IBM Infoprint 4000 IS, ID, IR Series

IBM InfoPrint 4000 series
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 is a High Speed, High Resolution Duplex Printing System that has the capability to help you meet the requirement of high-speed, high-production printing by providing improved productivity, reliability, flexibility, and investment protection.
Model Summary Matrix
Throughput Speed (Impressions-Per-Minute (IPM))Note: (2) Based on Duplex 2-up, side-by-side 8.5 x 11-inch portrait.
1-up landscape 2-up side-by-side
format portrait format
---------------------- -----------------------
Model 8.5"x11" ISO A4 (1) 8.5"x11" ISO A4 (1) Mode
------- -------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------
IS1 229 233 354 333 Simplex
IS2 310 316 480 452 Simplex
ID1/ID2 229 235 354 333 Simplex
ID1/ID2 458 470 708 666 Duplex
IR1/IR2 150 153 232 218 Simplex
IR1/IR2 300 306 464 436 Duplex
ID3/ID4 324 330 501 472 Simplex
ID3/ID4 648 660 1002 944 Duplex
Impressions per Standard Paper Width
Model minute(IPM)(2) Memory (Inches)
------- -------------------- -------- -----------
IR1/IR2 464 IPM (A4,436 IPM) 512 MB 12 to 18
IR3/IR4 708 IPM (A4,666 IPM) 1024 MB 9 to 18
Note: Models
ID1 and ID2 work in tandem to produce duplex output. Models IR1 and IR2
work in tandem to produce duplex output, with a higher resolution (600
dpi) than the other duplex and simplex models.
Note: (1) Throughput speeds for A4 formats are based on 8.33 inch wide by 11.67-inch long.
Model Abstract 4000-IS1
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 Model IS1 offers multiple and switchable resolution of 240 dpi, 300 dpi, or 240/300 dpi at up to 354 impressions-per-minute (IPM) along with an abundance of additional new function. This speed is quoted as 2-up, side-by-side 8.5 x 11-inch portrait. Respective throughput speeds for European format A4 paper is up to 333 IPM.
The InfoPrint 4000 IS1 is controlled by the newest AFCCU, which enables resolution switching, 64MB of performance-enabling memory, host-manage paper-jam recovery through the customer's post-processing equipment, new operator function-enabling flexibility, toner loading system that allows the operator to load toner while the printer is printing, and a minimum paper-path width of 8 inches (203 mm). Currently installed IBM 3900-0W1s can be upgraded with all features and functions of the InfoPrint 4000 IS1 including, the AFCCU and the switchable resolution option.
Model Abstract 4000-IS2
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 Model IS2 offers 240 dots-per-inch (dpi) resolution at up to 480 impressions-per-minute (IPM) along with an abundance of additional new function. This speed is quoted as 2-up, side-by-side 8.5 x 11-inch portrait. Respective throughput speeds for European format A4 paper is up to 452 IPM.
The InfoPrint 4000 IS2 is controlled by the newest AFCCU, which enables 64MB of performance-enabling memory, host-managed paper-jam recovery through the customer's post-processing equipment, new operator function-enabling flexibility, toner loading
system that allows the operator to load toner while the printer is printing, and a minimum paper-path width of 8 inches (203 mm).
Currently installed IBM 3900-0W1s (with feature #4290 or 4291) can be upgraded with all features and functions of the InfoPrint 4000 IS2 including the new AFCCU.
Model Abstract 4000-ID1
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 Model ID1 is the first engine of the duplex system. It offers multiple and switchable resolution of 240 dpi, 300 dpi, or 240/300 dpi at up to 708 impressions-per-minute in duplex or up to 354 (IPM) in simplex along with an abundance of additional new function. These speeds are quoted as 2-up, side-by-side 8.5 x 11-inch portrait. Respective throughput speeds for European format A4 paper is up to 666 IPM in duplex and up to 333 IPM in simplex.
The InfoPrint 4000 ID1/ID2 can be configured to operate as two independent simplex printers by identifying them to the host. This is referred to as "Dual Simplex Mode" (DSM). In DSM, separate data stream may be sent to either or both print engines via the Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU). This provides the customer with the flexibility of simplex or duplex printing in either 240 dpi or 300 dpi as required by the application.
The InfoPrint 4000 ID1 is controlled by the AFCCU which is attached to the InfoPrint 4000 ID2. The printing system has the newest AFCCU, which enables; resolution switching, 128MB of performance-enabling memory, host-managed paper-jam recovery through the customer's post-processing equipment, new operator function-enabling flexibility, toner loading system that allows then operator to load toner while the printer is and printing, minimum paper-path width of 9 inches (229 mm) in duplex mode 8 inches (203 mm)in simplex mode, and the enhanced verification feature for duplex applications that improve page integrity.
Currently installed IBM 3900-DW1's (with features 4251 or 4253) and InfoPrint 4000 IS1's can be upgraded with all features and functions of the InfoPrint 4000 ID1 including the switchable resolution option.
Model Abstract 4000-ID2
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 Model ID2 is the second engine of the duplex printing system. It offers multiple and switchable resolution of 240 dpi, 300 dpi or 240/300 dpi at up to 708 impressions-per-minute in duplex or up to 354 (IPM) in simplex along with an abundance of additional new function. These speeds are quoted as 2-up, side-by-side 8.5 x 11-inch portrait. Respective throughput speeds for European format A4 paper is up to 666 IPM in duplex and up to 333 IPM in simplex.
The InfoPrint 4000 ID1/ID2 can be configured to operate as two independent simplex printers by identifying them to the host. This is referred to as "Dual Simplex Mode" (DSM). In DSM, separate data stream may be sent to either or both print engines via the Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU). This provides the customer with the flexibility of simplex or duplex printing in either 240 dpi or 300 dpi as required by the application.
The InfoPrint 4000 ID2 has the newest AFCCU, which enables; resolution switching, 128MB of performance-enabling memory, host-managed paper-jam recovery through the customer's post-processing equipment, new operator function-enabling flexibility, toner loading system that allows the operator to load toner while the printer is printing, minimum paper- path width of 9 inches (229 mm) in duplex mode and 8 inches (203 mm) in simplex mode, and the enhanced verification feature for duplex applications that improves page integrity.
Currently installed IBM 3900-DW2's (with features 4252 or 4254) and InfoPrint 4000 IS1's can be upgraded with all features and functions of the InfoPrint 4000 ID1 including the new AFCCU and the switchable resolution option.
Model Abstract 4000-IR1
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 High Resolution Duplex Printer Model IR1 is the first engine of the duplex system. It gives you the flexibility of switching the resolution of your high-speed production printers to either 480 dots-per-inch (dpi) or 600 dpi. This means you can run your 240, 300, or 600 dpi datastreams all on the same printing system in either duplex or dual simplex mode. This system offers you a solution for printing traditional publishing documents for just-in-time manufacturing environments in duplex mode at 600 dpi resolution. The IR1 is controlled by the AFCCU which is attached to the IR2. An enhanced verification feature for duplex printing applications improves page integrity. To protect your printer investment, currently-installed IBM 3900-DR1/DR2, and InfoPrint 4000 ID1/ID2 can be upgraded with all the features and functions of the IR1/IR2, including the newest AFCCU and the switchable resolution.
Model Abstract 4000-IR2
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 High Resolution Duplex Printer Model IR2 is the second engine of the duplex system. It gives you the flexibility of switching the resolution of your high-speed production printers to either 480 dots-per-inch (dpi) or 600 dpi. This means you can run your 240, 300, or 600 dpi datastreams all on the same printing system in either duplex or dual simplex mode. This system offers you a solution for printing traditional publishing documents for just-in-time manufacturing environments in duplex mode at 600 dpi resolution. An enhanced verification feature for duplex printing applications improves page integrity. To protect your printer investment, currently-installed IBM 3900-DR1/DR2, and InfoPrint 4000 ID1/ID2 can be upgraded with all the features and functions of the IR1/IR2, including the newest AFCCU and the switchable resolution.
Model Abstract 4000-ID3
The IBM 4000 Model ID3 Ultra Fast Duplex Printing System is the first engine of the duplex system. The IBM InfoPrint 4000 ID3/ID4 is equipped with the next generation Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU) which enables resolution switching from 240 dpi to 300 dpi and vice-versa. With the switchable resolution, you can now print their traditional IPDS production datastreams, in either duplex or simplex, at 240 or 300 dpi resolution.
In addition, the new AFCCU enables host-managed, paper-jam recovery through the customer's post-processing equipment, new operator function- enabling flexibility, 128MB of performance-enabling memory, and support for adding toner while the printer is in operation.
Model Abstract 4000-ID4
The IBM 4000 Model ID4 Ultra Fast Duplex Printing System is the second engine of the duplex system. The IBM InfoPrint 4000 ID3/ID4 is equipped with the next generation Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU) which enables resolution switching from 240 dpi to 300 dpi and vice-versa. With the switchable resolution, you can now print their traditional IPDS production datastreams, in either duplex or simplex, at 240 or 300 dpi resolution.
In addition, the new AFCCU enables host-managed, paper-jam recovery through the customer's post-processing equipment, new operator function- enabling flexibility, 128MB of performance-enabling memory, and support for adding toner while the printer is in operation.
Model Abstract 4000-IR3
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 Model IR3 is a High Speed, High Resolution Duplex Printing System (models IR3/IR4) that helps you meet your future printing needs by providing improved productivity, reliability, flexibility, and investment protection.
The InfoPrint 4000 IR3/IR4 gives you the flexibility of printing traditional production applications at up to 17.4 million impressions per month (IPM) with speeds of up to 708 duplex (8.5 x 11 2-up printing) at either 480 or 600 dots-per-inch (dpi). This means you can run your 240, 300, or 600 dpi datastreams all on the same printing system in either duplex or dual simplex mode.
The InfoPrint 4000 IR3/IR4 also offers you a solution for printing publishing documents for just-in-time manufacturing environments in duplex mode at 600 dpi resolution. Since performance is the foundation for productivity, the InfoPrint 4000 IR3/IR4 is provided with the latest Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU), which offers many new productivity and performance features as standard. These include 1024 MB memory, an enhanced post-processing interface that will enable paper jam recovery to the end of your post-processing equipment, and many other operator aids that will enhance speed and productivity.
To protect your printer investment, currently-installed IBM InfoPrint 4000-IR1/IR2 system can be upgraded with all the features and functions of the 4000-IR3/IR4.
Model Abstract 4000-IR4
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 Model IR4 is a High Speed, High Resolution Duplex Printing System (models IR3/IR4) that helps you meet your future printing needs by providing improved productivity, reliability, flexibility, and investment protection.
The InfoPrint 4000 IR3/IR4 gives you the flexibility of printing traditional production applications at up to 17.4 million impressions per month (IPM) with speeds of up to 708 duplex (8.5 x 11 2-up printing) at either 480 or 600 dots-per-inch (dpi). This means you can run your 240, 300, or 600 dpi datastreams all on the same printing system in either duplex or dual simplex mode.
The InfoPrint 4000 IR3/IR4 also offers you a solution for printing publishing documents for just-in-time manufacturing environments in duplex mode at 600 dpi resolution. Since performance is the foundation for productivity, the InfoPrint 4000 IR3/IR4 is provided with the latest Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU), which offers many new productivity and performance features as standard. These include 1024 MB memory, an enhanced post-processing interface that will enable paper jam recovery to the end of your post-processing equipment, and many other operator aids that will enhance speed and productivity.
To protect your printer investment, currently-installed IBM InfoPrint 4000-IR1/IR2 system can be upgraded with all the features and functions of the 4000-IR3/IR4.
Model Highlights 4000-IS1
- 354 IPM (2-up, 8.5" x 11"] and 333 IPM (2-up A4)
- 240 dpi, 300 dpi, or 240/300 dpi switchable resolution
- 64MB memory in AFCCU
- Toner loading system
- One Pre-post processing interface feature (#4710) standard
- New enhanced AFCCU
- Host managed paper jam recovery through post-processing hardware
- 32MB or 64MB additional memory feature
- 18-inch paper path (17-inch print width)
- 240 dpi resolution
- 480 IPM (2-up, 8.5" x 11"] and 452 IPM (2-up A4)
- New enhanced AFCCU
- 64MB memory in AFCCU
- Toner loading system
- One Pre-post processing interface feature (#4710) standard
- Host managed paper jam recovery through post-processing hardware
- 32MB or 64MB additional memory feature
- 18-inch paper path (17-inch print width)
- Duplex Throughput Speed
- 458 IPM Letter
- 470 IPM ISO A4
- 666 IPM 2-up A4
- 708 IPM 2-up Letter
- Simplex Throughput Speed
- 229 IPM letter/per engine
- 235 IPM ISO A4/per print engine
- 333 IPM 2-up A4/per print engine
- 354 IPM 2-up letter/per print engine
- 240 dpi, 300 dpi, or 240/300 dpi switchable resolution
- Dual data streams in simplex
- Enhanced verification feature for duplex applications that improves page integrity
- Dual Simplex Mode
- 18" paper path (17-inch print width)
- Toner loading system
- 128MB memory in AFCCU
- One Pre-post processing interface feature (#4710) standard
- Host managed paper jam recovery through post-processing hardware
- 64MB additional memory feature
- Performance enhancement feature
- Duplex Throughput Speed
- 458 IPM Letter
- 470 IPM ISO A4
- 666 IPM 2-up A4
- 708 IPM 2-up Letter
- Simplex Throughput Speed
- 229 IPM letter/per engine
- 235 IPM ISO A4/per print engine
- 333 IPM 2-up A4/per print engine
- 354 IPM 2-up letter/per print engine
- 240 dpi, 300 dpi, or 240/300 dpi switchable resolution
- Dual data streams in simplex
- Enhanced verification feature for duplex applications that improves page integrity
- Dual Simplex Mode
- 18" paper path (17-inch print width)
- Toner loading system
- New enhanced AFCCU
- 128MB memory in AFCCU
- One Pre-post processing interface feature (#4710) standard
- Host managed paper jam recovery through post-processing hardware
- 64MB additional memory feature
- Performance enhancement feature
- All points addressable (APA) continuous forms printing
- High resolution: 480/600 dpi (switchable)
- High-quality On Demand printing
- High-quality production printing
- High Duplex throughput speeds
- High Simplex throughput speeds
- Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU):
- 512MB memory.
- Host managed paper jam recovery through post-processing hardware.
- Enhanced verification for duplex applications that improves page integrity.
- Enhanced toner loading for higher productivity.
- Duplex Throughput Speed
- 300 IPM Letter
- 306 IPM ISO A4
- 464 IPM 2-up A4
- 436 IPM 2-up Letter
- Simplex Throughput Speed
- 150 IPM letter/per engine
- 153 IPM ISO A4/per print engine
- 232 IPM 2-up A4/per print engine
- 218 IPM 2-up letter/per print engine
- All points addressable (APA) continuous forms printing
- High resolution: 480/600 dpi (switchable)
- High-quality On Demand printing
- High-quality production printing
- High Duplex throughput speeds
- High Simplex throughput speeds
- Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU):
- 512MB memory.
- Host managed paper jam recovery through post-processing hardware.
- Enhanced verification for duplex applications that improves page integrity.
- Enhanced toner loading for higher productivity.
- Duplex Throughput Speed
- 300 IPM Letter
- 306 IPM ISO A4
- 464 IPM 2-up A4
- 436 IPM 2-up Letter
- Simplex Throughput Speed
- 150 IPM letter/per engine
- 153 IPM ISO A4/per print engine
- 232 IPM 2-up A4/per print engine
- 218 IPM 2-up letter/per print engine
- 240, 300, or 240/300 dpi switchable resolution.
- Continuous forms duplex and simplex printing system
- High-Duplex Throughput speeds
- High-Simplex Throughput speeds
- High-quality Production Printing
- 128MB memory
- Enhanced verification for duplex applications that improves page integrity
- Enhanced toner loading for higher productivity
- 240, 300, or 240/300 dpi switchable resolution.
- Continuous forms duplex and simplex printing system
- High-Duplex Throughput speeds
- High-Simplex Throughput speeds
- High-quality Production Printing
- 128MB memory
- Enhanced verification for duplex applications that improves page integrity
- Enhanced toner loading for higher productivity
printing system with the capability of printing the customer 480, 600, or 480/600 switchable resolution. In addition it offers:
- 354 IPM(1)/Print Engine simplex and dual simplex throughput speeds
- 708 IPM(1) duplex throughput speeds
- High-quality production printing
- High-speed Print on Demand printing
- Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU)
- 1024 MB standard memory
- Host-managed paper-jam recovery through post-processing equipment
- Enhanced verification for duplex applications that improves page integrity
The IBM InfoPrint 4000 IR3/IR4 is an all-points-addressable (APA) continuous forms duplex and simplex
printing system with the capability of printing the customer 480, 600, or 480/600 switchable resolution. In addition it offers:
- 354 IPM(1)/Print Engine simplex and dual simplex throughput speeds
- 708 IPM(1) duplex throughput speeds
- High-quality production printing
- High-speed Print on Demand printing
- Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU)
- 1024 MB standard memory
- Host-managed paper-jam recovery through post-processing equipment
- Enhanced verification for duplex applications that improves page integrity
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