May (05-03) - Fat clients on a diet

May 19, 2003 Editorial

Want a free printer? Check out

If you run an S/390 shop, check out the white paper: Moving From Coax (3270) or Twinax (5250) SNA to TCP/IP Ethernet for Host Connectivity: A Strategic Guide to Implementation

Just when we thought the economy was poised to roar back to life, the specter of deflation has reared its very ugly head. I have a degree in economics and I cannot recall ever being concerned about this insidious problem before. We in the third party are accustomed to dealing with declining markets, as the prices for computer hardware constantly deflate, but this "vicious" cycle of ever falling prices and margins will take its toll on all of us in all industries. Lower corporate revenues and margins may seem like a boon to the consumer, but further stresses on employment will ultimately cause further downsizing across all sectors. It is a dual-edged sword. I don't like rising prices any more than the next person, but a sustained deflationary spiral would be very painful. So do the patriotic thing: buy now!

On the other hand, with interest rates at all time lows, now may be the ideal time to catch the growth wave on the way back up. So, buy now!

We just successfully implemented our first three internal ethernets for IBM 4230-4i3. Now it too supports internal IPDS/Ethernet and the ASCII ports are still functional. This is an easy installation that allows you to upgrade (?) to ethernet with your existing hardware. Also, we have just shipped our 2000'th upgrade kit! YAY!....As you may have noticed we have added extended search capability to our web site. We can help identify and locate even obscure parts. Need a quote, you can email, instant message, call, or send smoke signals....We are pleased to announce our formal entry into the rebuilt toner cartridge and fuser unit business. We have teamed with the best in the industry to offer these consumables at very competitive rates. Hey, as long as the manufacturers are getting away with it, we might as well offer some relief.

Want to save some serious money? Consider seriously the move to a thin client architecture. Microsoft's new 2003 operating system has matured and added functions to terminal services you may want to implement to stop the PC merry-go-round. The thin client market continues to grow, as used devices begin to hit he market as leases expire and users upgrade. For the vast majority of the user community, the most simple configurations that include RDP and/or ICA protocols are more than enough. The whole issue was to avoid the costly "cycle-in cycle-out" that has most end users fed-up. Take advantage of the thin client philosophy and save yourself a ton of money and countless hours. We, of course, have our favorites, but there are oodles of choices. Give your rep a call to discuss.

Printer Systems International's (PSi) road tour swung by here. They have some very cool technology and really give the best-of-breed a run for the money. It ain't cheap, but looks durable and easy to maintain. I especially liked the PP803; It will beat the market in the heavy-duty narrow carriage impact market.... A large quantity of Tally printers have hit the market as a major retailer emerges from bankruptcy. (I suppose this is just another part of the reason the went Chapter 11 in the first place)....HP has introduce another "new" line of printers to replace the lower end. While HP claims that it is not in response to Dell's divorce from HP as OEM, I still beleive that HP is taking care of HP. Make the machines cheaper, and the toner dearer, and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have heard that Creative Communications (aka CCICLS) popular dealer listing service will cease its hard copy dealer listings. The sheer number of listings has been in steady decline as attrition takes its toll on the secondary market. There are several on-line listing companies that cater to the dealer market, but most are overlaps of the top two or three. With the demise of a structured and orderly wholesale vs. retail market, its every one for themselves.

There has also been a noticeable increase in the number of inter-dealer problems, disputes, and complaints. We have been hit by our share of unscrupulous dealers, too. It may be about time to retrench and seek the shelter of the dealers that have been around long enough to have proven their veracity.

IBM's 2074 continues to be very tight. The IDG 9074 is a cost effective and superior choice when 3174's need "tending". The security issues that include encryption are included in the 9074 but must be acquired separately as another PC server running software on another platform.

Sweet spots:
IBM 3151, 3153, 3472, 3482, 3486, 3487, 3488 terminals - but please check out the CLI et3000 and et5000 lines or the I/O TC4000.
Various Wyse Winterm models
IBM 4224-201 - you can add internal ethernet to these and they last forever.
IBM 4230-201,1s2, 102, 202, 4i3 - (check out the internal ethernet for the 4230 family)
IBM 4232-302 - Fantastic durable ASCII printer
IBM 4317-001 ? still whittling down inventory (yes, we have Ethernets)
IBM 4320-001's. -- 36 left from that big package (yes, we have Ethernets)
IBM 4324-001's. -- 24ppm and up to 11x17 with IPDS, etc.
IBM 6262- all models except the "A" machines (I have one 6262-A22)
IBM 6400-015's 6 units from lease with 4830 and Code V IGP
Lexmark 2380-003's - Plenty for the most picky buyer/user
Lexmark Optra 1855?s ? over 75 pieces sitting (most with ethernet)
Lexmark Optra 2450, 2455 - 24 pages per minute and aftermarket toner available.
Lexmark Optra E --6ppm desktop lasers are a steal at @ with supplies
Lexmark internal and external print servers-- at least 150 of each.
Lexmark Optra T610n, T616, T522, T620 - We have some GREAT machines
Printek 4503 Great metal printer with multi-tractors for multiple forms
Tally T6050 500LPM with internal ethernet... A home run.

Some still in stock:
Genicom 3470 ? New in box = less than the IBM gets for theirs. Only 3 left!!
4) 4247-001 NEW in box.
1) IBM 4332-001 InfoPrint 32
4) IBM 4332-004 InfoPrint 40
1) IBM 4912-001 IBM InfoPrint 12
5) IBM 4322-001 IBM InfoPrint 21's
10/100 Ethernets for IBM NP series
10BaseT Ethernets for IBM NP series

IBM 6262-A models (everyone wants ASCII-- I have one 6262-A22)
IBM 4230-101 twinax
IBM 4224-1e3 twinax