) 1,600
Magnetic Reader Control (3278/
3279-#4999), choose one:
3275/3277 like 10 Character Set 600
Numeric/Alphameric Char. Sets 1,630
Color Convergence (base or
extended color) 4,296
Structured Field and Attribute
Processing (SFAP) (Required for
Extended Color, Extended High-
lighting, Programmed Symbols, and
the Query Function 4,950
Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700
Decompression of PS Load Data 900
Alert Function 2,544
Response Time Monitor 4,488
IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support (3278/3279-#5315, #5316/ #5325, #5326) 3,200


  1. The SFAP function is also required when the SCS Support for SFAP (#9661) feature is to be used on 3287 Models 1, 2, 1C or 2C.
  2. The SFAP function is also required when the Query function is used with 3262 Models 3 and 13, 3268 Model 2, (4214 Model 1 in EMEA), 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, or 2C2, 4234 Model 1 and 4245 Models D12 and D20. The Query function allows the application to interrogate the printer to determine what function is supported.
  3. For 4250 attachment to 3274 Model 31A, the SFAP function is also required.
Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31A, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3180 Model 130 (APL only), 3278s, 3262s (text only), 3268 Model 2 and 2C, 3279s, 3287 attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903), 4224s and 4234.

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284s, 3286s or 3286s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 31A, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function: This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Model 31A. The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 is also provided as basic.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
---------- ----- ---------
31A Basic Basic
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Between Bracket Printer Sharing Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31A, enables attached 3268s, 3287s, 3289s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234, 4245s and 5210s to be used as Local Copy output devices for the screen contents of attached 3178s, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, and 3279s, when the printers are Between Brackets with the host application program. Printers are available for Local Copy operations only when they are not in session with an application program if this option is not selected.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s and 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31A, reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display, when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Response Time Monitor: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 31A, provides the capability for enhanced network management by accurately measuring transaction times. Response times are collected in up to four user-defined levels. Response time end-definition is defined by the user and can be one of the following: First Character, Keyboard Usable, or Change Direction/End Bracket (SNA only). The response time information can be displayed at a user-designated display station attached to the 3274. Prerequisites: #6101.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631.

Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Model Description 3274-31C Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 31C C31 For communicating in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or duplex communications facilities with the following:

  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via 3704, 3705, or 3725 (or via the Communications Adapter feature on the 4321 or 4331 or via Telecommunications Subsystems Controller on the 9370), using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA).
  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via (where applicable) 2701, 2703, a 3704, 3705, or 3725, or a Communications Adapter feature on the 4321, 4331 or a Telecommunications Subsystem Controller on the 9370, using BSC.
  • S/370 Models 115, 125, 135 and 138 via Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) using BSC.
  • S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195 via 2701, 2703, or a 3704 or 3705 using BSC.
  • 4331/4361 Processor - The Model 51C can also attach to a 4331 via a direct- or data link-attached loop using SDLC.
  • A 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor via 3720 using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA) or BSC.
  • 8100 Information System - The Model 51C can attach using SDLC via a data link or a direct-attached or data link-attached loop.
IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, except 21x, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4214 Model 1: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21 or a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21X. Attachment to 3274 Models 31C and 51C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer
  • Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

Model 31s have 128K bytes of control storage and do support all terminal features, except for limitations on some feature combinations for Models 31C/SNA (with EFS)/SNA (see "Special Considerations" table with the "Configuration Support Requirements Tables"].

The basic Model 31s allow attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. Two types of terminal adapter features are offered to attach additional terminals. The two types can be ordered in various combinations to attach up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals -- a maximum of 16 of the terminals can be Category B terminals.

Note: The 3274 Models 31C are functionally equivalent to the 3274 Model 1C.

Control Storage Requirement Tables (Models 31C)

After the desired "Special Features" have been selected, the control storage requirement must be determined by using the appropriate table below. If the sum of the storage requirements is greater than 65,536, a Model 31 is required. The Model 31s can run any combination of functions and features, except as noted under the "Special Consideration - Model 31C, that follows after the tables.

Special Consideration - Model 31C: When using Configuration Support C (#9112) on a Model 31C with EFS, it is necessary to ensure that the desired combination of features and functions forms a valid configuration.

Notes for Table 2 - Parts 1, 2, 3

  1. Refer to the appropriate table of control storage requirements, and select the desired features and functions
    1. For 3274 Model 31C or 51C with EFS using SNA protocol, use Table 2, Part 2.
    2. For 3274 Model 31C using BSC protocol, use Table 2, Part 3.
  2. Determine the total storage requirements for the features and functions selected in step 1.
  3. If the total storage requirement exceeds 71,680, one or more features must be forfeited in order to reduce the control storage requirements to 71,680 or less.
  4. SCS printer support is required for DCA-LV2 word processing applications. This support also required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 31C SNA for applications that utilize the Cut Sheet Feed Attachment (#7860), when operating with two drawers.
  5. Configuration Support C #9112 is required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 31C SNA for support of word processing applications. This includes those applications which utilize the Cut Sheet Feed Attachment (#7860), when operating with two drawers.
Table 2 - Part 2
3274 Model 31C/SNA                   Stg
Configuration Support C 50,580
Category B Terminals 4,900
Host-Loadable Printer
Authorization Matrix 500
Between Bracket Printer Sharing 800
SCS Printer Support (3287 - #9660/
#9661)(Note 1)
(3262, 3268, (and 4214 in EMEA)
4224, 4234 and 4245
- basic function)(Note 3)
(3289 - basic
function) (5210 - basic function
- #4, #5) 1,600
Mag Rdr Control (3278/3279-
#4999), choose one:
3275/3277-like 10-Character Sets 600
Num & Alpha Character Sets 1,630
Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) 3,200
Color Convergence (base or
extended color) 4,296
Structured Field and Attribute
Processing (Note 2 for US and EMEA only) (SFAP)
(EBCDIC only) (Required for
Extended Color, Extended High-
lighting, Programmed Symbols,
and the Query Function) 4,950
Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700
Decompression of PS Load Data 900
Alert Function 2,544
Response Time Monitor 4,488
High-Performance Communications
Adapter (#6303) 600
IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support (3278/3279-#5315, #5316/ #5325, #5326) 3,200
X.21 Switched Network Operation (Model 51C) 6,500 Loop Attachment (EBCDIC only, Model 51C) 3,200
  1. The SFAP function is also required when the SCS support for SFAP (#9661) feature is to be used on 3287 Models 1, 2, 1C or 2C.
  2. Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.
  3. The SFAP function is also required when the Query Function is used with 3262 Models 3 and 13, 3268 Model 2s, (and 4214 Model 1 in EMEA), 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, or 2C2 4234 Model 1 and 4245 Models D12 and D20. The Query Function allows the application to interrogate the printer to determine what functions are supported.

Table 2 - Part 3

3274 Model 31C/BSC                   Stg
Configuration Support C 47,150
Category B terminals 4,700
Host-Loadable Printer
Authorization Matrix 550
Copy (Print Key Function) 2,700
Magnetic Reader Control (3278-
#4999) (Choose one)
3275/3277-like 10-character set 600
Numeric & Alphameric Char. Set 1,630
Color Convergence (Base or
Extended Color) 4,296
Structured Field and Attribute
Processing (SFAP) (EBCDIC only) 4,950
Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700
Decompression 900
Response Time Monitor 2,016
IBM Personal Computer Attachment
Support (3278/3279-#5315, #5316/
#5325, #5326) 3,200
Any Canadian French Keyboard 500
Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31C, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3180 Model 130 (APL only), 3278s, 3262s (text only), 3268 Model 2 and 2C, 3279s, 3287 attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903), 4224s and 4234.

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284s, 3286s or 3286s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 31C, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31C/BSC enables the copying of the screen contents of an attached 3178, 3179, 3180 Model 1, 3278, or 3279 to an attached 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 through use of the Local Print Key on the display keyboard. This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Model 31C/SNA. The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 attached to a 3274 Model 31C/SNA is also provided as basic. In addition, the 3274 Model 31C/BSC supports the 3270 host Copy command as basic.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
----------- ----- ----------
31C/BSC Cust. Basic
31C/SNA Basic Basic
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Between Bracket Printer Sharing Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Mode 31C/SNA, enables attached 3268s, 3287s, 3289s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234, 4245s and 5210s to be used as Local Copy output devices for the screen contents of attached 3178s, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, and 3279s, when the printers are Between Brackets with the host application program. Printers are available for Local Copy operations only when they are not in session with an application program if this option is not selected.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s and 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

(On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization on SNA Models of the 31C, reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display, when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Response Time Monitor: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 31C, provides the capability for enhanced network management by accurately measuring transaction times. Response times are collected in up to four user-defined levels. Response time end-definition is defined by the user and can be one of the following: First Character, Keyboard Usable, or Change Direction/End Bracket (SNA only). The response time information can be displayed at a user-designated display station attached to the 3274. Prerequisites: #6101.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631.

Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Terminal Attachment

Either RG-62A/U coaxial cable, IBM Cabling System media or specified telephone twisted-pair wire (IBM Cabling System Type 3 media) can be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. (3289 attaches with coaxial cable only.) Depending on the type of wire used, the distance between the 3274 and its attached terminals can be up to 1,500m (4,920 ft.); when a 3299 is used, the maximum distance can be up to 3,000m (9,840 ft.). The 3274 ports use BNC connectors and require a balun cable assembly to connect terminals via IBM Cabling System Types 1, 2, or 9 media. A balun assembly may also be required at the terminal. (Refer to the appropriate terminal pages.) The number of balun assemblies reduces the maximum allowable wire lengths as shown below.

3274 Category A Terminal Attachment Maximum Lengths:

| | |IBM Cabling System |
| |RG-62A/U | Media |
| |Coaxial |--------------------|
|Number| Cable |Types 1 & 2|Type 9 |
| of |------------------------------|
|Baluns| m |ft. | m | ft. | m |ft. |
| 0 |1500|4920|N/A | N/A |N/A|N/A |
| 1 |N/A |N/A |1000| 3280 |667|2186|
| 2 |N/A |N/A | 610| 2000 |406|1333|
IBM Cabling System Type 3 media (specified telephone twisted-pair wire) can also be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. Connection to the telephone twisted-pair can be via an IBM/ROLM Coax of Twisted-Pair Adapter (CTPA) or equivalent. When one end of the telephone twisted-pair is attached to a CTPA, the maximum wire length is 275m (900 ft.), the minimum wire length is 30.5m (100 ft.).

Category B devices can be driven a maximum of 610m (2,000 ft.) using RG-62A/U coaxial cable or 152m (500 ft.) using IBM Cabling System Type 1 or Type 2 media. (3284, 3286, and 3288 attach with coaxial cable only.)


The 3274 Model 31C communicates by BSC in data half-duplex mode with a System/3 over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities as follows:

  • System/3 Model 4 via BSCA
  • System/3 Model 8 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 10 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 12 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 15 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 15D via BSCA, BSCC, or LCA
Communications Facilities (System/3)

The 3274 Model 31C operates over data half-duplex mode on point-to-point or multipoint half-duplex or duplex nonswitched facilities at transmission speeds of 2000, 2400, 4800, 7200, and 9600 bps. See 2700 pages for facilities.

The 3274 Model 31C communicates with a S/370, 4300 or 9370 Processor using SDLC over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities to a 3704, 3705, or 3725 or via the Communications Adapter on the 4321, 4331 or 9370 (SNA/SDLC), or by BSC to a S/360, S/370, 4300 or 9370 Processor, over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities via (where applicable) a 2701, 2703, or a 3704, 3705, 3725 (see Note 1), or the Communications Adapter on a 4321 or 4331 or via the Telecommunications Subsystem Controller on the 9370 Processor.

Communications with a S/370 Model 115, 125, 135, or 138 can also be via the Integrated Communications Adapter (#4640) and appropriate BSC features on a 3115, 3125, 3135, or 3138.

SDLC is used in the 3274-31C conforms as a subset (unbalanced normal mode) of both the ISO HDLC and ANSI ADCCP standards. For details of this conformance, see "General Information Manual - IBM Synchronous Data Link Control", GA27-3093.

A 3274 Model 31C can be used with X.25 communications facilities by using Configuration Support P (#9116), or by customization with Configuration Support D (#9124) (release level 63.1 or higher). Appropriate hardware features must be installed to support the Configuration Support option being used. See "X.25 Support" under "Control Storage Functions" and the Configuration Support P and D descriptions for details.

Note: The 3725 is not connectable to a S/360.


For many 3274 Model 31C systems, response time is limited by transmission line speeds. For these cases, applicable line speed upgrades can be translated into immediate response time improvements. However, performance is also data stream dependent. Refer to IBM Aids for performance evaluation information.

Communications Facilities

The 3274 Model 31C communicates with a 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor using SDLC or BSC in half-duplex mode over duplex or half-duplex communication facilities to a 3720.

The 3274 Model 31C operates in half-duplex point-to-point multipoint mode on half-duplex or duplex facilities, using SDLC or BSC, at transmission speeds of (Canada only 2000) 2400/1200, 4800/2400, 7200/3600 and 9600/4800 bps on nonswitched facilities. For the UK, see the RPQ Manual, Section 7.

Multipoint and point-to-point communications at speeds up to 56K bps are also possible where facilities are available. In addition, communications through a 3705, or to the Local Attachment Interface #4801 on the 4331 or to an 8130/8140 Processor can be via direct connection without the need for communications facilities or modems. All communications at speeds greater than 9600 bps must use SDLC. See 3705, 4331, 8101, 8130 and 8140 pages for details.


Unless the 3274 Model 31C will be direct connected, an external Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) is required when the External Modem Interface (#3701) or CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) or CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655 or #5656) is installed.

For use with the S/3, unless a Digital Data Service (DDS) Adapter #5650 or #5651 is installed or an external modem must be attached to the 3274 Model 31C. External modems require the External Modem Interface (#3701). No external modem is required when attached locally to S/3 through BSCA/EIA Local, BSCC/EIA Local, LCA or ICA; however, External Modem Interface (#3701) is required.

Modem         Speed (bps)
3863 Model 1/2 2400/1200
3864 Model 1/2 4800/2400
3865 Model 1/2 9600/4800
3868 Model 1 2400/1200
3868 Model 2 4800/2400
3868 Model 3/4 9600/4800
3872 Model 1 2400/1200
5811 Model 10 2400/4800/ Limited
9600 Distance Modem
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Model 10
5865 Model 1 9600/7200
5866 Model 1 14.4K/12K
(5865 mode) 9600/7200
5868 Model 10 Rack mount
version of
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Switched network backup (SNBU) operation with Manual Call and Manual or Auto Answer is available on the 3872 Model 1.4-wire SNBU operation with Manual Call and Auto Answer is available on the 3863 Model 1, 3864 Model 1, and 3865 Models 1 and 2. For communications capabilities, product utilization and features, see 2700, 3863, 3864, 3865 and 3872 pages.

Direct Connection Attachment

In addition to host attachment via modems or other DCE, attachment can be made by direct connect, without the need for intervening DCE. The direct connect is made by using either the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the V.35 Interface (#1550), the corresponding host interface feature(s), and a connecting cable. Shown below are the hosts that provide direct connection attachment for the 3274. Only the basic features needed by the 3274 direct connect hosts are listed. These features may have prerequisites, therefore the machine pages for those hosts should also be reviewed. Physical planning manuals for the respective direct connect hosts can provide additional information on the connecting cables.

Model 31C

Host B D
Unit Speed Feature S L
Attach (bps) Number C C
------------ ------ - -
3705-1, 2, 80
14.4K,57.6K #4727 (1W) - x
14.4K,57.6K #4728 (1Z) - x
14.4K,57.6K #6715 (LS5) - x
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
38400 #4931 x x
55885 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
38400 #4942 - x
55885 #4942 - x
3725-1, 2, 3726
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
56000 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
56000 #4942 - x
4331 Model Grp 1 and 2
2400 #4801 x x
4800 #4801 x x
9600 #4801 x x
Maximum 3274
Unit Cable Feature
Attach Length Number
------- ---------- --------------
3705-1, 2, 80
57m (190') #1550, #6303
57m (190') #1550, #6303
60m (200') #1550, #6303
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302

150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
3725-1, 2, 3726
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
4331 Model Grp 1, 2
400m (1,312') #3701, #6302
200m (656') #3701, #6302
100m (328') #3701, #6302
or #6303
Communications Adapters (Model 31C)

Communications adapters handle the transmission control protocols (SDLC and BSC). One, and only one can be selected, but one is required on each 31C.

Communications Interfaces (Model 31C)

Communications interfaces connect a Model 31C to the host link. One and only one can be selected, but one is required.

Model Description 3274-21D Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 31D D31 For Local (3272 version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector or *block multiplexer channel, to a virtual storage S/370 processor, or a 4300 processor via a byte multiplexer or block multiplexer channel.

Note: Attachment to a non-DCC subchannel of a block multiplexer channel or to a selector channel is not recommended due to performance considerations which may yield less than maximum throughput.

Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21 or a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21X. Attachment to 3274 Models 31C and 51C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer

  • * Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

Model 31s have 128K bytes of control storage and do support all terminal features.

The basic Model 31s allow attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. Two types of terminal adapter features are offered to attach additional terminals. The two types can be ordered in various combinations to attach up to a maximum cluster of 32 terminals -- a maximum of 16 of the terminals can be Category B terminals.

Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31D, expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3180 Model 130 (APL only), 3278s, 3262s (text only), 3268 Model 2 and 2C, 3279s, 3287 attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903), 4224s and 4234.

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284s, 3286s or 3286s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model d1D, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31D, enables the copying of the screen contents of an attached 3178, 3179, 3180 Model 1, 3278, or 3279 to an attached 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 through use of the Local Print Key on the display keyboard.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
----------- ------- ---------
31D Cust. Not
Option Appl.
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s and 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

(On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Response Time Monitor: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 31D, provides the capability for enhanced network management by accurately measuring transaction times. Response times are collected in up to four user-defined levels. Response time end-definition is defined by the user and can be one of the following: First Character, Keyboard Usable, or Change Direction/End Bracket (SNA only). The response time information can be displayed at a user-designated display station attached to the 3274. Prerequisites: #6101.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631.

Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Model Description 3274-41A Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090, 9370 processors, and the 8100 Information System. The Models 41A, and 41D are for local channel attachment. The Models 41C, and 61C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full-duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 41A A41

For local (SNA version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector, or *block multiplexer channel, to a S/370, 30XX processor; or a 4300 Processor via a byte multiplexer or multiplexer channel.

Attachable Terminals:

Note: For information regarding the attaching of a 3812 to the 3274 see 3812 pages.

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 4)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for Models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290: Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 1 and 2)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 3): Displaywriter System
Model 41A control units have 192K bytes of control storage and support all terminal features.

The basic Model 41A control units allow attachment of 32 Category A terminals.


  1. Two terminal ports are required to attach a 6580 which includes a printer. Model C3, C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  2. All 4224 Printer models support the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
  3. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at Release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support information; refer them to 3274 RETAIN TIP #756.
  4. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 41A.
  5. For information regarding the attaching of a 3816 Page Printer to the 3274, see 3816 pages.
Control Storage Functions: Control storage functions are the non-Specify, non-Feature, non-Machine configuration options. For details on any of these functions refer to the following manuals:
  • GA23-0061 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Description and Programmer's Guide
  • GA23-0065 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Customizing Guide, GA23-0065
Since information on recently announced function(s) may not yet be available in your manuals, a description of these function(s) is presented below:

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 41A, reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Response Time Monitor: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 41A, provides the capability for enhanced network management by accurately measuring transaction times. Response times are collected in up to four user-defined buckets. Response time end-definition is defined by the user and can be one of the following: First Character, Keyboard Usable, or Change Direction/End Bracket (SNA only). The response time information can be displayed at a user designated display station attached to the 3274. Prerequisites: #6101.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179, 3180 Model 1, (and in the US 3191 Model A10, B10 A30, B30, D10, D30, L30, LZ0, and 3192 Model C10, C30, D10, D30, F10, FD0, F30, FF0, L10, L30); (and in all countries except US 3191 Model A1X, B1X, D1X, F1X); (and in AP, Canada, IBM LA A3X, B3X, D3X, F3X); (and in EMEA 3192 Model C1X, D1X, F1X, L1X; (and in all countries except US and EMEA 3192 Model C1X, C3X, D1X, D3X, L1X, L3X). The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: None.

Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) Support: IPDS is a structured field approach to management and control of printer processes and is designed to allow the presentation of text, raster images, vector graphics, bar codes and previously stored overlays at any point on a page.

IPDS commands within the data stream enable the host processor to control and manage the downloading of fonts, symbol sets, and stored objects, such as overlays and page segments. The printer can later use these stored objects to construct a printed page. IPDS can significantly reduce the load on the host processor and the number of characters transmitted to the printer in many advanced printing applications. Prerequisites: Configuration Support D at release level 65. Printers capable of IPDS will be supported by both SNA (LU-1 only) and non-SNA control units. Under non-SNA, IPDS is carried encapsulated in the DSC (3270) data stream. IPDS depends on programming support outside of the 3274 Control Units.

Model Description 3274-41C Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090, 9370 processors, and the 8100 Information System. The Models 41A, and 41D are for local channel attachment. The Models 41C, and 61C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full-duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 41C C41

For communicating in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or duplex communications facilities with the following:

  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via 3704, 3705, or 3725 (or via the Communications Adapter feature on the 4321, 4331 or a Telecommunication Subsystem Controller on the 9370), using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA).
  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via (where applicable) 2701, 2703, a 3704, 3705 or 3725, or a Communications Adapter feature on the 4321, 4331 or a Telecommunication Subsystem Controller on the 9370, using Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC).
  • S/370 Models 115, 125, 135 and 138 via Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) using BSC.
  • S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195 via 2701, 2703, or a 3704 or 3705 using BSC.
  • 4331/4361 Processor - The Model 61C can also attach to a 4331 via a direct- or data link-attached loop using SDLC.
  • A 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor via 3720 using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA) or BSC.
  • 8100 Information System - The Model 61C can attach using SDLC via a data link or a direct-attached or data link-attached loop.
Attachable Terminals:

Note: For information regarding the attaching of a 3812 to the 3274 see 3812 pages.

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 4)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for Models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290: Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 1 and 2)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 3): Displaywriter System
Model 41A, 41C, 41D and 61C control units have 192K bytes of control storage and support all terminal features.

The basic Model 41A, 41C and 41D control units allow attachment of 32 Category A terminals.


  1. Attachment to 3274 Models 41C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  2. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, be used IBM be contacted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  3. Two terminal ports are required to attach a 6580 which includes a printer. Model C3, C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  4. All 4224 Printer models support the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
  5. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at Release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support information; refer them to 3274 RETAIN TIP #756.
  6. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 41A.
  7. For information regarding the attaching of a 3816 Page Printer to the 3274, see 3816 pages.
Control Storage Functions: Control storage functions are the non-Specify, non-Feature, non-Machine configuration options. For details on any of these functions refer to the following manuals:
  • GA23-0061 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Description and Programmer's Guide
  • GA23-0065 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Customizing Guide, GA23-0065
Since information on recently announced function(s) may not yet be available in your manuals, a description of these function(s) is presented below:

X.25 Support: (Models 41C) This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 41C or 61C, provides for attachment to X.25 data transmission services having an interface which complies with Recommendation X.25 (Geneva 1980) of the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT). IBM conformance to this X.25 interface is defined in "IBM General Information Manual - The X.25 Interface for Attaching IBM SNA nodes to Packet-Switched Data Networks", GA27-3345. Keyboard labels on attached 3178s, 3278s or 3279s keyboards and display screen indicators are provided for operator reference during the calling, data exchange, and disconnecting phases. Although a 3290 cannot be used to establish X.25 operations, a 3290 can be used normally on a 3274 using X.25. See "X.25 Keyboard Labels" under "Accessories" for details on the labels required for selected keyboards on terminals connected to a 3274 attached to a X.25 communications facility. Limitations: Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) is mutually exclusive with 3274 X.25 capability. The cryptographic feature cannot be used with X.25 operation. Prerequisites: (1) Configuration Support D at release level 63.1 or higher. (2) SNA/SDLC protocol. (3) Configuration Support D requires 256K of control storage (#3660) to support X.25. (4) One of the following Communications Interfaces: #3701, #5655 or #1550.

Note: The maximum line speed supported with any of these Communications Interface features is 9600 bps with X.25. The Communications Interface feature required depends upon the physical interface provided by the network. (5) #6303.

3274 Entry Assist This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 41C/SNA, reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Response Time Monitor: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 41C, provides the capability for enhanced network management by accurately measuring transaction times. Response times are collected in up to four user-defined buckets. Response time end-definition is defined by the user and can be one of the following: First Character, Keyboard Usable, or Change Direction/End Bracket (SNA only). The response time information can be displayed at a user designated display station attached to the 3274. Prerequisites: #6101.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179, 3180 Model 1, (and in the US 3191 Model A10, B10 A30, B30, D10, D30, L30, LZ0, and 3192 Model C10, C30, D10, D30, F10, FD0, F30, FF0, L10, L30); (and in all countries except US 3191 Model A1X, B1X, D1X, F1X); (and in AP, Canada, IBM LA A3X, B3X, D3X, F3X); (and in EMEA 3192 Model C1X, D1X, F1X, L1X; (and in all countries except US and EMEA 3192 Model C1X, C3X, D1X, D3X, L1X, L3X). The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: None.

Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) Support: IPDS is a structured field approach to management and control of printer processes and is designed to allow the presentation of text, raster images, vector graphics, bar codes and previously stored overlays at any point on a page.

IPDS commands within the data stream enable the host processor to control and manage the downloading of fonts, symbol sets, and stored objects, such as overlays and page segments. The printer can later use these stored objects to construct a printed page. IPDS can significantly reduce the load on the host processor and the number of characters transmitted to the printer in many advanced printing applications. Prerequisites: Configuration Support D at release level 65. Printers capable of IPDS will be supported by both SNA (LU-1 only) and non-SNA control units. Under non-SNA, IPDS is carried encapsulated in the DSC (3270) data stream. IPDS depends on programming support outside of the 3274 Control Units.

Terminal Attachment

Either RG-62A/U coaxial cable, IBM Cabling System media or specified telephone twisted-pair wire (IBM Cabling System Type 3 media) can be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. (3289 attaches with coaxial cable only.) Depending on the type of wire used, the distance between the 3274 and its attached terminals can be up to 1,500m (4,920 ft.); when a 3299 is used, the maximum distance can be up to 3,000m (9,840 ft.). The 3274 ports use BNC connectors and require a balun cable assembly to connect terminals via IBM Cabling System Types 1, 2, or 9 media. A balun assembly may also be required at the terminal. (Refer to the appropriate terminal pages.) The number of balun assemblies reduces the maximum allowable wire lengths as shown below.

3274 Category A Terminal Attachment Maximum Lengths:

| | |IBM Cabling System |
| |RG-62A/U | Media |
| |Coaxial |--------------------|
|Number| Cable |Types 1 & 2|Type 9 |
| of |------------------------------|
|Baluns| m |ft. | m | ft. | m |ft. |
| 0 |1500|4920|N/A | N/A |N/A|N/A |
| 1 |N/A |N/A |1000| 3280 |667|2186|
| 2 |N/A |N/A | 610| 2000 |406|1333|
IBM Cabling System Type 3 media (specified telephone twisted-pair wire) can also be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. Connection to the telephone twisted-pair can be via an IBM/ROLM Coax of Twisted-Pair Adapter (CTPA) or equivalent. When one end of the telephone twisted-pair is attached to a CTPA, the maximum wire length is 275m (900 ft.), the minimum wire length is 30.5m (100 ft.).


The 3274 Model 41C communicates by BSC in data half-duplex mode with a System/3 over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities as follows:

  • System/3 Model 4 via BSCA
  • System/3 Model 8 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 10 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 12 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 15 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 15D via BSCA, BSCC, or LCA
The 3274 Model 41C communicates with a 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor using SDLC or BSC in half-duplex mode over duplex or half-duplex communication facilities to a 3720.

The 3274 Model 41C communicates with a S/370 or 4300 Processor using SDLC over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities to a 3704, 3705, or 3725 or via the Communications Adapter on the 4321/4331/4361 (SNA/SDLC), or by BSC to a S/360, S/370 or 4300 Processor, over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities via (where applicable) a 2701, 2703, or a 3704, 3705, 3725 (the 3725 is not connectable to the S/360), or the communications Adapter on a 4321 or 4331.

Communications with a S/370 Model 115, 125, 135, or 138 can also be via the Integrated Communications Adapter (#4640) and appropriate BSC features on a 3115, 3125, 3135, or 3138.

SDLC as used in the 3274 Model 41C conforms to a subset (unbalanced normal mode) of both the ISO HDLC and ANSI ADCCP standards. For details of this conformance, see "General Information Manual, IBM Synchronous Data Link Control", GA27-3093.

A 3274 Model 41C can be used with X.25 communications facilities by customization with Configuration Support D (release level 63.1 or higher). Appropriate hardware features must be installed to support Configuration Support D operation with X.25. See "X.25 Support" under "Control Storage Functions" and Configuration Support D description for details.


For many 3274 Model 41C systems, response time is limited by transmission line speeds. For these cases, applicable line speed upgrades can be translated into immediate response time improvements. However, performance is also data stream-dependent. Refer to IBM Aids for performance evaluation information.

Communications Facilities (System/3)

The 3274 Model 41C operates over data half-duplex mode on point-to-point or multipoint half-duplex or duplex nonswitched facilities at transmission speeds of 1200 (51C only), 2000, 2400, 4800, 7200, and 9600 bps. See 2700 pages for facilities.

Communications Facilities

The 3274 Model 41C operates in half-duplex point-to-point or multipoint mode on half-duplex or duplex facilities, using SDLC or BSC, at transmission speeds of 1200, (and 2000 in US and Canada), 2400/1200, 4800/2400, 7200/3600 and 9600/4800 bps on nonswitched facilities. For the UK, see the "RPQ Manual", Section 7.

Multipoint and point-to-point communications at speeds up to 56K bps are also possible where facilities are available. In addition, communications through a 3705, 3720, 3721, 3725, 3726 or to the Local Attachment Interface #4801 on the 4331 or to an 8130/8140 Processor can be via direct connection without the need for communications facilities or modems. All communications at speeds greater than 9600 bps must use SDLC. See 3705, 3720, 3721, 3725, 3726, 4331, 8101, 8130 and 8140 pages for details.


Unless the 3274 Model 41C will be direct connected, an external Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) is required when the External Modem Interface (#3701) or CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) or CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655 or #5656) is installed.

For use with the S/3, unless a Digital Data Service (DDS) Adapter #5650 or #5651 is installed, a 1200 bps integrated modem feature #5500 (51C only) or an external modem must be attached to the 3274 Model 41C. External modems require the External Modem Interface #3701. No external modem is required when attached locally to System/3 through BSCA/EIA Local, BSCC/EIA Local, LCA or ICA; however, External Modem Interface #3701 is required.

Modem         Speed (bps)
-------------- ---------------
3863 Model 1/2 2400/1200
3864 Model 1/2 4800/2400
3865 Model 1/2 9600/4800
3868 Model 1 2400/1200
3868 Model 2 4800/2400
3868 Model 3/4 9600/4800
3872 Model 1 2400/1200
5811 Model 10 2400/4800/ Limited
9600 Distance Modem
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Model 10
5865 Model 1 9600/7200
5866 Model 1 14.4K/12K
(5865 mode) 9600/7200
5868 Model 10 Rack mount
version of
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Switched network backup (SNBU) operation with Manual Call and Manual or Auto Answer is available on the 3872 Model 1. 4-wire SNBU operation with Manual Call and Auto Answer is available on the 3863 Model 1, 3864 Model 1, and 3865 Models 1 and 2. For communications capabilities, product utilization and features, see 2700, 3863, 3864, 3865 and 3872 pages.

Direct Connection Attachment

In addition to host attachment via modems or other data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), attachment can be made by direct connect, without the need for intervening DCE. The direct connect is made by using either the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the V.35 Interface (#1550), the corresponding host interface feature(s), and a connecting cable. Shown below are the hosts that provide direct connection attachment for the 3274. Only the basic features needed by the 3274 direct connect hosts are listed. These features may have prerequisites, therefore the machine pages for those hosts should also be reviewed. Physical planning manuals for the respective direct connect hosts can provide additional information on the connecting cables.

Host B D
Unit Speed Feature S L
Attach (bps) Number C C
------ ----------- ---------- - -
3705-1, 2, 80
14.4K,57.6K #4727 (1W) - x
14.4K,57.6K #4728 (1Z) - x
14.4K,57.6K #6715 (LS5) - x
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
38400 #4931 x x
55885 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
38400 #4942 - x
55885 #4942 - x
3725-1, 2, 3726
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
56000 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
56000 #4942 - x
4331 Model Grp 1, 2
2400 4801 x x
4800 4801 x x
9600 4801 x x
Unit Max Cable Feature
Attach Length Number
------ ----------- ------------
3705-1, 2, 80
57m (190') #1550, #6303
57m (190') #1550, #6303
60m (200') #1550, #6303
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
3725-1, 2, 3726
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
4331 Model Grp 1, 2
400m (1,312') #3701, #6302
200m (656') #3701, #6302
100m (328') #3701, #6302,
Communications Adapters

Model 41C Communications adapters handle the transmission control protocols (SDLC and BSC). One, and only one can be selected, but one is required on each 41C.

Communications Interfaces

Communications interfaces connect a Model 41C to the host link. One and only one, can be selected, but one is required.

Model Description 3274-41D Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090, 9370 processors, and the 8100 Information System. The Models 41A, and 41D are for local channel attachment. The Models 41C, and 61C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full-duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 41D D41

For Local (3272 version) attachment, via a byte multiplexer, selector or *block multiplexer channel, to a virtual storage S/370 processor, or a 4300 processor via a byte multiplexer or block multiplexer channel.

* Attachment to a non-DCC subchannel of a block multiplexer channel or to a selector channel is not recommended due to performance considerations which may yield less than maximum throughput.

Attachable Terminals:

Note: For information regarding the attaching of a 3812 to the 3274 see 3812 pages.

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 4)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for Models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290: Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 1 and 2)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 3): Displaywriter System
Model 41D control units have 192K bytes of control storage and support all terminal features.

The basic Model 41A, 41C and 41D control units allow attachment of 32 Category A terminals.

The basic Model 61C control unit allows attachment of 16 Category A terminals.


  1. Two terminal ports are required to attach a 6580 which includes a printer. Model C3, C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  2. All 4224 Printer models support the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
  3. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at Release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support information; refer them to 3274 RETAIN TIP #756.
  4. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 41A.
  5. For information regarding the attaching of a 3816 Page Printer to the 3274, see 3816 pages.
Control Storage Functions: Control storage functions are the non-Specify, non-Feature, non-Machine configuration options. For details on any of these functions refer to the following manuals:
  • GA23-0061 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Description and Programmer's Guide
  • GA23-0065 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Customizing Guide, GA23-0065
Since information on recently announced function(s) may not yet be available in your manuals, a description of these function(s) is presented below:

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179, 3180 Model 1, (and in the US 3191 Model A10, B10 A30, B30, D10, D30, L30, LZ0, and 3192 Model C10, C30, D10, D30, F10, FD0, F30, FF0, L10, L30); (and in all countries except US 3191 Model A1X, B1X, D1X, F1X); (and in AP, Canada, IBM LA A3X, B3X, D3X, F3X); (and in EMEA 3192 Model C1X, D1X, F1X, L1X; (and in all countries except US and EMEA 3192 Model C1X, C3X, D1X, D3X, L1X, L3X). The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: None.

Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) Support: IPDS is a structured field approach to management and control of printer processes and is designed to allow the presentation of text, raster images, vector graphics, bar codes and previously stored overlays at any point on a page.

IPDS commands within the data stream enable the host processor to control and manage the downloading of fonts, symbol sets, and stored objects, such as overlays and page segments. The printer can later use these stored objects to construct a printed page. IPDS can significantly reduce the load on the host processor and the number of characters transmitted to the printer in many advanced printing applications. Prerequisites: Configuration Support D at release level 65. Printers capable of IPDS will be supported by both SNA (LU-1 only) and non-SNA control units. Under non-SNA, IPDS is carried encapsulated in the DSC (3270) data stream. IPDS depends on programming support outside of the 3274 Control Units.

Model Description 3274-51C Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090 processors, 8100 Information System and the 9370 Processor. Models 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A and 31D are for local channel attachment. Models 21C, 31C and 51C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 51C C51 For communicating in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or duplex communications facilities with the following:

  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via 3704, 3705, or 3725 (or via the Communications Adapter feature on the 4321 or 4331 or via Telecommunications Subsystems Controller on the 9370), using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA).
  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via (where applicable) 2701, 2703, a 3704, 3705, or 3725, or a Communications Adapter feature on the 4321, 4331 or a Telecommunications Subsystem Controller on the 9370, using BSC.
  • S/370 Models 115, 125, 135 and 138 via Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) using BSC.
  • S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195 via 2701, 2703, or a 3704 or 3705 using BSC.
  • 4331/4361 Processor - The Model 51C can also attach to a 4331 via a direct- or data link-attached loop using SDLC.
  • A 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor via 3720 using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA) or BSC.
  • 8100 Information System - The Model 51C can attach using SDLC via a data link or a direct-attached or data link-attached loop.
Attachable Terminals:

Category A Terminals

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 10)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode (See Note 2): 3270 Personal Computer Distributed Function Mode
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station (see Note 1)
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 w/#8331: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290 (see Note 2): Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 7 and 9)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 8 and 9)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 3 and 4)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5160 Model 589 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5170 Model 599 and Model 739 (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370 (See Note 2)
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6850 Model A04. A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 5): Displaywriter System
  1. Model 5 or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5 cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21 or a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.
  2. 3274 Model 31X and 51C.
  3. 4250 cannot attach to 3274 Model 21X. Attachment to 3274 Models 31C and 51C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  4. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, IBM be consulted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  5. Two terminals ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer.
  6. Model C3 and C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  7. Emulates 3268 Model 2.
  8. Emulates 3268 Model 2C except Programmed Symbols are not supported.
  9. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support.
  10. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 31A.
Category B Terminals*:
  • 3277 Model 1, 2: Display Station
  • 3284 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3286 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1, 2 (with 3271/3272 attachment feature): Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3288 Model 2: Line Printer
  • 5160 Model 568, 588: IBM Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5160 Model 087 with XT/370 Option (1503891): IBM Personal Computer

  • * Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a 3274 Model 21A, and 21C/SNA.

    ** Category B Terminals cannot be attached to a Model 51C without Extended Function Store #1800.

The Model 51C has 64K bytes of control storage with a feature for adding 64K bytes to provide for support of all terminal features.

The Model 51C has 64K bytes for central storage with a feature for adding 64K bytes to provide for support of all terminal features. The basic Model 51C allows attachment of up to eight Category A terminals. A terminal adapter feature can be used to attach up to four Category B terminals giving a maximum cluster size of 12 terminals.

Control Storage Requirement Tables (Models 51C)

After the desired "Special Features" have been selected, the control storage requirement must be determined by using the appropriate table below. Some combinations of functions and features may exceed the capacity of the control storage in the Models 21A, 21C, 21D, and 51C without EFS. If the sum of the storage requirements is greater than 65,536, a Model 31 or 51C with EFS Control Unit is required. The Model 31s and 51C with EFS can run any combination of functions and features, except as noted under the "Special Consideration - Model 31A, 31C, and 51C/EFS" that follows after the tables.

  1. Refer to the appropriate part of Table 1 and select the features desired:
    • 3274 Model 51C w/o EFS SNA, refer to Table 1, Part 2
    • 3274 Model 51C w/o EFS BSC, refer to Table 1, Part 3
  2. Determine the total storage requirements for the features selected in Step #1.
  3. If the total storage requirement calculated in Step #2 is equal to or less than 65,536, the Model 21 or 51C without EFS can be used. However, if step #2 storage requirement is greater than 65,536, the Model 21 Control Unit or Model 51C without EFS cannot be used and a Model 31 Control Unit or Model 51C with EFS is required.
Notes for Table 1 - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4
  1. Configuration Support A Consideration Only: If all three keyboard types (Typewriter, Data Entry, and Date Entry/Keypunch-like) are required on display stations attached to the 3274, add 1,000 to the storage requirements in addition to those listed in the table.
  2. There is no customizing option nor additional control storage required to support 10 Numeric-only Character Set for Operator Identification Card Reader (#4600) on 3277s (Category B terminals) which are attached to a 3274.
  3. Add the indicated amount for each keyboard type to be used.
  4. A 6580 requires two terminal ports when it includes a printer.
Table 1 - Part 2
3274 Model 51C/SNA Reqts
Model 51C/SNA (incl copy)
Configuration Support A (#9110) 54,730
Category A Terminals (Choose one) (Model 21C only)(5) 1 to 8 terminals (included in base) 0 1 to 16 terminals 2,048 1 to 24 terminals 4,096 1 to 32 terminals 6,144 Keyboards for Category A terminals (select all that apply, choosing at least one)(4) Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621, #4627, #4628, 3178 Model C2) 786 3191 Display Station 786 3192 Display Station 786 3270 PC Control Unit Terminal Mode 786 5160 Model 589 (XT/370) 5170 Model 599 (AT/370)

Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622, 3178 Model C1) 786 Data Entry KP(1)(3278/3279-#4623) 786 Data Entry(1) (3180 Model 1-#4601) 786
Text (3278/3279-#4629) 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,560
APL/Text Control Function 2,900

3289 Text Print Control 512
High-Performance Communications Adapter (#6303) 100 Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 500 Between Bracket Printer Sharing 900 SCS Printer Support (3287-#9660) (3262, 3268, 3289, and in EMEA 4214) 4224, 4234, 4245, and 5210-basic function) 1,700 Magnetic Reader Control (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277 Like 10-Character Set 660 Numeric and Alphameric Character Sets 1,946 Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) 5,200 3279 Color Convergence 5,494

Table 1 - Part 3

3274 Model 51C/BSC Reqts
Configuration Support A (#9110) 51,800
Category A Terminals (Choose one)(3) 1 to 8 terminals (incl. in base) 0 1 to 16 terminals 2,048 1 to 24 terminals 4,096 1 to 32 terminals 6,144 Keyboards on Category A terminals (select all that apply, choosing at least one)(4) Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621, #4624,#4627,#4628, 3178 Model C2) 786 3191 Display Station 786 3192 Display Station 786 3270 Personal Computer Control Unit Terminal Mode 786 5160 Model 589 (XT/370) 5170 Model 599 (AT/370)

Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C3) 786 Typewriter(1) (3178 Model C4) 786
Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622, 3178 Model C1) 786 Data Entry KP(1) (3278/3279-#4623) 786 Data Entry(1) (3180 Model 1-#4601) 786
Text (3278/3279-#4629) 1,560
APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,560

Canadian French keyboards (any) 650 Typewriter(1) (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#4621, #4624,#4627,#4628) 1,042 Data Entry(1) (3278/3279-#4622) 1,042 Data Entry KP(1) (3278/3279- #4623) 1,042 Data Entry(1) (3180 Mdl 1-#4601) 1,042 APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #4626) 1,816 Japanese Katakana Keyboards Typewriter (3179 Model 1, 3180 Model 1-#4600, 3278/3279-#2715, #2727, 3178 Model C2) 1,304 Data Entry (3278/3279-#2716, 3178 Model C1) 1,304 Data Entry (3180 Model 1-#4601) 1,304 APL (3180 Model 130, 3278/3279- #2718) 2,072
Category B terminals (Choose one) (2,3) 1 to 4 terminals 6,424 1 to 8 terminals (Model 21C) 7,448 1 to 12 terminals (Model 21C) 8,472 1 to 16 terminals (Model 21C) 9,496 APL/Text Control Function 6,900

3289 Text Print Control 512
Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix 550 Copy (Print Key Function) 2,700 Magnetic Reader Control (3278/ 3279-#4999) (Choose one) 3275/3277 Like 10-Character Set 660 Numeric & Alphameric Character Sets (Model 21C) 1,436 Numeric & Alphameric Character Sets (Model 51C) 1,946 3279 Color Convergence 5,494

Special Consideration - Model 51C/EFS: When using Configuration Support C (#9112) on a Model 51C with EFS, it is necessary to ensure that the desired combination of features and functions forms a valid configuration.

Notes for Table 2 - Parts 1, 2, 3

  1. Refer to the appropriate table of control storage requirements, and select the desired features and functions
    1. For 3274 Model 51C with EFS using SNA protocol, use Table 2, Part 2.
    2. For 3274 Model 51C with EFS using BSC protocol, use Table 2, Part 3.

  2. Determine the total storage requirements for the features and functions selected in step 1.
  3. If the total storage requirement exceeds 71,680, one or more features must be forfeited in order to reduce the control storage requirements to 71,680 or less.
  4. SCS printer support is required for DCA-LV2 word processing applications. This support also required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 31A, 31C SNA, and 51C SNA for applications that utilize the Cut Sheet Feed Attachment (#7860), when operating with two drawers.
  5. Configuration Support C #9112 is required for 5210 Models G01, G02 attached to 3274 Models 31A, 31C SNA, and 51C SNA for support of word processing applications. This includes those applications which utilize the Cut Sheet Feed Attachment (#7860), when operating with two drawers.
Table 2 - Part 2
3274 Model 51C/EFS/SNA Reqts
Configuration Support C 50,580
Category B Terminals 4,900
Host-Loadable Printer
Authorization Matrix 500
Between Bracket Printer Sharing 800
SCS Printer Support (3287 - #9660/
#9661)(Note 1)
(3262, 3268, (and 4214 in EMEA)
4224, 4234 and 4245
- basic function)(Note 3)
(3289 - basic
function) (5210 - basic function
- #4, #5) 1,600
Mag Rdr Control (3278/3279-
#4999), choose one:
3275/3277-like 10-Character Sets 600
Num & Alpha Character Sets 1,630
Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) 3,200
Color Convergence (base or
extended color) 4,296
Structured Field and Attribute
Processing (Note 2 for US and EMEA only) (SFAP)
(EBCDIC only) (Required for
Extended Color, Extended High-
lighting, Programmed Symbols,
and the Query Function) 4,950
Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700
Decompression of PS Load Data 900
Alert Function 2,544
Response Time Monitor 4,488
High-Performance Communications
Adapter (#6303) 600
IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support (3278/3279-#5315, #5316/ #5325, #5326) 3,200

X.21 Switched Network Operation (Model 51C) 6,500 Loop Attachment (EBCDIC only, Model 51C) 3,200

  1. The SFAP function is also required when the SCS support for SFAP (#9661) feature is to be used on 3287 Models 1, 2, 1C or 2C.
  2. Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.
  3. The SFAP function is also required when the Query Function is used with 3262 Models 3 and 13, 3268 Model 2s, (and 4214 Model 1 in EMEA), 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, or 2C2 4234 Model 1 and 4245 Models D12 and D20. The Query Function allows the application to interrogate the printer to determine what functions are supported.
Table 2 - Part 3
3274 Model 51C/EFS/BSC Reqts
Configuration Support C 47,150
Category B terminals 4,700
Host-Loadable Printer
Authorization Matrix 550
Copy (Print Key Function) 2,700
Magnetic Reader Control (3278-
#4999) (Choose one)
3275/3277-like 10-character set 600
Numeric & Alphameric Char. Set 1,630
Color Convergence (Base or
Extended Color) 4,296
Structured Field and Attribute
Processing (SFAP) (EBCDIC only) 4,950
Programmed Symbols (PS) 2,700
Decompression 900
Response Time Monitor 2,016
IBM Personal Computer Attachment
Support (3278/3279-#5315, #5316/
#5325, #5326) 3,200
Any Canadian French Keyboard 500
Control Storage Functions

APL/Text Control Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 51C expands the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the APL, Text, and graphic plot character sets on 3180 Model 130 (APL only), 3278s, 3262s (text only), 3268 Model 2 and 2C, 3279s, 3287 attached via Type A Terminal Adapters (#6901, #6902, #6903), 4224s and 4234.

Note: The 3274, with or without this APL/Text control function, does NOT support the 3270 Data Analysis/APL Feature (#1066) on attached 3277s or 3284s, 3286s or 3286s, NOR does it support the Text Print Feature (#7880) on attached 3288s.

3289 Text Print Control Function: This function, selectable during customization of a 3274 Model 51C, extends the character handling capability of the 3274 to accommodate the text characters (US English only) for the text print feature (#1130) on attached 3289s.

Copy Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 51C, enables the copying of the screen contents of an attached 3178, 3179, 3180 Model 1, 3278, or 3279 to an attached 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 through use of the Local Print Key on the display keyboard. This function is provided as basic on the 3274 Models 21A, 21B, 21C/SNA, 31A and 31C/SNA. The ability to perform host initiated local copies from a 3178, 3278, or 3279, to a 3268, 3287, 3289, 3262, (and 4214 in EMEA) 4224, 4234, 4245 or 5210 attached to a 3274 Model 21A, 21C/SNA, 31A or 31C/SNA is also provided as basic. In addition, the 3274 Model 21C/BSC and 31C/BSC supports the 3270 host Copy command as basic.

Local Copy Summary:

                    Print    Host-
3274 Model Key Initiated
----------- ------ ---------
51C/BSC Cust. Basic
51C/SNA Basic Basic
Host-Loadable Print Authorization Matrix: This function, selectable during the 3274 customization process, provides the capability for the 3274, during subsequent IBM procedures, to receive, from a user-written application program at the host CPU, an updated Printer Authorization Matrix to override the matrix created by the customization operator or by system default.

Between Bracket Printer Sharing Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 51C/SNA enables attached 3268s, 3287s, 3289s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234, 4245s and 5210s to be used as Local Copy output devices for the screen contents of attached 3178s, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, and 3279s, when the printers are Between Brackets with the host application program. Printers are available for Local Copy operations only when they are not in session with an application program if this option is not selected.

Color Convergence Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, provides the mechanism through which the operator of a 3279 can perform color convergence for the 3279.

Programmed Symbols (PS) Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 enables the customer to define, store, and access up to six, 190-symbol sets on appropriately featured 3278s and 3279s, 3268 Model 2C and 3287s. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Decompression Function: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 decompresses data streams containing compressed Programmed Symbols generated by the Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) program product. Its usage is recommended for all 3274 TP host attachments that use GDDM. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Extended Attribute Terminals: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274 establishes an internal control table for each terminal on which Extended Color, Extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols will be used or when a 4250 will be attached. If more extended attribute terminals are attached to the 3274 than are specified during customization, the excess terminals will execute only base-level function. Prerequisites: SFAP.

SFAP: This function, selectable during customization, provides a new 3270 command and several new orders that extend the functional capabilities of appropriately featured 3268 Model 2Cs, 3179s, 3180 Model 1s, 3278s, 3279s, 3287s, 3262s, (and 4214 in EMEA), 4224s, 4234 and 4245s. Data streams sent to these attached terminals can include extended color, extended highlighting, query function or programmed symbols, in any combination. Prerequisites: BSC hosts that utilize this function must transmit in transparent-text mode.

Limitations: This function does NOT support ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed.

X.21 Switched Network Operation: (Model 51C) This function, selectable during customization for SNA/SDLC operation, is required for attachment to the X.21 Switched network. It provides the controls necessary to support the CCITT X.21 switched network protocols.

X.25 Support: (Models 31C, 51C) This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 31C or 51C, provides for attachment to X.25 data transmission services having an interface which complies with Recommendation X.25 (Geneva 1980) of the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT). IBM conformance to this X.25 interface is defined in "IBM General Information Manual - The X.25 Interface for Attaching IBM SNA nodes to Packet-Switched Data Networks", GA27-3345. Keyboard labels on attached 3178s, 3278s or 3279s keyboards and display screen indicators are provided for operator reference during the calling, data exchange, and disconnecting phases. See "X.25 Keyboard Labels" under "Accessories" for details on the labels required for selected keyboards on terminals connected to a 3274 attached to a X.25 communications facility. Limitations: Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) is mutually exclusive with 3274 X.25 capability. The cryptographic feature cannot be used with X.25 operation. Prerequisites: (1) Configuration Support P or D at release level 63.1 or higher. (2) SNA/SDLC protocol. (3) Configuration Support P requires 128K, and Configuration Support D requires 256K of control storage (two #3650) to support X.25. The Communications Interface feature required depends upon the X.25 physical interface provided by the network. (4) One of the following Communications Interfaces: #3701, #5655 or #1550.

Note: The maximum line speed supported with any of these Communications Interface features is 9600 bps with X.25. The Communications Interface feature required depends upon the X.25 physical interface provided by the network. (5) #6303.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

(On 3274s with Configuration Support C, 3274 Entry Assist is available via RPQ 8K1147.)

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 on SNA Models of the 51C, reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display, when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Response Time Monitor: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 51C, provides the capability for enhanced network management by accurately measuring transaction times. Response times are collected in up to four user-defined levels. Response time end-definition is defined by the user and can be one of the following: First Character, Keyboard Usable, or Change Direction/End Bracket (SNA only). The response time information can be displayed at a user-designated display station attached to the 3274. Prerequisites: #6101.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179s and 3180 Model 1s. The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: Model 31X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #3101. Model 51X -- #9124 (Release Level 63), #3650, #5101 or 8K1071, #1800 or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, #3631.

Note: To redefine an APL layout, the display doing the modification must have an APL character generator.

3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode): This function allows the 3270 Personal Computer to appear as a single 3178, 3278 or 3279.

IBM Personal Computer Attachment Support: This function, selectable during the customization of any Model 3274, except Models 1B and 21X, provides support for attachment of an IBM Personal Computer to a 3278 or 3279. Prerequisites: SFAP.

Terminal Attachment

Either RG-62A/U coaxial cable, IBM Cabling System media or specified telephone twisted-pair wire (IBM Cabling System Type 3 media) can be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. (3289 attaches with coaxial cable only.) Depending on the type of wire used, the distance between the 3274 and its attached terminals can be up to 1,500m (4,920 ft.); when a 3299 is used, the maximum distance can be up to 3,000m (9,840 ft.). The 3274 ports use BNC connectors and require a balun cable assembly to connect terminals via IBM Cabling System Types 1, 2, or 9 media. A balun assembly may also be required at the terminal. (Refer to the appropriate terminal pages.) The number of balun assemblies reduces the maximum allowable wire lengths as shown below.

3274 Category A Terminal Attachment Maximum Lengths:

| | |IBM Cabling System |
| |RG-62A/U | Media |
| |Coaxial |--------------------|
|Number| Cable |Types 1 & 2|Type 9 |
| of |------------------------------|
|Baluns| m |ft. | m | ft. | m |ft. |
| 0 |1500|4920|N/A | N/A |N/A|N/A |
| 1 |N/A |N/A |1000| 3280 |667|2186|
| 2 |N/A |N/A | 610| 2000 |406|1333|
IBM Cabling System Type 3 media (specified telephone twisted-pair wire) can also be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. Connection to the telephone twisted-pair can be via an IBM/ROLM Coax of Twisted-Pair Adapter (CTPA) or equivalent. When one end of the telephone twisted-pair is attached to a CTPA, the maximum wire length is 275m (900 ft.), the minimum wire length is 30.5m (100 ft.).

Category B devices can be driven a maximum of 610m (2,000 ft.) using RG-62A/U coaxial cable or 152m (500 ft.) using IBM Cabling System Type 1 or Type 2 media. (3284, 3286, and 3288 attach with coaxial cable only.)


The 3274 Model 51C communicates by BSC in data half-duplex mode with a System/3 over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities as follows:

  • System/3 Model 4 via BSCA
  • System/3 Model 8 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 10 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 12 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 15 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 15D via BSCA, BSCC, or LCA
Communications Facilities (System/3)

The 3274 Model 51C operates over data half-duplex mode on point-to-point or multipoint half-duplex or duplex nonswitched facilities at transmission speeds of 1200 (51C only), 2000, 2400, 4800, 7200, and 9600 bps. See 2700 pages for facilities.

The 3274 Model 51C communicates with a S/370, 4300 or 9370 Processor using SDLC over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities to a 3704, 3705, or 3725 or via the Communications Adapter on the 4321, 4331 or 9370 (SNA/SDLC), or by BSC to a S/360, S/370, 4300 or 9370 Processor, over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities via (where applicable) a 2701, 2703, or a 3704, 3705, 3725 (see Note 1), or the Communications Adapter on a 4321 or 4331 or via the Telecommunications Subsystem Controller on the 9370 Processor. Communications with a 4331 Processor is also provided via a direct- or data link-attached loop for the Model 51C.

Communications with a S/370 Model 115, 125, 135, or 138 can also be via the Integrated Communications Adapter (#4640) and appropriate BSC features on a 3115, 3125, 3135, or 3138.

The Model 51C communicates with the 8100 Information System, using SDLC, via a data link, a direct- or data link-attached loop, or direct connection.

SDLC is used in the 3274 conforms as a subset (unbalanced normal mode) of both the ISO HDLC and ANSI ADCCP standards. For details of this conformance, see "General Information Manual - IBM Synchronous Data Link Control", GA27-3093.

A 3274 Model 51C can be used with X.25 communications facilities by using Configuration Support P (#9116), or by customization with Configuration Support D (#9124) (release level 63.1 or higher). Appropriate hardware features must be installed to support the Configuration Support option being used. See "X.25 Support" under "Control Storage Functions" and the Configuration Support P and D descriptions for details.

Note: The 3725 is not connectable to a S/360.


For many 3274 Model 51C systems, response time is limited by transmission line speeds. For these cases, applicable line speed upgrades can be translated into immediate response time improvements. However, performance is also data stream dependent. Refer to IBM Aids for performance evaluation information.

Communications Facilities

The 3274 Model 51C communicates with a 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor using SDLC or BSC in half-duplex mode over duplex or half-duplex communication facilities to a 3720.

The 3274 Model 51C operate in half-duplex point-to-point multipoint mode on half-duplex or duplex facilities, using SDLC or BSC, at transmission speeds of 1200/600 (Model 51C only), (Canada only 2000) 2400/1200, 4800/2400, 7200/3600 and 9600/4800 bps on nonswitched facilities. In addition, the 3274 Model 51C operates in half-duplex point-to-point mode using SDLC at transmission speeds of 1200/600, 2400/1200 4800/2400, and 9600/4800 bps on switched facilities. See 2700 pages for facilities. For the UK, see the RPQ Manual, Section 7.

The 3274 Model 51C also operates in half-duplex mode at 9600 or 38.4K bps over a direct-attached loop, and at 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps over a data link-attached loop.

Multipoint and point-to-point communications at speeds up to 56K bps are also possible where facilities are available. In addition, communications through a 3705, or to the Local Attachment Interface #4801 on the 4331 or to an 8130/8140 Processor can be via direct connection without the need for communications facilities or modems. All communications at speeds greater than 9600 bps must use SDLC. See 3705, 4331, 8101, 8130 and 8140 pages for details.


Unless the 3274 Model 51C will be direct connected, an external Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) is required when the External Modem Interface (#3701) or CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) or CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655 or #5656) is installed.

For use with the S/3, unless a Digital Data Service (DDS) Adapter #5650 or #5651 is installed, a 1200 bps integrated modem feature #5500 (51C only) or an external modem must be attached to the 3274 Model 51C. External modems require the External Modem Interface (#3701). No external modem is required when attached locally to S/3 through BSCA/EIA Local, BSCC/EIA Local, LCA or ICA; however, External Modem Interface (#3701) is required.

Modem         Speed (bps)
3863 Model 1/2 2400/1200
3864 Model 1/2 4800/2400
3865 Model 1/2 9600/4800
3868 Model 1 2400/1200
3868 Model 2 4800/2400
3868 Model 3/4 9600/4800
3872 Model 1 2400/1200
5811 Model 10 2400/4800/ Limited
9600 Distance Modem
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Model 10
5865 Model 1 9600/7200
5866 Model 1 14.4K/12K
(5865 mode) 9600/7200
5868 Model 10 Rack mount
version of
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Switched network backup (SNBU) operation with Manual Call and Manual or Auto Answer is available on the 3872 Model 1. 4-wire SNBU operation with Manual Call and Auto Answer is available on the 3863 Model 1, 3864 Model 1, and 3865 Models 1 and 2. For communications capabilities, product utilization and features, see 2700, 3863, 3864, 3865 and 3872 pages.

Direct Connection Attachment

In addition to host attachment via modems or other DCE, attachment can be made by direct connect, without the need for intervening DCE. The direct connect is made by using either the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the V.35 Interface (#1550), the corresponding host interface feature(s), and a connecting cable. Shown below are the hosts that provide direct connection attachment for the 3274. Only the basic features needed by the 3274 direct connect hosts are listed. These features may have prerequisites; therefore, the machine pages for those hosts should also be reviewed. Physical planning manuals for the respective direct connect hosts can provide additional information on the connecting cables.

Model 51C

Host B D
Unit Speed Feature S L
Attach (bps) Number C C
------ ----------- ---------- - -
1200 #4716 (1F) x x
3705-1, 2, 80
1200 #4716 (1F) x x
14.4K,57.6K #4727 (1W) - x
14.4K,57.6K #4728 (1Z) - x
14.4K,57.6K #6715 (LS5) - x
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
38400 #4931 x x
55885 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
38400 #4942 - x
55885 #4942 - x
3725-1, 2, 3726
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
56000 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
56000 #4942 - x
4331 Model Grp 1 and 2
1200 #4801 x x
2400 #4801 x x
4800 #4801 x x
9600 #4801 x x
1200,2400 #3701
(FAC 15) - x
4800,9600 #3701
(FAC 16) - x
1200,2400 #1550
(FAC 24) - x
4800,9600 #1550
(FAC 25) - x
8101/8140 BXX
56K #1550
(FAC 26) - x
8140 CXX
4800 #1621 - x
56K #1614 - x
Unit Max Cable Feature
Attach Length Number
------ ----------- --------------
30m (100') #3701, #6301
3705-1, 2, 80
30m (100') #3701, #6301
57m (190') #1550, #6303
57m (190') #1550, #6303
60m (200') #1550, 6303
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
3725-1, 2, 3726
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
4331 Model Grp 1 and 2
800m (2,625') #3701, #6302
400m (1,312') #3701, #6302
200m (656') #3701, #6302
100m (328') #3701, #6302
or 6303
12m (40') #3701, #6302
12m (40') #3701, #6302
300m (1,000') #1550, #6302
300m (1,000') #1550, #6302
8101/8140 BXX
300m (1,000') #1550, #6303
8140 CXX
13m (40') #3701, #6302
56K 300m (1,000') #1550, #6303
Communications Adapters (Model 51C)

Communications adapters handle the transmission control protocols (SDLC and BSC). One, and only one can be selected, but one is required on each or 51C.

Communications Interfaces (Model 51C)

Communications interfaces connect a Model 51C to the host link. One and only one can be selected, but one is required.

Model Description 3274-61C Provides the capability of attaching 3270 Information Display System displays and printers to System/3, S/360, S/370, 4300, 303X, 3081, 308X, 3090, 9370 processors, and the 8100 Information System. The Models 41A, and 41D are for local channel attachment. The Models 41C, and 61C are used for communicating in data half-duplex mode via half-duplex or duplex communications facilities.

For S/3 attachment, each of the control units can communicate via Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or full-duplex communications facilities with a suitably equipped S/3 Model 4, 8, 10, 12, or 15 at speeds up to 9600 bps.

Model 61C C61

For communicating in data half-duplex mode over half-duplex or duplex communications facilities with the following:

  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via 3704, 3705, or 3725 (or via the Communications Adapter feature on the 4321, 4331 or a Telecommunication Subsystem Controller on the 9370), using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA).
  • A S/370, 30XX, 4300 or 9370 Processor via (where applicable) 2701, 2703, a 3704, 3705 or 3725, or a Communications Adapter feature on the 4321, 4331 or a Telecommunication Subsystem Controller on the 9370, using Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC).
  • S/370 Models 115, 125, 135 and 138 via Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) using BSC.
  • S/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and 195 via 2701, 2703, or a 3704 or 3705 using BSC.
  • 4331/4361 Processor - The Model 61C can also attach to a 4331 via a direct- or data link-attached loop using SDLC.
  • A 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor via 3720 using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC/SNA) or BSC.
  • 8100 Information System - The Model 61C can attach using SDLC via a data link or a direct-attached or data link-attached loop.
Attachable Terminals:

Note: For information regarding the attaching of a 3812 to the 3274 see 3812 pages.

Category A Terminals:

  • 3178 Model C1, C2: Display Station
  • 3178 Model C3, C4: Display Station (see Note 4)
  • 3179 Model 1: Color Display Station
  • 3179 Model G: Color Graphics Display Station
  • 3180 Model 1: Display Station
  • 3191 (See 3191 pages for models): Display Station
  • 3192 (See 3192 pages for Models): Display Station
  • 3193 Model 1, 2: Display Station (see Note 6)
  • 3262 Model 3, 13: Line Printer
  • 3268 Model 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3268 Model 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3270 Personal Computer
  • 3278 Model 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Display Station
  • 3279 (except Model 2C): Color Display Station
  • 3287 Model 1, 2: Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3287 Model 1C, 2C: Color Impact Matrix Printer
  • 3289 Model 1, 2: Line Printer
  • 3290: Information Panel Display (No Longer Available as of May 26, 1989)
  • 4224 Model 201, 202, 2E2, 2E3: Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4224 Model 2C2: Color Impact Matrix Printer (See notes 4 and 5)
  • 4234 Model 1: Dot Band Printer
  • 4245 Model D12, D20: Line Printer
  • 4250: APA Printer (see Notes 1 and 2)
  • 5150: Personal Computer (via 3278/79 Emulation Adapter)
  • 5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer XT/370
  • 5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3278/79 Emulation Adapter (Control Unit Terminal Mode only): Personal Computer AT/370
  • 5210 Model G1, G2: Printwheel Printer
  • 6252 D Model Line Printers
  • 6262 D Models: Line Printer
  • 6580 Model A04, A06, A08, A10, B04, B06, B08, B10; w/#8332 and LP 5608-SR9 (see Note 3): Displaywriter System
Model 61C control units have 192K bytes of control storage and support all terminal features.

The basic Model 61C control unit allows attachment of 16 Category A terminals.


  1. Attachment to 3274 Models 41C and 61C requires printer RPQ 7B0980.
  2. Because of the high data volumes possible with this printer, it is strongly recommended that the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, be used IBM be contacted to predict the effect the 4250 has on subsystem performance.
  3. Two terminal ports are required to attach a 6580 which includes a printer. Model C3, C4 support requires RPQs. See "Prerequisites" section of the 3178 pages for details.
  4. All 4224 Printer models support the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
  5. When attaching the 4224 to a control unit using Configuration Support D at Release 65.0, contact the NSD representative for support information; refer them to 3274 RETAIN TIP #756.
  6. RPQ 8K 1311 should be installed on 3274 Model 41A.
  7. For information regarding the attaching of a 3816 Page Printer to the 3274, see 3816 pages.
Control Storage Functions: Control storage functions are the non-Specify, non-Feature, non-Machine configuration options. For details on any of these functions refer to the following manuals:
  • GA23-0061 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Description and Programmer's Guide
  • GA23-0065 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Customizing Guide, GA23-0065
Since information on recently announced function(s) may not yet be available in your manuals, a description of these function(s) is presented below:

X.25 Support: (Models 61C) This function, selectable during the customization of a 3274 Model 41C or 61C, provides for attachment to X.25 data transmission services having an interface which complies with Recommendation X.25 (Geneva 1980) of the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT). IBM conformance to this X.25 interface is defined in "IBM General Information Manual - The X.25 Interface for Attaching IBM SNA nodes to Packet-Switched Data Networks", GA27-3345. Keyboard labels on attached 3178s, 3278s or 3279s keyboards and display screen indicators are provided for operator reference during the calling, data exchange, and disconnecting phases. Although a 3290 cannot be used to establish X.25 operations, a 3290 can be used normally on a 3274 using X.25. See "X.25 Keyboard Labels" under "Accessories" for details on the labels required for selected keyboards on terminals connected to a 3274 attached to a X.25 communications facility. Limitations: Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) is mutually exclusive with 3274 X.25 capability. The cryptographic feature cannot be used with X.25 operation. Prerequisites: (1) Configuration Support D at release level 63.1 or higher. (2) SNA/SDLC protocol. (3) Configuration Support D requires 256K of control storage (#3660) to support X.25. (4) One of the following Communications Interfaces: #3701, #5655 or #1550.

Note: The maximum line speed supported with any of these Communications Interface features is 9600 bps with X.25. The Communications Interface feature required depends upon the physical interface provided by the network. (5) #6303.

3274 Entry Assist: This function provides capabilities which facilitate entry and editing of text material. The capabilities include margins, tabbing, word wrap, improved cursor positioning, improved character/word delete, cursor position indicator and an audible end-of-line warning tone. Entry Assist is intended for use primarily with a specific set of host editor programs.

Alert Function: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 61C/SNA, reports problem determination data to the host, for recording and display when NPDA Version 3 is installed in the host.

Response Time Monitor: This function, selectable during the customization of 3274 Models 61C, provides the capability for enhanced network management by accurately measuring transaction times. Response times are collected in up to four user-defined buckets. Response time end-definition is defined by the user and can be one of the following: First Character, Keyboard Usable, or Change Direction/End Bracket (SNA only). The response time information can be displayed at a user designated display station attached to the 3274. Prerequisites: #6101.

Keyboard Definition Utility: This pre-customizing option is available on 3274s with Configuration Support D release level 63 microcode. The utility is for modifying layouts of keyboards that are used on the 3179, 3180 Model 1, (and in the US 3191 Model A10, B10 A30, B30, D10, D30, L30, LZ0, and 3192 Model C10, C30, D10, D30, F10, FD0, F30, FF0, L10, L30); (and in all countries except US 3191 Model A1X, B1X, D1X, F1X); (and in AP, Canada, IBM LA A3X, B3X, D3X, F3X); (and in EMEA 3192 Model C1X, D1X, F1X, L1X; (and in all countries except US and EMEA 3192 Model C1X, C3X, D1X, D3X, L1X, L3X). The utility provides the capability to define the layout of up to four keyboard layouts. Prerequisites: None.

Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) Support: IPDS is a structured field approach to management and control of printer processes and is designed to allow the presentation of text, raster images, vector graphics, bar codes and previously stored overlays at any point on a page.

IPDS commands within the data stream enable the host processor to control and manage the downloading of fonts, symbol sets, and stored objects, such as overlays and page segments. The printer can later use these stored objects to construct a printed page. IPDS can significantly reduce the load on the host processor and the number of characters transmitted to the printer in many advanced printing applications. Prerequisites: Configuration Support D at release level 65. Printers capable of IPDS will be supported by both SNA (LU-1 only) and non-SNA control units. Under non-SNA, IPDS is carried encapsulated in the DSC (3270) data stream. IPDS depends on programming support outside of the 3274 Control Units.

Terminal Attachment

Either RG-62A/U coaxial cable, IBM Cabling System media or specified telephone twisted-pair wire (IBM Cabling System Type 3 media) can be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. (3289 attaches with coaxial cable only.) Depending on the type of wire used, the distance between the 3274 and its attached terminals can be up to 1,500m (4,920 ft.); when a 3299 is used, the maximum distance can be up to 3,000m (9,840 ft.). The 3274 ports use BNC connectors and require a balun cable assembly to connect terminals via IBM Cabling System Types 1, 2, or 9 media. A balun assembly may also be required at the terminal. (liRefer to the appropriate terminal pages.) The number of balun assemblies reduces the maximum allowable wire lengths as shown below.

3274 Category A Terminal Attachment Maximum Lengths:

| | |IBM Cabling System |
| |RG-62A/U | Media |
| |Coaxial |--------------------|
|Number| Cable |Types 1 & 2|Type 9 |
| of |------------------------------|
|Baluns| m |ft. | m | ft. | m |ft. |
| 0 |1500|4920|N/A | N/A |N/A|N/A |
| 1 |N/A |N/A |1000| 3280 |667|2186|
| 2 |N/A |N/A | 610| 2000 |406|1333|
IBM Cabling System Type 3 media (specified telephone twisted-pair wire) can also be used for Category A device connections to the 3274. Connection to the telephone twisted-pair can be via an IBM/ROLM Coax of Twisted-Pair Adapter (CTPA) or equivalent. When one end of the telephone twisted-pair is attached to a CTPA, the maximum wire length is 275m (900 ft.), the minimum wire length is 30.5m (100 ft.).


The 3274 Model 61C communicates by BSC in data half-duplex mode with a System/3 over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities as follows:

  • System/3 Model 4 via BSCA
  • System/3 Model 8 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 10 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 12 via ICA or BSCA
  • System/3 Model 15 via BSCA or LCA
  • System/3 Model 15D via BSCA, BSCC, or LCA
The 3274 Model 61C communicates with a 4341, 4361, 4381, 303X, 308X or 3090 processor using SDLC or BSC in half-duplex mode over duplex or half-duplex communication facilities to a 3720.

The 3274 Model 61C communicates with a S/370 or 4300 Processor using SDLC over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities to a 3704, 3705, or 3725 or via the Communications Adapter on the 4321/4331/4361 (SNA/SDLC), or by BSC to a S/360, S/370 or 4300 Processor, over duplex or half-duplex communications facilities via (where applicable) a 2701, 2703, or a 3704, 3705, 3725 (the 3725 is not connectable to the S/360), or the communications Adapter on a 4321 or 4331. Communications with a 4331 processor is also provided via a direct- or data link-attached loop for the Model 61C.

Communications with a S/370 Model 115, 125, 135, or 138 can also be via the Integrated Communications Adapter (#4640) and appropriate BSC features on a 3115, 3125, 3135, or 3138.

The Model 61C communicates with the 8100 Information System, using SDLC, via data link, a direct- or data link-attached loop, or direct connection.

SDLC as used in the 3274 Model 61C conforms to a subset (unbalanced normal mode) of both the ISO HDLC and ANSI ADCCP standards. For details of this conformance, see "General Information Manual, IBM Synchronous Data Link Control", GA27-3093.

A 3274 Model 61C can be used with X.25 communications facilities by customization with Configuration Support D (release level 63.1 or higher). Appropriate hardware features must be installed to support Configuration Support D operation with X.25. See "X.25 Support" under "Control Storage Functions" and Configuration Support D description for details.


For many 3274 Model 61C systems, response time is limited by transmission line speeds. For these cases, applicable line speed upgrades can be translated into immediate response time improvements. However, performance is also data stream-dependent. Refer to IBM Aids for performance evaluation information.

Communications Facilities (System/3)

The 3274 Model 61C operates over data half-duplex mode on point-to-point or multipoint half-duplex or duplex nonswitched facilities at transmission speeds of 1200 (51C only), 2000, 2400, 4800, 7200, and 9600 bps. See 2700 pages for facilities.

Communications Facilities

The 3274 Model 61C operates in half-duplex point-to-point or multipoint mode on half-duplex or duplex facilities, using SDLC or BSC, at transmission speeds of 1200 (61C only with a modem supplied clock), (and 2000 in US and Canada), 2400/1200, 4800/2400, 7200/3600 and 9600/4800 bps on nonswitched facilities. In addition, the 3274 Model 61C operates in half-duplex point-to-point mode using SDLC at transmission speeds of 1200 (with a modem supplied clock), 2400/1200, 4800/2400, and 9600/4800 bps on switched facilities. See 2700 pages for facilities. For the UK, see the "RPQ Manual", Section 7.

The 3274 Model 61C also operates in half-duplex mode at 9600 or 38,400 bps over a direct-attached loop, and at 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps over a data link-attached loop.

Multipoint and point-to-point communications at speeds up to 56K bps are also possible where facilities are available. In addition, communications through a 3705, 3720, 3721, 3725, 3726 or to the Local Attachment Interface #4801 on the 4331 or to an 8130/8140 Processor can be via direct connection without the need for communications facilities or modems. All communications at speeds greater than 9600 bps must use SDLC. See 3705, 3720, 3721, 3725, 3726, 4331, 8101, 8130 and 8140 pages for details.


Unless the 3274 Model 61C will be direct connected, an external Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) is required when the External Modem Interface (#3701) or CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) or CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655 or #5656) is installed.

For use with the S/3, unless a Digital Data Service (DDS) Adapter #5650 or #5651 is installed, a 1200 bps integrated modem feature #5500 (51C only) or an external modem must be attached to the 3274 Model 21C, 31C, or 51C. External modems require the External Modem Interface #3701. No external modem is required when attached locally to System/3 through BSCA/EIA Local, BSCC/EIA Local, LCA or ICA; however, External Modem Interface #3701 is required.

Modem         Speed (bps)
-------------- ---------------
3863 Model 1/2 2400/1200
3864 Model 1/2 4800/2400
3865 Model 1/2 9600/4800
3868 Model 1 2400/1200
3868 Model 2 4800/2400
3868 Model 3/4 9600/4800
3872 Model 1 2400/1200
5811 Model 10 2400/4800/ Limited
9600 Distance Modem
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Model 10
5865 Model 1 9600/7200
5866 Model 1 14.4K/12K
(5865 mode) 9600/7200
5868 Model 10 Rack mount
version of
Model 18 Rack mount
version of
Switched network backup (SNBU) operation with Manual Call and Manual or Auto Answer is available on the 3872 Model 1.

4-wire SNBU operation with Manual Call and Auto Answer is available on the 3863 Model 1, 3864 Model 1, and 3865 Models 1 and 2. For communications capabilities, product utilization and features, see 2700, 3863, 3864, 3865 and 3872 pages.

Direct Connection Attachment

In addition to host attachment via modems or other data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), attachment can be made by direct connect, without the need for intervening DCE. The direct connect is made by using either the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the V.35 Interface (#1550), the corresponding host interface feature(s), and a connecting cable. Shown below are the hosts that provide direct connection attachment for the 3274. Only the basic features needed by the 3274 direct connect hosts are listed. These features may have prerequisites, therefore the machine pages for those hosts should also be reviewed. Physical planning manuals for the respective direct connect hosts can provide additional information on the connecting cables.

Host B D
Unit Speed Feature S L
Attach (bps) Number C C
------ ----------- ---------- - -
3705-1, 2, 80
14.4K,57.6K #4727 (1W) - x
14.4K,57.6K #4728 (1Z) - x
14.4K,57.6K #6715 (LS5) - x
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
38400 #4931 x x
55885 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
38400 #4942 - x
55885 #4942 - x
3725-1, 2, 3726
2400 #4911 x x
4800 #4911 x x
9600 #4911 x x
19200 #4911 x x
19200 #4931 x x
56000 #4931 x x
2400 #4941 - x
4800 #4941 - x
9600 #4941 - x
19200 #4942 - x
56000 #4942 - x
4331 Model Grp 1, 2
1200 #4801 x x
2400 #4801 x x
4800 #4801 x x
9600 #4801 x x
1200,2400 #3701
(FAC 15) - x
4800,9600 #3701
(FAC 16) - x
1200,2400 #1550
(FAC 24) - x
4800,9600 #1550
(FAC 25) - x
8101/8140 BXX
56K #1550
(FAC 26) - x
8140 CXX
4800 #1621 - x
56K #1614 - x
Unit Max Cable Feature
Attach Length Number
------ ----------- -------------
3705-1, 2, 80
57m (190') #1550, #6303
57m (190') #1550, #6303
60m (200') #1550, #6303
3720-1, 2, 11, 12, 3721-1, 2
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
3725-1, 2, 3726
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302
35m (115') #3701, #6302 or
35m (115') #3701, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #1550, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302
150m (492') #5656, #6302 or
150m (492') #5656, #6303
150m (492') #5656, #6303
4331 Model Grp 1, 2
800m (2,625') #3701, #6302
400m (1,312') #3701, #6302
200m (656') #3701, #6302
100m (328') #3701, #6302,
or #6303
12m (40') #3701, #6302
12m (40') #3701, #6302
300m (1,000') #1550, #6302
300m (1,000') #1550, #6302
8101/8140 BXX
300m (1,000') #1550, #6303
8140 CXX
13m (40') #3701, #6302
300m (1,000') #1550, #6303
Communications Adapters

Model 61C Communications adapters handle the transmission control protocols (SDLC and BSC). One, and only one can be selected, but one is required on each 61C.

Communications Interfaces

Communications interfaces connect a Model 61C to the host link. One and only one, can be selected, but one is required.

Models Model Summary Matrix
Attaches Local Remote Max Terminal Storage Special
Models to Attach Attach Cluster Size Size Features
------ ----------------- ------ ------ ------------ ------- --------
A01 S/370,30xx,4300 SNA No 32 - -
B01 S/370,30xx,4300, 3272 No 32 - -
C01 S/370,30xx,4300, SNA opt Base 32 - 3701,1550
D01 S/370,4300 3272 No 32 - -
21A S/370,30xx,4300 SNA No 32 64k -
21B S/370,30xx,4300, 3272 No 32 64k -
21C S/3,S/360,S/370, No Base 32 64k 6903
21D S/370,4300 3272 No 32 64k -
31A S/370,30xx,4300 SNA No 32 128k -
31C S/3,S/360,S/370, No Base 32 128k -
31D S/370,4300 3272 No 32 128k -
41A S/370,30xx,4300 SNA No 32 192k -
41C S/3,S/360,S/370, No Enhanced 32 192k -
41D S/370,4300 3272 No 32 192k -
51C S/3,S/360,S/370, No Base 12 64k -
Maximum Not available. Customer Setup (CSU) The 3274 Models 1C, 21C, 31C, 51C, 41C, 61C, 52C are designated as Customer Setup, thereby offering the customer early availability and terminal relocation flexibility. The customer is responsible for attaching CSU units to the 3274. For additional information on CSU, refer to GI section.

Standard Models

For ease of configuration and simplification in ordering, some pre-defined configurations for 3274 Models 21C, and 51C have been designated Standard Models. These Standard Models are based on commonly ordered configurations and should satisfy a majority of customer requirements. Refer to "3274 Control Unit Standard Model Selection Guide" pages for Standard Model descriptions, selection and ordering details.

Customer Responsibilities

The customer is responsible for:

  1. Adequate site, system and other vendor preparation.
  2. Physical setup, connection of cables to communication lines/modems and IBM devices incorporating protected customer access areas, switch settings, and check out.
  3. Contact your local IBM service organization to make cable connections of IBM CSU units to non-CSU units where customer access areas are not provided.
  4. Notify IBM of intent to relocate and follow IBM instructions for relocation.
  5. Use and follow the problem determination procedures and fill out trouble report prior to calling for IBM service.
  6. Disconnecting, packing and removal to the customer's shipping dock at the time of discontinuance. Appropriate instructions will be provided by IBM.
  7. Receipt at the customer's receiving dock, unpacking, and placement of the 3274.
  8. Contacting the local IBM service organization to accomplish the channel connection tasks for the 3274 Models 1A, 1B, 1D, 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A, 31D, 41A, 41D.
  9. Connection of communication cable to the communications facility for the 3274 Models 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, 61C, 52C.
  10. Procurement, installation, and maintenance of the loop network when applicable on a 3274 Model 51C.
  11. Performing 3274 customization in accordance with IBM-supplied procedures:
    • For initial installation.
    • When made necessary by changes in configuration.
    • For updating of the control unit diskettes (at customer option).
    • When initializing and updating the keyboard tables using the Keyboard Definition Utility.
Devices Supported Not available. Model Conversions See table below for field installation of model conversions:
             1         1    21      21
FROM MODEL TO MODEL - - - - - - - -
---------- -------- -- ------ --
1A/B/D Yes(1) No NR No
1C No -- No NR
21A/B/D NR No Yes(1) No
21C No NR No --
31A/D NR ; No NR No
31C No NR No NR
51C No No No No
31 31 51
---------- --- --- ---
1A/B/D Yes No No
1C No Yes No
21A/B/D Yes(2) No No
21C No Yes No
31A/D Yes No No
31C No -- No
51C No No --
NR = Field Installation NOT recommended


  1. When making Model conversions, the applicable Control Storage Requirement Table must be used to determine if sufficient control storage is available. Also, when converting Models, refer to FIVE3270 to evaluate expected performance.
  2. The 3274 Models 21A/B/C/D contain the newer storage technology which facilitates upgrading to Models 31A/C/D at a reduced cost.
Model conversions of a Model 41A to 41D or 41D to 41A are available. There are no other 41X or 61C model conversions. There are no model upgrades from a Model 21X, 31X, or 51C to a Model 41X or 61C, respectively. If making a model change, refer to FIVE3270 or refer to the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167, to evaluate expected performance.
Technical Description Physical Specifications Basic Configuration

Specify codes are not normally required to order a 3274.

Except for mandatory specify codes, it is not necessary to select codes when ordering a 3274.
If no specify codes are selected, other than mandatory specify codes, the machine is shipped as follows:

  • Voltage (200-240V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz): (Models 41A, 41D) Non-locking plug.
  • Voltage (120V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz): (Models 41C, 61C) Non-locking plug.
  • Power Cable Length: 4.3m (14 ft).
  • Communications Cable Length:
    • Models 21C, 31C, 51C: 6.1m (20 ft)
    • Model 41C or 61C without Loop Adapter #4850: 6.1m (20 ft)
    • Model 61C with Loop Adapter #4850: 1.8m (6 ft) Loop Station Connector (LSC) cable.
  • Configuration Support A: #9110
  • Configuration Support D: Includes support for the following:
    • ASCII
    • All Category A Terminals and their functions/features
    • All Category A Terminal display keyboards
    • APL/Text Control
    • 3289 Text Print Control
    • Host-Loadable Printer Authorization Matrix
    • Between Bracket Printer Sharing
    • SCS Printer Support
    • DCA-LV2 Printer Support (SNA LU1)
    • Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) Support (release level 65 required)
    • Magnetic Reader Control
    • Color Convergence
    • Structured Field and Attribute Processing
    • Programmed Symbols
    • Decompression of Programmed Symbols load data
    • Copy (Print Key Function)
    • Solicitation of summary maintenance statistics
    • Pacing of inbound message traffic
    • Automatic session recovery in both single and multi-domain networks
    • Host notification of changes in attached terminal power on/off status
    • BSC Text Blocking
    • BSC Transparency
    • Entry Assist
    • Alert Function (Models 41A, 41C/SNA, 61C/SNA)
    • Response Time Monitor
    • All 3274 Models 41A, 41C, 41D and 61C Specify and Special Features
    • Unsupported Control Code Translate (similar to RPQ 8K0980)
    • Dual Function Clear Key (similar to RPQ 8K0976/7/8)
    • 4250 attachment (Models 41C and 61C require printer RPQ 7B0980)
    • X.25 data transmission services (Model 41C, 61C with 256K)
    • 3180 Model 1 display station scrolling support
    • The Keyboard Definition Utility for the 3179 and the 3180 Model 1
    1. Some functions are either not applicable or available on all Models. Refer to the following manuals for details:
      • GA23-0061 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Description and Programmer's Guide
      • GA23-0065 IBM 3274 Control Unit - Customizing Guide
    2. This configuration support is the same as that which is also available on the 3274 Models 31A, 31D and/or 51C.
    Limitations: (1) When 3290s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs are attached, specify #9301 (except Germany) #9303) (Germany only or #9304) (Israel only 3290 only) (or #9305 in AP, IBM LA, and Canada); is required to get a microcode load diskette that must be used with Configuration Support D to enable the downstream load of 3290s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs with operational microcode. See "3290/3179-G/3192-G Support" under "Specify". 3193s cannot be attached to the same 3274 Control Unit. 2) When 3193s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs are attached, specify (in the US #9311); (Except Germany #9311) (Germany only #9313); (Except Katakana, #9311) (Katakana only, #9315); which is required to get a microcode load diskette that must be used with with Configuration Support D, release 65 or higher to enable the downstream loading of 3193s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs with operational microcode. See "3193/3179-G/3192-G Support" under Specify. 3290s cannot be attached to the same 3274 Control Unit.

    (3) The extended data stream functions (extended color, extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols) that require the Structured Field and Attribute Processing (SFAP) option in Configuration Support D will NOT operate with ASCII unless RPQ 8K1160 is installed. Customer Setup: Yes.

Operating Environment Not available. Limitations Not available. Hardware Requirements Performance

Performance is a function of many variables. It should not be inferred that the number of terminals indicated can operate concurrently with satisfactory performance in all situations. Use FIVE3270 or refer to the "IBM 3274 Performance Guidelines, Technical Bulletin", ZZ20-4167 to predict performance for individual cases.

Specify and Special Features installed as default options, have been designated "3274 Standard Models".

To order a 3274 selected from the 3274 Standard Models Selection Chart, it is only necessary to specify the 3274, the model selected, and any Special Feature indicated by the chart.

It should be noted that requests for accessories, other features, RPQs, or any other alterations will NOT be accepted for shipment with a Standard Model. Any desired deviation from a Standard Model configuration necessitates normal ordering procedures and reference to the 3274 pages which follow this Standard Model Selection Guide.

3274 Standard Model Selection

When selecting a 3274, it is necessary to know the host attachment method, the desired terminal features/functions, plus the quantity and type of terminals to be attached. It should be noted that two terminal ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer. A Glossary at the end of this guide may aid in understanding the above criteria and the 3274 Standard Models Selection Chart below.

3274 Standard Models Selection Chart

| | LOCAL (1) | REMOTE |
| A | | | Base |Enhanced|
|Term| SNA |Non-SNA|Funct(2)|Funct(3)|
| | | |51C Std | |
| 8 | --- | --- | Model | --- |
| | | | |61C Std |
| 16 | --- | --- | --- |Model + |
| | | | |#9901 or|
| | | | | #9908 |
| | | |21C Std | |
| 24 | --- | --- | Model | --- |
| |41A Std|41D Std|21C Std |41C Std |
| |Model |Model | Model |Model |
| 32 | | | plus | |
| | | | #6903 | |
  1. These local machines are shipped with the following Specify and Special Features as default options:
    • Power: 200-240V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz with non-locking plug. Power Cable Length: 4.3m (14 ft).
    • Configuration Support D: See "Function List #2" for functions supported.
    • Category A Terminal Support #9908.
  2. These remote machines are shipped with the following Specify and Special Features as default options:
    • Power: 120V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz with non-locking plug.
    • Power Cable Length: 4.3m (14 ft).
    • Communications Adapter: Common Communications Adapter w/o Business Machine Clock #6302.
    • Communications Interface: External Modem Interface #3701.
    • Terminal Adapters (except 51C): Type A1 #6901 and Type A2 #6902.
    • Configuration Support: CS-A #9110. See "Function List #1" for functions supported.
    • Communications Cable Length: 5.1m (20 ft).
  3. These remote machines are shipped with the following Specify and Special Features as default options:
    • Power: 100-127V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz with non-locking plug.
    • Power Cable Length: 4.3m (14 ft).
    • Communications Adapter: Common Communications Adapter w/o Business Machine Clock #6302.
    • Communications Interface: External Modem Interface #3701.
    • Configuration Support: CS-D. See "Function List #2" for functions supported.
    • Category A Terminal Support #9908 (Model 41C only).
The above standard models have been chosen because they are the machines commonly ordered by customers. If additional function or capability is required, use the detail 3274 pages or CF3270 to configure the 3274.

Prerequisites for Model 1s:

  1. One 3178, 3278, or 3279 with keyboard is needed on each 3274 as a diagnostic aid. It must be attached to the first terminal address on the control unit (Port 0).
  2. A 3274 Model 1C requires a Communications Adapter and a Communication Interface for host communications. An external modem is required with the External Modem Interface (#3701) and the CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) unless the 3274 Model 1C is to be directly attached to its host. The Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment or direct attachment host to which the 3274 Model 1C is attached must provide clocking.
Prerequisites for Models 21s, 31s, 51C:
  1. One 3178, 3179, 3180-100, 3191, 3192, 3278 or 3279 with keyboard is needed on each 3274 as a diagnostic aid. It must be attached to the first terminal address on the control unit (Port 0).
  2. A 3274 Model 21C or 31C requires a Communications Adapter and a Communication Interface for communications. An external Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) is required with the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) or CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655) unless the 3274 Model 21C/31C is to be direct connected. The DCE or direct connected unit to which the 3274 Model 21C or 31C is attached must provide clocking.

  3. For use with System/3, the 3274 requires an Integrated Modem Feature #5500 (51C only) or External Modem Interface #3701, or DDS Adapter (#5650 or #5651) for host communications. An external modem is not required with the External Modem Interface #3701 when attached locally to S/3 via BSCA/EIA Local, BSCC/EIA Local, LCA, or ICA.

  4. The 3274 Model 51C requires a Communications Adapter and a Communications Interface for host communications. An external DCE may be required with the External Modem Interface (#3701), and the CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550), and the CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655 and #5656).
Prerequisites for Models 41x and 61C:

For ease of configuration and simplification in ordering, some pre-defined configurations for 3274 Models 41A, 41C, 41D, and 61C have been designated Standard Models. These Standard Models are based on commonly ordered configurations and should satisfy a majority of customer requirements. Refer to "3274 Control Unit Standard Model Selection Guide" pages for Standard Model descriptions, selection and ordering details.

  1. One 3178, 3179, 3180 Model 1, 3278, or 3279 with keyboard is needed on each 3274 as a diagnostic aid. It must be attached to the first terminal address on the control unit (Port 0). (This display station may be attached via a 3299.)
  2. A 3274 Model 41C requires a Communications Adapter and a Communication Interface for communications. An external Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) is required with the External Modem Interface (#3701) or the CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) or CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655) unless the 3274 Model 41C is to be direct connected. The Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment or direct connected unit to which the 3274 Model 41C is attached must provide clocking.

  3. For use with S/3, the 3274 requires an External Modem Interface #3701, or DDS Adapter (#5650 or #5651) for host communications. An external modem is not required with the External Modem Interface (#3701) when attached locally to S/3 via BSCA/EIA Local, BSCC/EIA Local, LCA, or ICA.

  4. The 3274 Model 61C requires a Communications Adapter and a Communications Interface for host communications. An external DCE may be required with the External Modem Interface (#3701), and the CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550), and the CCITT X.21 Interface (#5655 and #5656).
Software Requirements Not available.
Publications See "KWIC Index", G320-1621, or applicable system bibliography:
  • GC20-0360S/360
  • GC20-0001S/370
  • GC20-00014300
  • GC20-81008100

Features -- Specify/Special/Exchange No Charge Specify Codes Specify feature codes, when ordered for field installation via MES, are billable to the customer unless ordered with a model change and/or a chargeable feature. (Color and voltage changes are always billable.) If the price is not in the price file, an RPQ should be submitted.
  • Voltage (AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz):
  •                   Locking Plug
    Models 120V 208V 240V
    -------------- ----- ----- -----
    1A,B,D N/A #9884* #9894*
    1C #9890 #9884 #9894
    21A,B,D N/A #9884 #9894
    21C,31A,C,D(1) #9890 #9884 #9894
    51C #9890 N/A N/A
    Non-Locking Plug
    Models 120V 208V 240V
    ------------ ---- ----- -----
    1A,B,D N/A #9885 #9895
    1C #9891 #9885 #9895
    21A,B,D N/A D #9895
    21C,31A,C,D D #9885 #9895
    51C D N/A N/A
    • * For a Waterproof Connector, see "Special Features".
    • N/A = Not Applicable.
    • (1) = For Waterproof Connector, see "Special Features".
    • D = Default Option
  • Power Cable Plug: Specify #9890 if locking plug is desired.
  • Power Cable Length: If standard 4.3m (14 ft) power cable is not desired, specify #9511 for 1.8m (6 ft).
  • Communication Cable: (Models 1C, 21x, 31x, 51x, 52C) A 6.1m (20 ft) communication cable is provided as standard with each Communications Interface feature except the Loop Adapter #4850. If the standard 6.1m (20 ft) communication cable is not desired, specify one of the following: #9061 for 3.0m (10 ft), #9062 for 9.1m (30 ft) or #9063 for 12.2m (40 ft) cable.

  • A 1.8m (6 ft) communication cable (Loop Station Connector (LSC) cable) is provided with #4850 as standard for Model 51C, 52C attachment to a direct-attached or data link-attached loop. If standard cable is not desired, specify #9405 for 4.3m (14 ft) cable.

  • Configuration Support: The Configuration support required for the 3274 must be determined before ordering special features or attaching certain terminals. Refer to the 3274 Control Storage Requirements Tables under "Special Feature" Extended Function Store (EFS) for a detailed listing of the functions supports by each option. Field Installation: Yes. (Configuration Support D #9124 is field installation only for Models 31A, 31C, and 31D.) Customer Setup: Yes. Limitations: Certain functions require host software support in order to be utilized. Refer to host programming support descriptions to determine the levels of software required.

  • Note: When operating a large screen (screen size greater than 1,920 characters) display station that is connected to a 3274 Model 1B, 1C, 1D, 21B, 21C, 31C, 21D, 31D, 51C in a VM/370 environment, an RPQ is recommended to change the function of the display keyboard Clear key so that it will not place the display in default mode. See RPQ 8K0976, 8K0977, or 8K0978.

  • Configuration Support A (#9110): This Configuration Support is the default option and is shipped with all 3274s unless Diskette Distribution Alternative RPQ (8K1072), Configuration Support C (#9112), D (#9124) or Configuration Support P (#9116) is specified.
  • It need not be specified unless it is being ordered to replace Configuration Support B (No Longer Available), C or D (#9111, #9112 OR #9124 respectively) in the field. It provides support for all 3270 functions listed in Table 1, plus support for solicitation of summary maintenance statistics from a 3274 Model 21A, 31A, 21C/SNA, 31C/SNA, 51C/SNA through the use of Network Problem Determination Application (NPDA), and support for base color on attached terminals. It also supports the X.21 Adapter for Nonswitched Networks and 3270 Personal Computer (Control Unit Terminal Mode).
  • Configuration Support B (#9111): (Models 1A, 1C, 1D, 21A, 21C, 31A, 31C, 31D, 51C) Provides support for all 3270 functions included in Configuration Support A #9110 plus the ability to attach 3278 Model 5 displays, and support for the following functions:
    • Pacing of inbound message traffic (Models 1A, 1C/SNA, 21A, 21C/SNA, 31A, 31C/SNA, 51C/SNA).
    • Automatic Session recovery in both single and multidomain networks (Models 1C/SNA, 21C/SNA, 31C, 51C/SNA).
    • Host notification of changes in the power on/off status at attached terminals (Models 1A, 1C/SNA, 21A, 21C/SNA, 31A, 31C, 51C/SNA).
  • Configuration Support C (#9112): (Models 1A, 1C, 1D, 31A, 31C, 31D, 51C) Provides support for all 3270 functions included in Configuration Support B, plus support for the following additional functions:
    • Ability to attach 3278 Model 5s or a 3180 Model 1 emulating a Model 5.
    • Pacing of inbound message traffic (Models 31A, 31C/SNA, and 51C/SNA).
    • Host notification of changes in the power on/off status at attached terminals (Models 21A, 21C/SNA, 31A, 31C/SNA, and 51C/SNA).
    • Structured Field and Attribute Processing (SFAP). (3)
    • Programmed Symbols (PS) on attached terminals. (3)
    • Extended Color on attached terminals. (3)
    • Extended Highlighting on attached terminals. (3)
    • Decompression of PS Load Data. (3)
    • BSC Text Blocking.
    • BSC Transparency.
    • Integrated Modems.
    • X.21 Switched Network Operation (SNA/SDLC Model 51C only).
    • 3274 Entry Assist RPQ.
    • 4250 Attachment (Models 1A, 1D, 21x, 31x, 51x).
    • Alert Function (Models 1A, 1C/SNA, 31A, 31C/SNA, 51C/SNA).
    • Response Time Monitor (Models 31A, 31C, 31D, 51C).
    • System/3 support for 1200 bps Integrated Modem #5500 (Model 51C only)

    1. The APL/Text Control Function, which is a separate option in Configuration Support A and B, is included as a basic function of Configuration Support C.
    2. Configuration Support C, unlike Configuration Support A or B, generates a program check (X PROG 470) whenever an EBCDIC data stream contains a device control code(s) that the 3274 does not support. To prevent the program check, users must purge the unsupported code(s) from the data stream.

    3. Alternately, order RPQ 8K0980. Refer to the RPQF file in the SMART data base for details.

    4. The extended data stream functions (extended color, extended highlighting and Programmed Symbols) that require the Structured Field and Attribute Processing (SFAP) option in Configuration Support C will NOT operate with ASCII unless RPQ 8K1037 is installed. Alternately, order RPQ 80980. Refer to the RPQF file in database for details. Prerequisites (Model 51C): #3631 or #3632 or #1800. Specify: #9112 for Configuration Support C.

    5. Configuration Support C requires #3623 or #3625 as a prerequisite.

  • Configuration Support D (#9124): (Models 31A, 31C, 31D, 51C) Provides support for all 3270 functions included in Configuration Support C plus support for:
    • 3191 Display Station
    • 3192 Display Station
    • 3290 Information Panels Displays
    • 3274 Entry Assist on 3178/3179/3180/3191/3192/3278/3279/3290 Displays
    • The Keyboard Definition Utility for 3179/3180 Model 1/3191/3192
    • 3180 Model 1 scrolling support
    • 3179 and 3180 Model 1 display stations in extended function (native) mode
    • X.25 data transmission services (Model 31C, 51C with 256K)
    • 3179 Model G Color Graphics Display Station
    • 3192 Model G Color Graphics Display Station
    • Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) Support (release level 65 required)
    Limitations: 1) When 3290s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs are attached, specify #9301 (except Germany, #9303) (Germany only, or #9304) (Israel only/3290 only) (AP, Canada, IBM LA only or #9305 is required to get a microcode load diskette that must be used with Configuration Support D to enable the downstream load of 3290s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs with operational microcode. See "3290/3179-G/3192-G Support" under "Specify". In addition, a utility diskette is also provided with #9301 (AP, Canada, IBM LA only and #9305) (EMEA only and #9303 to enable the customizing of the 3290, 3179-G and 3192-G keyboard and keypad layouts.

    2) When 3193s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs are attached, specify (US only#9311) (Except Germany #9311) (Germany only #9313) (Except Katakana, #9311) (Katakana only, #9315) which is required to get a microcode load diskette that must be used with with Configuration Support D, release 65 or higher to enable the downstream loading of 3193s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs with operational microcode. See "3193/3179-G/3192-G Support" under "Specify". 3290s cannot be attached to the same 3274 Control Unit. 3) Configuration Support D will NOT support Category B Terminals (i.e., IBM PC/XT370 with 3277 emulation card) in any combination with 3290s, 3270 PCs (Distribution Function Mode), 3179-Gs, 3192-Gs or 3193s.

    4) The extended data stream functions (extended color, extended highlighting, and Programmed Symbols) that require the SFAP option will NOT operate with ASCII unless RPQ 8K1160 is installed.

    Prerequisites: #3650. For X.25 support, 256K of control storage is required (two #3650S are required). Specify: #9124 for Configuration Support D.

  • Configuration Support T: (Models 1A, 1C, 1D) This Configuration support is Specify Code #9113 (No Longer Available), #9114 (No Longer Available Germany only), or #9115 (No Longer Available, Japan only) and provides support for the 3290 or 3270 Personal Computer (Distributed Function Mode) in addition to the other 3270 functions and terminals except:

  • Category B Terminals

    • 3279 "Extended Color" Models
    • Structured Field and Attribute Processing
    • Programmed Symbols
    • Loop Adapter
    • X.21 Adapter
    • Encrypt/Decrypt
    • Entry Assist
    • 4250 Printer Attachment
    • Alert Function
    • Response Time Monitor
    • X.25
    Two 3290 microcode load diskettes are automatically included with Configuration Support T (only one System Diskette is included with Configuration Support T). A Utility Diskette is provided to customize keyboard and keypad layouts. This Configuration Support option was developed for the user who desires to evaluate the operation of the 3290 or 3270 Personal Computer (Distributed Function Mode) on existing 3274s. Based on the intended use and inherent limitations, IBM has no intent to enhance Configuration Support T.

    Prerequisites: 128K of control storage - #1801, #3622, #3625, and #3628 or #1801, #3623, and #3628. Limitations: (1) Because Configuration Support T was developed as the configuration support for evaluating of 3290s or 3270 Personal Computer (Distributed Function Mode) it does not restrict having one of the other Configuration Support A, B, or C, options although they cannot be used concurrently. (2) Hebrew Language (RPQ 7H0524) is NOT supported by Configuration Support T. Specify: For Configuration Support T, specify #9113 (No Longer Available), #9113 (No Longer Available) for all languages except Katakana. For Katakana specify #9115 (No Longer Available, Japan only). #9113 (No Longer Available) (Except Germany), #9114 (No Longer Available) (Germany only).

  • Alternate Mailing Address (#9011): For diskette-only updates. Order this optional feature to specify that diskette only updates are to be mailed to an alternate site address supplied by NSD using a Teleprocessing Control number (TPC) rather than to the address of the 3274 installation site. The alternate address selected is usually that of a central site location. Redistribution of the diskettes containing the diskette update is the responsibility of the customer. The user may decide to replace the existing diskette himself with the diskette containing the updates or, if requested, the IBM CE will replace the diskette. The purpose of this feature is to assist the customer with his network management. Field Installation: Yes. Submit Record Purpose Only MES.

  • Customers who have ordered, or plan to order for purchase, 3274 Models 1A/B/C/D and anticipate later upgrading to Models 31A/C/D should consider purchase of Models 21A/B/C/D initially, because field upgrade of the Model 1A/B/C/D requires replacement of the base storage at an additional cost.

  • Configuration Support P (#9116): (Models 1C, 31C, 51C) This Configuration Support provides functions equivalent to Configuration Support A, but is for X.25 operation only.

  • Prerequisites Model 1C: (1) 128K of control storage - #1801, #3622, #3625, and #3628, or #1801, #3623, and #3628. (2) #6303.

    Prerequisites Models 31C and 51C: (1) #6303. (2) Model 51C (128K of control storage), #1800, or #1802 and #3632, or #1802, #3630, and #3631.

  • 3193/3179-G/3192-G Support: This support is specify code (US only #9311.) (Except Germany #9311) (Germany only #9313.) (Except Katakana, #9311) (Katakana only, #9315). One of these must be specified to get 3193/3179-G/3192-G microcode load diskettes which must be used with Configuration Support D, release 65 or higher to enable the downstream loading of 3193s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs with operational microcode. In addition, a utility diskette is also provided with #9311 (EMEA only and #9313) (AP, Canada, IBM LA only and #9315 (Katakana 3179-G/3192-G only) to enable the customizing of the 3193, 3179-G and 3192-G keyboard and keypad layouts. Field Installation: Yes. Customer Setup: Yes. Limitations: 3290s cannot be attached to the same 3274 Control Unit.
  • 3290/3179-G/3192-G Support: (Models 31A, 31C, 31D, 41x, 51C, 61x) This support is specify code (US only #9301.) (#9301 except Germany), (#9303 Germany only), or #9304 (Israel only 3290 only). (AP, IBM LA, Canada only #9301 or #9305). When 3290s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs are attached and Configuration Support D is to be used, (US only #9301) one of these must be specified to get a microcode load diskette which must be used with Configuration Support D to enable the downstream loading of 3290s, 3179-Gs and/or 3192-Gs with operational microcode.

  • In addition, a utility diskette is also provided with #9301 (AP, IBM LA, Canada only) and #9305 (Katakana) (US only and #9303) to enable the customizing of the 3290, 3179-G and 3192-G keyboard and keypad layouts.

    Note: Load diskettes originally contained only microcode for the 3290. The 3179-G and 3192-G microcode was added. Refer to the diskette label to determine the release level and the load microcode that is actually contained on a particular diskette. Original load diskettes will only support the 3290 and the labels on these diskettes only makes reference to the 3290. 3193s cannot be attached to the same 3274 Control Unit.

  • Terminal Support Interfaces: Provides for the method of attaching terminals. One and only one must be specified on each order.

  • 3299 Terminal Multiplexer Support (#9901): Enables the attachment of Category A Terminals via 3299 Terminal Multiplexers. Up to four multiplexers may be connected to a 41X, each multiplexer attaching up to eight terminals for a total of 32 terminals. One multiplexer may be connected to a 61C for eight terminals (Ports 8 through 15) while up to eight more terminals may be directly attached to Port 0 through 7 for a total of 16 terminals. Limitations: (1) Requires 3299s to attach terminals to the control unit (see 3299 pages). (2) Cannot have #9908. Field Installation: Yes.

    Category A Terminal Support (#9908): Provides for the direct attachment of Category A Terminals. Up to 32 terminals may be attached to a 41X. Up to 16 terminals may be attached to a 61C. Limitations: Cannot have #9901. Field Installation: Yes.

Special Feature Codes -- Chargeable Note: After the configuration support and the desired special features have been selected, the control storage requirement must be determined by using the tables under Extended Function Store (EFS) features below. Some combinations of functions and features may exceed the capacity of the control storage in the basic machine, in which case Table 2 will identify what EFS features must be ordered. Still other combinations may exceed the maximum control storage possible with all EFS features. Such combinations are invalid configurations and cannot be configured. In these situations, feature(s) must be forfeited in order to reduce the control storage requirement to an amount not exceeding the maximum control storage possible. CCITT V.35 Interface (#1550) (Models 1C, 21C, 31C, 51C, 41C, 61C) Provides a cable and a CCITT interface for attachment to an external modem or other DCE complying with CCITT Recommendation (1976) V.35, ISO Standard 2593, other relevant CCITT Recommendations, and provides clocking of up to 56K bps. Attachment to non-IBM DCE is subject to the provisions of the Multiple Supplier Systems Bulletin. May also be used for direct attachment to a 3705 at speeds up to 57.6K bps. See "Specify" section for communication cable length. Limitations: (1) Cannot be installed with any other communications Interface Feature. (2) BSC is not supported at speeds greater than 9600 bps. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: (1) #6302 or #6303 for communications up to 9600 bps. (2) #6303 for communications above 9600 bps or for X.25 operation up to a maximum of 9600 bps.

Note: Depending on the length and content of the data stream, it is possible that an occasional "temporary busy" condition due to 3274 buffering and processing constraints may be experienced at higher line speeds. The condition clears and data transfer resumes when a buffer becomes available.

Extended Function Store (EFS) - Type D4 (#1800) (Model 51C) Provides 65,536 positions of additional control storage. Limitations: Cannot be installed with EFS-Types D1, D2, or D3 (#3630, #3631, #3632) or #1802. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Control Storage Expansion (#1801) Provides the ability to install storage above the basic level. This feature must be installed with EFS - Type C1 (#3622), or Type C2 (#3623). This combination is also a prerequisite to installing the other EFS features (Types C3/ #3625, D1/ #3627, D2/ #3628). Limitations: Cannot be installed on 3274 Model 1B. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Integrated Diskette Drive Enhancement (#3101) (Models 31A, 31C, 31D) Installs the enhanced file that is required to use Configuration Support D. Field Installation: Yes. Field Installation only. All parts removed from purchased machines remain customer property. Extended Function Store (EFS) (#3622, #3623, #3625, #3627, #3628) #3622 is for Type C1 -- #3623 is for Type C2 -- #3625 is for Type C3 -- #3627 is for Type D1 -- #3628 is for Type D2. Provide increments of control storage to accommodate combinations of functional features that exceed the storage capacity of the base machine. Types C1, C3, and D1 each provide 16,384 additional positions of control storage. Types C2 and D2 each provide 32,768 additional positions of control storage. To determine which EFS features may be required, refer to the 3274 Control Storage Requirements in Tables 1 and 2 below.

Note: A description of non-"Specify", non-"Feature", non-"Machine" Control Storage Requirement Functions is given later in this section, with the exception of "Category A Terminals", "Category B Terminals", EBCDIC, and ASCII, which have been described above.

EFS-Type C1 (#3622) (Models 1A, 1C, 1D) Provides 16,384 positions of additional control storage. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #1801. Limitations: Cannot be installed with #3623. EFS-Type C2 (#3623) (Models 1A, 1C, 1D) Provides 32,768 positions of additional control storage. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #1801. Limitations: Cannot be installed with #3622. EFS-Type C3 (#3625) (Models 1A, 1C, 1D) Provides 16,384 positions of additional control storage. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #3622. Limitations: Field Installation only. REFS-Type D1 (#3627) (Models 1A, 1C, 1D) Provides 16,384 positions of additional control storage. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #3622 or #3623. EFS-Type D2 (#3628) (Models 1A, 1C, 1D) Provides 32,768 positions of additional control storage. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #3622 or #3623. EFS - Type D3 (#3631) (Model 51C) Provides 32,768 positions of additional control storage. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Field installation only. Prerequisites: #3630. Extended Function Store (EFS) - Type C1 (#3650) (Models 31A 31C, 31D, 51C) Provides 65,536 positions of additional control storage. Maximum: Two. Field Installation: Yes.

Model 51C - #5101 Integrated Diskette Drive Enhancement or RPQ 8K1071 and either #1800 Extended Function Store Type D4 or

#3632 Extended Function Store Type D2 or #3631 Extended Function Store Type D3.

Extended Function Store (EFS) - Type D5 (#3660) (Model 41A, 41C, 41D, 61C) Provides 131,072 positions of additional control storage. This feature is required for support of X.25 and for certain RPQs. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Encrypt/Decrypt (#3680) (Models 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, 61C (SDLC)) Provides the Federal Data Encryption Standard algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data messages under a 56-bit key variable. When used in conjunction with the ACF/VTAM Encrypt/Decrypt feature (#6010, #5735-RC2) or ACF/TCAM Version 2 (5735-RC3) and either the 3848 and the OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 MVS Cryptographic Unit Support Program Product (5740-XY6), or the OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 MVS Programmed Cryptographic Facility Program Product (5740-XY5), data transmitted over unprotected communications lines can be safeguarded through cryptography. Limitations: (1) 3274 Model 1C (SDLC only). (2) Mutually exclusive with X.25. The cryptographic feature cannot be used with X.25 operation. Limitations (Models 21C, 31C, 51C (SDLC)): (1) SNA/SDLC only. (2) Cannot be installed with #4850 on Model 51C. (3) Encrypted data streams cannot be sent to a 3290 or 3270 Personal Computer (Distributed Function Mode). (4) Mutually exclusive with X.25. The cryptographic feature cannot be used with X.25 operation. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes.

Note: A mercury battery, P/N 1743456, or equivalent, is needed. A battery is shipped with this feature. See "Accessories" for additional or replacement battery. Replacement or the discharged battery is the customer's responsibility. The discharged IBM battery should be returned to IBM.

External Modem Interface (#3701) (Models 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, 61C) Provides a cable and a RS-232-C interface for attachment to an external IBM modem that provides clocking of up to 9600 bps.

Attachment to non-IBM modem or other DCE is subject to the provisions of the Multiple Supplier Systems Bulletin. May also be used for direct attachment to a 3704, 3705, 3720, 3721, 3725, 3726, 4331, or 8100 Processor at speeds up to 9600 bps (up to 14.4K bps when used with a 5866 or 5868 Model 18). See "Specify" section for communication cable length. Limitations: Cannot be installed with any other Communications Interface feature. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #6301, #6302 or #6303. #6303 is required for X.25 operation.

Loop Adapter (#4850) (Models 51C with EFS, 52C, 61C) Provides the ability to attach to a direct- or data link-attached loop of the 8100 System or a 4331 Processor. Direct loop attachment supports speeds up to 38.4K bps. Data link loop attachment supports 2400, 4800, and 9600 bps. A direct-attached loop can use a 9.6K or 38.4K Hz carrier; a data link-attached loop uses a 9.6K Hz carrier. Limitations: (1) Cannot be ordered with any other Communications Interface feature. (2) Cannot be ordered with #7801, if it will be used for 8100 attachment. (3) Cannot be ordered with #3680. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #6303 and #9112 or #9124. Specify: On initial order or for change by service representative must be specified: #9825 for 9.6K Hz carrier or #9829 for 38.4K Hz carrier. To change specify on an installed machine, contact your local IBM service organization. MES number 999999 is to be used for Incident Report (IR) completion data. (All terminals on a loop must use the same carrier frequency.) Integrated Diskette Drive Enhancement (#5101) (Model 51C) Installs the enhanced file that is required to use Configuration Support D. Field Installation: Yes. Field Installation only. All parts removed from purchased machines remain customer property. Power Expansion (#5550) (Model 51C) Provides the additional power required for #7801 or the 2400, 4800 and 9600 bps Integrated Modem features (#5640, #5740, #5840, #5842). Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. DDS Adapter (#5650, #5651) (#5650 - For Point-to-Point Operation; #5651 For Multipoint Operation) (Models 1C, 41C, 61C) An adapter for BSC or SDLC data transmission at speeds of 2400, 4800 or 9600 bps, or SDLC data transmission at 56K bps over the AT&T nonswitched Dataphone(R) Digital data service network. The DDS Adapter interfaces to a DDS Channel Service Unit, the customer site termination of the DDS network. See "Specify" section for communication cable length. Specify: #9822 for 2400 bps, #9823 for 4800 bps, #9825 for 9600 bps, or #9833 for 56K bps. To change specify on an installed machine, contact NSD Branch Office. MES number 999999 is to be used for Incident Report (IR) completion data. Limitations: Cannot be installed with any other Communications Interface feature. Maximum: One #5650 or #5651. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: (1) #6302 or #6303 for communications up to 9600 bps. (2) #6303 for communications above 9600 bps. Notes: (1) After installation of either feature #5650 or #5651, the operational mode can be changed to the other (Point-to-Point to Multipoint or vice versa) by simply re-customizing the System Diskette to select the desired operational mode. (2) Depending on the length and content of the data stream, an occasional "temporary busy" condition due to 3274 buffering and processing constraints may be experienced at higher line speeds. The condition clears and data transfer resumes when a buffer becomes available. X.21 Adapter For Nonswitched Networks (#5655) (Models 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, 61C) An interface adapter for SDLC data transmission at speeds of 2400, 4800, 9600 or 48K bps through X.21 nonswitched data communication equipment. See "Specify" section for communication cable length. Limitations: (1) Cannot be ordered with any other Communications Interface feature. (2) Does not support BSC transmission control protocol. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: (1) #6302 or #6303 for communications up to 9600 bps. (2) #6303 for communications at 48K bps or for X.25 operation up to a maximum of 9600 bps.

Note: Depending on the length and content of the data stream, it is possible that an occasional "temporary busy" condition due to 3274 buffering and processing constraints may be experienced at higher line speeds. The condition clears and data transfer resumes when a buffer becomes available.

X.21 Adapter For Switched Networks (#5656) (Models 51C w/EFS, 61C) An interface adapter for attachment to an X.21 switched network via a DCE complying with CCITT Recommendation X.21. SDLC communications at speeds of 2400, 4800, 9600 and 48K bps are supported. Keyboard decals and display screen indicators are provided for operator reference during the calling, data exchange, and disconnecting phases. Limitations: (1) Cannot be ordered with any other Communications Interface feature. (2) Does not support BSC transmission control protocol. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: (1) #6303. (2) Configuration Support C (#9112) or D (#9124). Response Time Monitor (#6101) (Models 31A, 31C, 31D, 41A, 41C, 41D, 51C, 61C) Provides the capability for enhanced network management by measuring response times. The Response Time Monitor feature accurately measures and records the transaction time between an inbound host attention (AID) and a user-defined transaction end. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: Configuration Support C #9112 release level 47 and above or Configuration Support D #9124 release level 61 and above. Common Communication Adapter W/O Business Machine Clock (#6302) (Models 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, 52C, 61C) Required for communications at speeds up to 9600 bps (see "Limitations" below when a terminal Adapter(s) Type B (#7802-#7805) is installed). SNA/SDLC and BSC transmission control protocols are supported. Clocking must be provided by the modem or communications facility. Limitations: (1) #6303 must be ordered/installed in lieu of this feature, if SNA/SDLC protocol is required with a line speed greater than 7200 bps and a Category B Terminal Adapter(s) (#7802-#7805) is installed. (2) This feature cannot be ordered/installed with #6303 (for Models 21C, 31C, 51C - or CCA with BMC (#6301)). Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. High-Performance Communications Adapter (#6303) (Models 1C, 21C, 31C, 41C, 51C, 52C, 61C) Required for attachment to communications lines at 9600 bps (SNA/SDLC transmission control protocol) when a #7801 (Model 31C, or 51C with EFS only) is installed, and communication is through either an IBM or non-IBM external modem that provides its own clocking, or other communication facility that provides clocking. It is also required for all attachments with speeds greater than 9600 bps, for 51C attachment to the loops of the 8100 System at speeds up to 38.4K bps, for attachment to X.21 Switched Network, or for attachment to X.25 data transmission services. Limitations: (1) With this feature installed, operation is restricted to SNA/SDLC protocol. IML for BSC protocol is no longer possible. (2) This feature cannot be ordered/ installed with #6301 or #6302. (3) When EMI (#3701) is installed, speed is limited to 9600 bps maximum (up to 14.4K bps when used with a 5866 or 5868 Model 18). Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes. Specify: If to be used for X.25 operation, specify #9615. (This specify provides the special X.25 keyboard labels used on 3178s, 3278s or 3279s for X.25). Terminal Adapter Type A1, A2, A3 (#6901, #6902, #6903) (Models 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 21A, 21B, 21C, 21D, 31A, 31C, 31D) One each of these adapters can be installed. Each adapter provides for the attachment of an additional eight Category A terminals. It should be noted that two terminal ports are required to attach a Displaywriter System when it includes a printer. The base control unit, which provides for attachment of eight Category A terminals, can be expanded with these three terminal adapters to a maximum configuration of 32 Category A terminals. These terminal adapters must be installed in sequence, making it important to order the correct adapter feature code(s).
  • Terminal Adapter Type A1 (Terminals 9-16) - #6901
  • Terminal Adapter Type A2 (Terminals 17-24) - #6902
  • Terminal Adapter Type A3 (Terminals 25-32) - #6903
Limitations: #6903 is mutually exclusive with #7804 and #7805. Maximum: One of each type terminal adapter. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #6902 requires #6901 -- #6903 requires #6902. Note: To attach Category A terminals via the 3299, refer to RPQ 8K1156. Terminal Adapter Type B (#7801) (Model 51C) Provides for the attachment of four Category B terminals, thus expanding the capability of the control unit up to 12 terminals. Limitations: 1) Cannot be installed with #4850 or any 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps Integrated Modem (#5640, #5740, #5840, #5842).

2) Requires EFS #1800 when IML'd for SNA/SDLC operation.

Terminal Adapter Type B1 (#7802) (Models 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 21B, 21C/BSC, 21D, 31A, 31C, 31D) Permits the attachment of four Category B terminals and provides for the installation of Terminal Adapter Types B2, B3 and B4 when additional Category B terminals are desired. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Yes.

Note: When installed on a 3274 Model 1A, or on a 3274 Model 1C/SNA, EFS feature(s) (#3622, #3625, #3627) and Control Storage Expansion (#1801) are required. See "3274 Control Storage Requirements Tables" under EFS features to accurately determine what storage features are required on 3274 Models 1A, 1C and 1D in specific configurations.

Terminal Adapter Type B2, B3, B4 (#7803, #7804, #7805) (Models 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 21B, 21C/BSC, 21D, 31A, 31C, 31D) Each of these terminal adapters permits the attachment of four additional Category B terminals. A maximum of one each of these terminal adapters can be installed for a combined total of 12 additional or 16 total Category B terminals attached to a control unit. These terminal adapters must be installed in sequence, making it important to order the correct adapter feature code(s).
  • Terminal Adapter Type B2 (Terminals 5-8) - #7803
  • Terminal Adapter Type B3 (Terminals 9-12) - #7804
  • Terminal Adapter Type B4 (Terminals 13-16) - #7805
Limitations: #7804 and #7805 are mutually exclusive with #6903. Maximum: One of each type terminal adapter. Field Installation: Yes. Prerequisites: #7802. Waterproof Power Connector (#8801) (Models 1A, 1B, 1D, 21A, 21B, 21D, 31A, 31D, 41A, 41D) Provides a waterproof connector on the power cable to satisfy local ordinances requiring this type termination in specific locations. See "Specify" for cable length to be ordered. Limitations: The only valid Voltage Specify codes are #9884 and #9894. One of these two codes must be specified when ordering this feature. Maximum: One. Field Installation: Not recommended.

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