Infoprint Pro C900 Production Color

The InfoPrint ProC900 is aimed at driving the continual uptake of color across the industry, bringing the benefits of InfoPrint's 50 plus years of experience in production print to operations with demand for cost effective color printing. It will also enable a wide variety of output solutions, including Print on Demand (POD), innovative marketing techniques like TransPromo and Direct Mail.
The InfoPrint ProC900 is ideal for in-plant, service bureaus and print-for-pay customers with monthly volumes of 50,000 to 240,000 pages, requiring high quality color. This color printer is an important addition to InfoPrint's print portfolio, the most comprehensive and high-performance range in the industry. It bridges the gap between award-winning production machines such as the full-color drop-on-demand InfoPrint 5000 and monochrome InfoPrint 4100, and its extensive cut-sheet portfolio, including the InfoPrint EMP156.
"Our focus is to enable the creation of dynamic digital output that brings our customers a business advantage utilizing the latest technology innovations and high-end professional services support," said Paul Preo, Director Cutsheet Solutions at InfoPrint. "With growth in color expected to nearly triple by 2010, along with a market need for more demanding output options, the InfoPrint C900 meets the challenge of expanding technology innovation while managing growing complexity in print jobs. This is all with a keen eye on the overall cost of operations, a key driver for our customers in today's economic climate."
The InfoPrint ProC900 is flexible, high production and high-speed, with a variety of finishing and software options for complex project management including:
-- High-speed printing options with up to 90 impressions per minute (ipm) in both full color and monochrome-- Ease of use for imposition, make ready, and composition tools
-- Flexible functionality to optimize operations including scanner and copying options on the MFP model, the InfoPrint ProC900s
-- Expanded input and output capacity with volumes up to 11,000 pages input and 13,000 pages output - allowing for long unattended production runs of larger jobs, aimed at increasing overall profitability and productivity
-- Variable output settings permitting users to handle jobs on media of different weights. Rated speed via air assist maintains print speeds, even with heavy stock
-- Increased productivity settings to maximize continuous runs such as on-the-fly toner and paper change, and six Trained Customer Replaceable Units, a new program offering skilled operator replaceable parts which minimizes downtime
-- An extensive array of feed and finishing options for highly flexible operations and output formats
-- State-of-the-art color management features for end-to-end color reproduction accuracy via a powerful 1200 DPI engine. This produces an outstanding range of colors, spot color, soft proofing and laser-sharp printing
-- Technical support from InfoPrint's team of integration specialists, offering the benefits of InfoPrint's color heritage to mid-range customers
InfoPrint PRO C900 | IBM 2709-P01 InfoPrint PRO C900 New 2709-P01 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
InfoPrint PRO C900 | IBM 2799-001 InfoPrint PRO C900 Printer New 2799-001 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
Installation (Mandatory) | C900 FC4900 Installation New C900 FC4900 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4630 Spectrophotometer (UV) - most common | C900 FC4630 Spectrophotometer (UV) - most common New C900 FC4630 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4634 Spectrophotometer (non-UV) | C900 FC4634 Spectrophotometer (non-UV) New C900 FC4634 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4540 3000 Sheet Finisher | C900 FC4540 3000 Sheet Finisher New C900 FC4540 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC5110 TCRU Kit Pro C900 | C900 FC5110 TCRU Kit Pro C900 New C900 FC5110 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4542 Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000 | C900 FC4542 Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000 New C900 FC4542 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4500 Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit | C900 FC4500 Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit New C900 FC4500 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4510 LCT RT 5020 | C900 FC4510 LCT RT 5020 New C900 FC4510 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4502 Multi-bypass Tray BY5000 | C900 FC4502 Multi-bypass Tray BY5000 New C900 FC4502 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4512 Bridge Unit BU5000 | C900 FC4512 Bridge Unit BU5000 New C900 FC4512 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4520 Letter High Capacity Feeder | C900 FC4520 Letter High Capacity Feeder New C900 FC4520 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4530 Z Folding Unit (120 Volt) | C900 FC4530 Z Folding Unit (120 Volt) New C900 FC4530 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4600 Cover Interposer Tray CI5010 | C900 FC4600 Cover Interposer Tray CI5010 New C900 FC4600 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4620 Stapler 2/3-Hole Punch - NA | C900 FC4620 Stapler 2/3-Hole Punch - NA New C900 FC4620 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4612 Saddle Stitch Booklet Finisher BK5000 | C900 FC4612 Saddle Stitch Booklet Finisher BK5000 New C900 FC4612 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4850 Fiery Graphics Arts Package Premium Ed | C900 FC4850 Fiery Graphics Arts Package Premium Edition New C900 FC4850 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4854 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Ver) | C900 FC4854 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Ver) New C900 FC4854 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4856 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (non-UV Ver) | C900 FC4856 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (non-UV Ver) New C900 FC4856 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4858 Color Profiler V2.2 | C900 FC4858 Color Profiler V2.2 New C900 FC4858 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4860 EFI Compse Fiery Edition | C900 FC4860 EFI Compse Fiery Edition New C900 FC4860 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4632 Keyboard monitor & mouse (English) | C900 FC4632 Keyboard monitor & mouse (English) New C900 FC4632 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC9251 Line Cord US Initial | C900 FC9251 Line Cord US Initial New C900 FC9251 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC9250 Line Cord Chicago Initial | C900 FC9250 Line Cord Chicago Initial New C900 FC9250 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4631 Spectrophotometer (UV) MES | C900 FC4631 Spectrophotometer (UV) MES New C900 FC4631 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4635 Spectrophotometer (non-UV) MES | C900 FC4635 Spectrophotometer (non-UV) MES New C900 FC4635 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC5111 TCRU Kit Pro C900 MES | C900 FC5111 TCRU Kit Pro C900 MES New C900 FC5111 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4543 Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000 MES | C900 FC4543 Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000 MES New C900 FC4543 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4501 Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit MES | C900 FC4501 Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit MES New C900 FC4501 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4511 LCT RT 5020 MES | C900 FC4511 LCT RT 5020 MES New C900 FC4511 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4503 Multi-bypass Tray BY5000 MES | C900 FC4503 Multi-bypass Tray BY5000 MES New C900 FC4503 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4513 Bridge Unit BU5000 MES | C900 FC4513 Bridge Unit BU5000 MES New C900 FC4513 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4521 Letter High Capacity Feeder MES | C900 FC4521 Letter High Capacity Feeder MES New C900 FC4521 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4531 Z Folding Unit (120 Volt) MES | C900 FC4531 Z Folding Unit (120 Volt) MES New C900 FC4531 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4601 Cover Interposer Tray CI5010 MES | C900 FC4601 Cover Interposer Tray CI5010 MES New C900 FC4601 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4541 3000 Sheet Finisher MES | C900 FC4541 3000 Sheet Finisher MES New C900 FC4541 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4621 Stapler 2/3-Hole Punch - NA MES | C900 FC4621 Stapler 2/3-Hole Punch - NA MES New C900 FC4621 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4513 Saddle Stitch Booklet Finisher BK5000 | C900 FC4513 Saddle Stitch Booklet Finisher BK5000 MES New C900 FC4513 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4581 Fiery Graphics Arts Package Premium Ed... | C900 FC4581 Fiery Graphics Arts Package Premium Edition MES New C900 FC4581 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4855 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Ver) MES | C900 FC4855 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Ver) MES New C900 FC4855 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4857 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (non-UV Ver) | C900 FC4857 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (non-UV Ver) MES New C900 FC4857 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4859 Color Profiler V2.2 MES | C900 FC4859 Color Profiler V2.2 MES New C900 FC4859 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4861 EFI Compse Fiery Edition MES | C900 FC4861 EFI Compse Fiery Edition MES New C900 FC4861 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4633 Keyboard monitor & mouse (English) MES | C900 FC4633 Keyboard monitor & mouse (English) MES New C900 FC4633 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4751 Line Cord US MES | C900 FC4751 Line Cord US MES New C900 FC4751 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 FC4750 Line Cord Chicago MES | C900 FC4750 Line Cord Chicago MES New C900 FC4750 (New) Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
C900 High Cap Stacker SK5000 | |
C900 Roll-Away Cart |
InfoPrint Pro C900 Digital Color Printer
InfoPrint Pro C900 offers:
- Affordable high quality color
- Capability to capitalize on the expanding POD and Transpromo business with Digital Color
- Advanced color capabilities to meet the growing demands of the market
- Extensive in-line finishing capabilities
- Design for ease-of-use from simple operation to more complex jobs
- On-the-fly capability to keep the printer running instead of waiting for supply changeover
Overview |
InfoPrint Solutions Company, a Ricoh -IBM joint venture, announces the InfoPrint Pro C900.
This printer provides:
- Up to 90 A4/letter1 size impressions-per-minute monochrome and full-color printing
- Low operating costs for full-color applications
- 1200 x 1200 dpi 2 bit color high resolution output
- High powered EFI Fiery System 8 V2 Server Controller for easy to use imposition and composition tools
- Heavy stock at full rated speeds (300 gsm)
- Paper sizes up to 13 x 19.2 inches
- A wide variety of professional in-line finishing options including saddle stitch booklet maker, punch, z-folding, and stapling
1 Exact print speeds vary depending on document complexity, system configuration, software applications, driver, and printer status.
Description |
The InfoPrint Pro C900 provides the following benefits:
- High-resolution color printing with crisp fine lines and detail at true 1200 x 1200 DPI
- Wide color gamut capability for better-quality color reproductions
- Up to 90 A4/letter size impressions-per-minute monochrome and full color printing
- EFI Fiery Server with expanded software
- High powered EFI Fiery System 8 V2 server controller for easy-to-use imposition and composition tools
- EFI ColorWise for calibration, default print options auto trapping, simulations, spot color matching, black management, and more
- EFI Graphic Arts Premium Edition can soft proof paper simulations with white point, halftone simulation, and unlimited separations
- Powerful image, VDP, and color processing
- Production essential software
- Memory 2 GB, hard disk 500 GB
- Optional large capacity trays (LCT) allow feed capacity up to 11,000 sheets and allows for maintaining speeds even on heavy stock
- Trained Customer Replaceable Units (TCRU) minimize downtime waiting for service by allowing a trained operator to replace critical user-replaceable items
- Powerful optional software including Graphic Arts Premium Edition, Profiler Suite, and EFI Compose
- A wide variety of professional in-line finishing options including saddle stitch booklet makers, punch, z-folding, and stapling
The InfoPrint Pro C900 comes standard with a tandem tray (2 x 1,000 sheets) and a 500-sheet tray for a standard input capacity of 2,500 sheets. Maximum input capacity with two optional large-capacity trays (2 x 2,000 sheets) and a 500-sheet multibypass tray is 11,000 sheets. Maximum Output Media Capacity is 3,500 sheets with a fully configured printer.
The 3,000-sheet finisher feature must be ordered with the InfoPrint Pro C900.
Standard utilities include Print Submission & Management EFI Driver, EFI Command Workstation Management (PC & Mac), Fiery WebTools, EFI Hot Folders, EFI Virtual Printer, Macintosh Print Center Plug-Ins, Rush Printing, Print/Process Next, Advanced Job Re-Order, Suspend On Mismatch, Quick Doc Merge, Schedule Print Color Management & Proofing EFI Fiery ColorWise, Fiery Graphic Arts Premium Edition, Imposition & Document Assembly Mixed Media, Paper Catalogue, Tab Shift, Insert Tab, Booklet Maker, EFI Impose, Fiery Edition Variable Data Printing PPML, EFI Fiery FreeForm, Fiery VDP Resource Manager, and Creo VPS.
The standard EFI Fiery Print Controller includes:
CPU Intel Core Duo 2.16 GHz
Memory 2 GB
Hard Disk Drive 500 GB (250 GB x 2)
Operating System Windows XP
Optional software utilities include:
- EFI Compose Fiery Edition (#4860/4861)
- Fiery Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition (#4850/4851)
- EFI Color Profiler Suite V2.2 including UV or non-UV spectrophotometer (#4854/4855 and #4856/4857)
- EFI Color Profiler V2.2 that includes software only, no spectrophotometer (#4858/4859)
Ordering instructions
The following are required when ordering an InfoPrint Pro C900 Model P01:
- The 3,000-sheet finisher (#4540) is required on all orders.
- A voltage code (#9925 or 9926) must be specified.
- Installation Services feature (#4900) is required on all orders.
- Optional features (if any).
- One spectrophotometer per machine room is required. The spectrophotometer can be ordered separately (#4630 or 4634) or it is included with the Color Profiler Suites V2.2 (#4854 or 4856). The Color Profiler V2.2 feature (#4858) does not include the spectrophotometer.
- A line cord must be ordered with the Z folding feature.
- A line cord must be ordered with the monitor kit feature.
- Optional 3C Training Services (Color, Composition, Customization) for the InfoPrint Pro C900: InfoPrint recommends expert-level training services for your InfoPrint Pro C900 to help ensure a seamless transition of the feature-rich print system into your environment. These face-to-face service offerings takes advantage of the extensive skill and experience of our worldwide Technical Specialists to educate print operators on the advanced features and functions of our EFI Fiery Print Controller technology.
InfoPrint Pro C900 features
NA 208 - 240V (#9925)
This feature should be ordered for the following countries at initial order: Canada, United States.
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: Not with feature number 9926
EU 220 - 240V (#9926)
This feature should be ordered for the following countries at initial order: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and UK.
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: Not with feature number 9925
CSS Installation (#4900)
This feature provides InfoPrint Solutions Company Customer Support Specialist (CSS) installation for the InfoPrint Pro C900 and should be ordered for all countries at initial order.
- Minimum required: 1
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit (#4500/4501)
It supports large size media including A3/11 x 17-inch media. It replaces the standard tray 1 (tandem tray), which requires an InfoPrint Solutions Company CSS to reinstall. This tray is supported in tray 1 only and has the capacity of 1,000 sheets. This feature requires a InfoPrint Solutions Company CSS to both install this feature and to switch back to the original tray.
Media supported in this include A3 SEF, B4 SEF, A4 SEF, A4 LEF, 11 x 17-inch SEF, letter SEF, letter LEF, legal SEF, and up to 305 x 439 mm custom size.
- #4500 = factory, #4501 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Media Capacity 1,000 sheets
Media Size 8.27 x 8.27 in. - 12 x 17.28 in.
Media Weight 16 lb. Bond - 60 lb. Cover
Letter High Capacity Feeder (#4520/4521)
This high-capacity feeder, also referred to as a Large Capacity Input Tray (LCIT), is initially preset to letter-size.
The feeder has three trays for 4,550-sheet capacity. Trays 4 and 5 have 1,000-sheet capacity each and tray 6 has 2,550-sheet capacity.
- #4520 = factory, #4521 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: LCT RT5020 and Multi-Bypass Tray BY5000
Media Capacity Tray 1: 1,000 sheets
Tray 2: 1,000 sheets
Tray 3: 2,550 sheets
Media Size Up to 8.5 x 11 in.
Media Weight Top Two Trays: 16 lb. Bond - 80 lb. Cover
Bottom Tray: 16 lb. Bond - 60 lb. Cover
A4 High Capacity Feeder (#4524/4525)
This high-capacity feeder, also referred to as a Large Capacity Input Tray (LCIT), is initially preset to A4 size.
This feature has three trays for 4,550-sheet capacity. Trays 4 and 5 have 1,000-sheet capacity each and tray 6 has 2,550-sheet capacity.
- #4524 = factory, #4525 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: LCT RT5020 and Multi-Bypass Tray BY5000
Media Capacity Tray 1: 1,000 sheets
Tray 2: 1,000 sheets
Tray 3: 2,550 sheets
Media Size Up to A4
Media Weight Top Two Trays: 16 lb. Bond - 80 lb. Cover
Bottom Tray: 16 lb. Bond - 60 lb. Cover
LCT RT5020 (Large Capacity Tray) (#4510/4511)
This Large Capacity Input Tray has two trays for a 4,000 sheet input capacity.
- #4510 = factory, #4511 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 2
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: Bridge Unit BU5000 if 2 are installed
- Compatibility conflicts: Letter High Capacity Feeder and A4 High Capacity Feeder
Media Capacity 2 x 2,000-Sheet Trays
Media Size 5.5 x 8.5 in. - 13 x 19.2 in.
Media Weight 16 lb. Bond - 110 lb. Cover
When a quantity 2 of LCT5020 are installed, the Bridge Unit BU5000 (#4512, 4513) is required.
CI5010 Cover Interposer (#4600/4601)
This feature allows media, such as covers to be inserted into the print job. The media is inserted after fusing.
- #4600 = factory, #4601 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None,
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Stack Capacity 2 x 200-Sheet Trays
Media Size 5.5 x 8.5 in. - 13 x 19.2 in.
Media Weight 17 lb. Bond - 80 lb. Cover
Multi-Bypass Tray BY5000 (Auxiliary Tray) (#4502/4503)
This feature increases the maximum input capacity by 500 sheets.
- #4502 = factory, #4503 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: LCT RT5020
- Compatibility conflicts: A4/Letter High Capacity Feeder
Media Capacity 500 sheets
Media Size 5.5 x 8.5 in. - 13 x 18 in.
Media Weight 16 lb. Bond - 80 lb. Cover/120 lb. Index
Bridge Unit BU5000 (#4512/4513)
This feature is required when two LCT RT5020 units are installed.
- #4512 = factory, #4513 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: Two LCT RT5020
- Compatibility conflicts: None
ZF4000 Z-fold Unit (#4530/4531, 4534/4535)
The Z-folding unit makes two parallel folds on the paper, one of which faces in and the other facing out. Thus, the paper is folded like the letter "Z."
Two of the three folded sections of paper will be of equal size. The distance from the edge of the Z-folded sheet to the folded sections is variable within the ranges below.
- A3 media: 2 - 25 mm (0.1 - 1.0 in.)
- B4 JIS media: 2 - 40 mm (0.1 - 1.6 in.)
- A4 media: 2 - 10 mm (0.1 - 0.4 in.)
- 11 x 17 in. media: 2 - 20 mm (0.1 - 0.8 in.)
This unit requires a separate power outlet, and requires that a separate line cord (#4632, 4870, 4872, or 4875) be ordered.
The Z-Fold Unit automatically folds A3 sheets into A4, or A4 documents into A5 to allow for seamless integration of larger sheets in smaller sized documents.
- #4530 = factory, #4531 = field (120 Volt)
- #4534 = factory, #4535 = field (220 Volt)
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: Line cord #4632, 4870, 4872, 4875, and 4876
- Compatibility conflicts: None
SR5000 3,000 Sheet Finisher/Stapler (#4540/4541)
This finisher has a proof bin with 500-sheet capacity (A4/Letter) and a shift bin with 3,000-sheet capacity (A4/Letter). It has shift (offset) capability and a stapler that can staple together up to 100 sheets. Jobs cannot be stapled and shifted. If a job requests both of these, it will be stapled only.
A stack aligner is included that improves stacking. Optional hole-punching kits are also available. Only one punch kit may be installed at a time and it requires an InfoPrint Customer Support Specialist to install or change the kits. Punch jobs can go to the shift tray or proof tray.
Optional hole-punching kits are available.
- #4540 = factory, #4541 = field
- Minimum required: 1
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Media Size 5.5" x 8.5" - 11" x 17"; Up to 13" x 19.2"
Media Weight Proof Tray: 16 lb. Bond - 80 lb. Cover
Shift Tray: 16 lb. Bond - 110 lb. Cover
Stack Capacity Proof Tray: 500 sheets (8.5 x 11 in. or smaller)
Shift Tray: 3,000 sheets (8.5 x 11 in. or
Staple Capacity 100 sheets: 8.5 x 11 in. 50 sheets: 8.5 x 14 in.
or smaller Z-Fold: 10 sheets
Staple Positions Top, Bottom, 2 Staples, Top-Slant
Finisher Accessories Hole Punch Unit (2 or 3 holes)
BK5000 Saddle Stitch Unit (# 4612/4613)
This booklet maker has saddle stitching capabilities for up to 15 sheets per booklet. A separate output bin can stack from 10-30 finished booklets depending on size.
- #4612 = factory, #4613 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Media Size Without Z-Fold: 5.5 x 8.5 in. - 12 x 18 in.;
Up to 13 x 19.2 in. with Z-Fold:
8.5 x 11 in., 8.5 x 14 in., 11 x 17 in.
Media Weight 16 lb. Bond - 110 lb. Cover
Staple Capacity 15 sheets (20 lb. Bond)
Stack Capacity After 30 sets
Saddle Stitch
2/3-Hole Punch - NA (# 4620/4621)
This option supports 2-hole and 3-hole punching in the U.S. format for the SR5000 3,000 Sheet Finisher/Stapler.
Only one of the hole punch kits can be installed at a time although multiple hole punch kits can be ordered.
Punch kits can only be removed and installed by InfoPrint Customer Support Specialist.
- #4620 = factory, #4621 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: SR5000 3,000 Sheet Finisher/Stapler (#4540/4541)
- Compatibility conflicts: None
2/4-Hole Punch - EU (# 4622/4623)
This option supports 2-hole and 4-hole punching in the European and Japanese format for the SR5000 3,000 Sheet Finisher/Stapler.
Only one of the hole punch kits can be installed at a time although multiple hole punch kits can be ordered.
Punch kits can only be removed and installed by InfoPrint Customer Support Specialist.
- #4622 = factory, #4623 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: SR5000 3,000 Sheet Finisher/Stapler (#4540/4541)
- Compatibility Conflicts: None
4-Hole Punch (Scandinavian) (# 4624/4625)
This option supports Scandinavia 4-hole punching for the SR5000 3,000 Sheet Finisher/Stapler.
Only one of the hole punch kits can be installed at a time although multiple hole punch kits can be ordered.
Punch kits can only be removed and installed by InfoPrint Customer Support Specialist.
- #4624 = factory, #4625 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: SR5000 3,000 Sheet Finisher/Stapler (#4540/4541)
- Compatibility conflicts: None
TCRU Kit Pro C900 (#5110/5111)
TCRU (Trained Customer Replaceable Units) Concept
The InfoPrint Pro C900 is designed with a TCRU concept. Trained customers can replace TCRU units, and reduce printer downtime.
The TCRU includes:
- Developer
- Charger unit
- Drum cleaning unit
- Belt cleaning unit
- Paper transfer roller unit
This feature is available as a convenience to customers. The parts provided by this feature are for customer installation after the appropriate customer personnel have been trained by an InfoPrint Customer Support Specialist.
The InfoPrint Customer Support Specialist will replace or rebuild parts in this kit as they are used, if the printer is covered by a maintenance agreement. This kit normally needs to be purchased only once per printer.
Instructions to install these parts are included with this feature.
- #5110 = factory, #5111 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000 (#4542/4543)
The cooling fan unit is a recommended option when coated paper is being used in the SR5000 Finisher.
The cooling fan is attached above the shift tray, and cools the paper stacked into this tray.
When stacking coated sheets onto the shift tray, or when leaving coated paper stacked in the shift tray for a long time, the possibility occurs of toner adhesion and toner sticking between sheets of paper.
By cooling the paper, the possibility of toner adhesion and toner sticking is reduced.
- #4542 = factory, #4543 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Spectrophotometer (UV) (#4630/4631)
This feature includes an EFI ES 1000 spectrophotometer which measures a full spectrum of light as it is reflected from color samples.
- #4630 = factory, #4631 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Version) (#4854/4855)
Color Profiler Suite helps graphic arts professionals to create, visualize, edit and test color profiles using a single profiling solution with easy-to-use, intuitive interface. Along with the EFI ES-1000 spectrophotometer, customer can streamline color management processes while improving productivity and performance. It is an ideal tool for the color professional sites whose color quality is the high priority.
The following modules are included in the EFI Color Profiler Suite.
- EFI ES1000 Measures a full spectrum of light as it is reflected from color samples
Profile Creation Modules
- Printer Profiler- Creates ICC profiles for CMYK and RGB output devices
- Monitor Profiler- Calibrates and creates ICC profiles for CRT, LCD and laptop displays
- Device Linker - Creates fully ICC compatible device link profiles for RGB and CMYK colorspaces
Profile Evaluation Modules
- Profile Editor - Provides WYSIWYG intuitive user interface with tools for editing selective colors, hues, nodes and media whitepoint
- Profile Inspector - Visualizes color spaces in 3D as defined by ICC profiles; compares profiles and plots spot colors to visualize them in reference to a printer's gamut
Quality Assurance Module
- EFIColor Verifier - Measures and compares color values, from proof-to-proof, print-to-print, proof-to-profile, or print-to-reference
- #4854 = factory, #4855 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Color Profiler V2.2 (Software only) (#4858/4859)
Color Profiler is the same feature as the Color Profiler Suite except it does not include the spectrophotometer. It only includes the software.
- #4858 = factory, #4859 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
EFI Compose, Fiery Edition (#4860/4861)
EFI Compose is an operator-centered tool to support complete digital document composition and job setup. Not only it has the ability to manage, review, manipulate, and execute wide-raging "make-ready" operations on digital documents, Compose can also handle last minute changes and additions without interrupting document production flow. This includes jobs, which require sophisticated finishing such as books, manuals, and variable data applications.
EFI Compose provides customers with an advanced preview and editing environment in which they can work with a WYSIYUG interface for all jobs on the Fiery, including pre- and post-processed jobs.
EFI Compose can be run on a user's desktop or locally at the printer.
- #4860 = factory, #4861 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Fiery Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition (#4850/4851)
This product can also be used as an advanced proofing tool to simulate offset printing to achieve reliable and predictable image quality.
The Graphic Arts Premium Edition provides an easy-to-use interface to various expert-level tools to manage high color quality and accuracy. Its tool set specifically addresses the concerns and expectations of the graphic arts market, and enables users to control quality and consistency to meet industry standard.
The Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition is an ideal tool for the graphics-intensive environment where achieving high-quality color is critical. The advanced tools are ideal for color proofing, editing, and management. Key Functions & Features include;
- EFI ImageViewer
EFI ImageViewer allows user to make color modification and soft proofing on ripped files before committing to print. With a zoom capability of up to 3,200%, the EFI ImageViewer provide the enhanced tool to view effects of trapping, screen patterns, moir patterns, and output color profiles. By taking advantage of late-stage color editing before printing, users can reduce waste and increase productivity while enjoying flexibility.
Key functions include:
- Color modification without the need of rerasterizing the job.
- Two color editors; Color Wheel and Curves. (Edits can be saved for reuse.)
- Navigating to different areas of an image or through the pages of a job.
- Multi-page preview.
- Zooming up to 3,200% and to the dot cell level.
- Reviewing dot shape, screen angles, traps, and so on.
- Exporting soft proof PDF files.
User can save the modified image as PDF format for soft proofing. It is an efficient way to communicate with customers at remote site for approval. A security setting is also available when sending the PDF file to customers.
Restrictions such as "Printing allowed" or "Changing the Document not allowed" can be used.
- Paper Simulation with White Point Editing
Because CMYK toners and process inks are translucent, the color or white point of paper used in the printing process can dramatically affect the final color of a job. While standard Graphic Package provides the simulation capability on different stocks of paper, the premium edition features enable users to adjust hue, saturation, and brightness of color of the paper to achieve more accurate result. Adjusted paper color can be imported to the ImageViewer to merge with the image, where a user can check the matching result. This feature is especially useful for accurate simulation of newsprint, yellow pages, or packaging.
- Preflight
Preflight tools eliminate any potential printing errors, and make sure that all settings and systems perform correctly to meet the expected quality on the printing device. Preflighting is designed to check the most common errors (for example, fonts or spot colors) and it creates a report with color-coded icons of warnings, and critical items. By reviewing the report, users can quickly know if there are errors in the job. Users may create and save Postflight settings for future use, or customize setting for each job.
- Postflight
Postflight is the process of analyzing the color space of processed files, such as PostScript and PDF, for troubleshooting the color of a printed job. The original document may be printed (or RIPped and previewed) with all objects color-coded; CMYK color space shown in Cyan, RGB in Orange, and Spot colors in yellow, enabling users to check RGB colors and spot colors in a printed job at a glance.
In addition, the PostFlight report gives an explanation about what color spaces are utilized in the job, which PPD options affect those spaces, and other information such as the calibration method. This can reduce the amount of time printing and reprinting jobs, each time with different color settings.
- Control Bar
The control bar feature consists of a row of RGB and CMYK color patches outside the live image area of each print job, which can be readily measured with a spectrophotometer such as the EFI ES-1000. A user can easily obtain essential information about target density or values used to print each job, and utilize the information to measure the capability and consistency of their print engine.
In addition, job information such as date, job notes, and instructions can be printed along with the color patches, enhancing the ability to track specific variables.
- Configurable Auto Trapping
This tool enables users to configure parameters for trapping and gives full control over the setting values. Users can adjust the width, shape, type of object to trap, or color reduction. It is application independent and processes a job extremely fast, so it has minimal impact on RIP performance. Operator can run complex jobs without slowing down production.
- Progressives
Progressives refer to printing variations of a multicolor document, where pages are printed using from one to all the available color channels in a printer: C, C+M, C+M+Y, and any combination. The ability to print the various states permits the user to inspect the result of each pass for a four-color document.
- Halftone Simulation - Frequency per color
This tool enables users to define frequency (LPI) and screen angle for each CMYK color channel, and apply custom or application-defined dot shapes. Three user-defined halftone screen settings are available. Halftone Simulation with frequency per color is an ideal tool for accurate simulation for newsprint or packaging jobs.
- Two-Color Print Mapping
When generating two-color printing, the clients (designers) often do not know the precise spot color to use. When this is the case, the user has the ability to create a two-color job where the generic colors are magenta and black. The 2-Color Print Mapping feature includes the ability to replace the black and magenta of a two-color job with the required spot colors without needing the designer to modify the original job. It is the useful tool for proofing for two color presses when spot colors are known at a later stage in the document approval process.
- Spot-On with Substitute Colors
Whereas standard Spot-On function allow for the replacement of "named" vector object colors (for example, Pantone, DIC) with CMYK recipes adjusted by visual calibration or color measurement with the EFI ES-1000 spectrophotometer, the Premium Edition feature extends the same replacement capability to RGB or CMYK vector object colors. Users can enjoy the use of standard RGB based, company-wide color palettes in MS office applications, which are easy to maintain, and requires minimal end-user training. (Substitute RGB colors from MS office applications is not supported in the standard Spot-On function).
- Filters for Hot Folder
EFI Hot Folders is designed to provide users with an automated method for sending print files through simple drag and drop or print-to-file actions. It has a set of expert-level filters designed for Hot Folders, and these filters allow users to submit jobs in their native file formats without opening the native application.
Graphic Arts Premium Edition supports 12 types of format. These are: CT/LW, TIFF, TIFF/IT, 1-bit TIFF, EPS, PS, PDF, DCS2, PDF2Go, ExportPS, PDF/X, and JPEG.
Note: MS Office Filters for Hot Folders is also available as a standard application. (Filters for MS word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher.)
- #4850 = factory, #4851 = field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Keyboard, Monitor, and Mouse Kit (#4632/4633)
This feature is used to attach directly to the EFI controller on the printer and running the EFI applications directly on the controller. Order appropriate language kit for country.
This feature requires a separate power outlet, and requires that a separate line cord (#4632, 4870, 4872, or 4875) be ordered.
This line cord:
- #4632 = factory, #4633 = field (English)
- #4870 = factory, #4871 = field (French)
- #4872 = factory, #4873 = field (German)
- #4874 = factory, #4875 = field (Italian)
- #4876 = factory, #4877 = field (Spanish)
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Prerequisite: None
- Corequisite: Line cord #4632, 4870, 4872, 4875, and 4876
- Compatibility conflicts: None
Statement of general direction |
InfoPrint Solutions Company intends to offer an MFP version of the printer, the InfoPrint Pro C900s. Additional information will be available second quarter, 2009.
InfoPrint Solutions Company intends to offer additional finishing options for the InfoPrint Pro C900 and InfoPrint Pro C900s. Additional information will be available second quarter, 2009.
InfoPrint Solutions Company intends to offer the availability of the InfoPrint Pro C900 and InfoPrint Pro C900s in additional countries world wide. Additional information will be available second quarter, 2009.
All statements regarding InfoPrint Solutions Company's plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Any reliance on these statements of general direction is at the relying party's sole risk and will not create liability or obligation for InfoPrint Solutions Company.
Product number |
Factory Field
Mach Feature Feature
Type Model Number Number Description
2709 P01 InfoPrint Pro C900
9925 NA 208V - 240V
9926 EU 220V - 240V
4900 CSS Installation
4630 4631 ES-1000 Spectrophotometer (UV)
5110 5111 TCRU Kit Pro C900
4542 4543 Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000
4500 4501 Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit
4510 4511 LCT RT5020
4502 4503 Multi-Bypass Tray BY5000 (auxiliary tray)
4512 4513 Bridge Unit BU5000
4520 4521 Letter High Capacity Feeder
4524 4525 A4 High Capacity Feeder
4530 4531 Z Folding Unit (120 Volt)
4534 4535 Z Folding Unit (220 Volt)
4600 4601 Cover Interposer Tray CI5010
4540 4541 3,000-Sheet Finisher
4620 4621 2/3-Hole Punch - NA
4622 4623 2/4-Hole Punch - EU
4624 4625 4-Hole Punch (Scandanavian)
4612 4613 Saddle Stitch Booklet Finisher BK5000
4850 4851 Fiery Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition
4854 4855 Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Ver)
4860 4861 EFI Compose, Fiery Edition
4632 4633 Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit English
4870 4871 Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit French
4872 4873 Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit German
4874 4875 Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit Italian
4876 4877 Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit Spanish
4858 4859 Color Profiler V2.2 (software only)
Line cords for Z Folding Unit and monitor
9970 4770 Line Cord - Europe
9973 4773 Line Cord - Italy
9974 4774 Line Cord - Switzerland
9971 4771 Line Cord - UK
9251 4751 Line Cord - US
9250 4750 Line Cord - US Chicago
2799 001 Black/White Meter
Warranty and Maintenance Options for machine type 2709 all models
Description number
1 Year 9x5 IOR NBD 65Y0219
2 Year 9x5 IOR NBD 65Y0220
3 Year 9x5 IOR NBD 65Y0221
4 Year 9x5 IOR NBD 65Y0222
5 Year 9x5 IOR NBD 65Y0223
1 Year 24x7 IOR SD 65Y0224
2 Year 24x7 IOR SD 65Y0225
3 Year 24x7 IOR SD 65Y0226
4 Year 24x7 IOR SD 65Y0227
5 Year 24x7 IOR SD 65Y0228
1 Year 9x5 IOR NBD (MA) 65Y0229
2 Year 9x5 IOR NBD (MA) 65Y0230
1 Year 24x7 IOR SD (MA) 65Y0231
2 Year 24x7 IOR SD (MA) 65Y0232
Model conversions: No model conversions are available.
Business Partner information
If you are a Direct Reseller - System Reseller acquiring products from InfoPrint Solutions Company, you may link directly to Business Partner information for this announcement. A PartnerWorld ID and password are required (use IBM ID).
Publications |
The following publications are available for the InfoPrint Pro C900. These publications are in English unless otherwise specified.
Form Number Description
G550-1148 InfoPrint Pro C900: Planning Guide
S550-1128 InfoPrint Pro C900: About This Machine
S550-1183 InfoPrint Pro C900: General Settings Guide
S550-1184 InfoPrint Pro C900: Network Guide
S550-1185 InfoPrint Pro C900: Security Reference
S550-1186 InfoPrint Pro C900: Troubleshooting
G550-1147 InfoPrint Pro C900: Safety Information
G571-2659 InfoPrint Pro C900: Safety Information (Russian)
Technical information |
Specified operating environment
Physical specifications
Width Depth Height Weight
Base Printer 2605 mm 1100 mm 1440 mm 700 kg
49.2 in. 43.3 in. 56.7 in. 1,543 lb.
Operating environment
Temperature +10 to 32 C
Humidity 15% RH to 80% RH
Power requirements
- NA 208 - 240 Volts, 24 Amps, 50/60 Hz
- EU 220 - 240 Volts, 25 Amps, 50/60 Hz
Maximum power consumption
Full system
- Printing: Less than 5,500 W
- Standby: Less than 3,200 W
Main unit, LCT, SR5000 Finisher
- Standby: 67 dB(A) or less
- Printing: 78 dB(A) or less
Software requirements
Refer to Planning Guide.
Planning information
InfoPrint Pro C900 unit supply items
The following supply items are available for the InfoPrint Pro C900:
Description Part number Approximate Average Yield2
Cyan Toner Bottle 45U2678 72,000 impressions
Magenta Toner Bottle 45U2677 72,000 impressions
Yellow Toner Bottle 45U2676 72,000 impressions
Black Toner Bottle 45U2675 72,000 impressions
Staple Refills 41U2176 5,000 staples x 5 sets for finisher
Staple Cartridge 41U2175 Staple cartridge 5,000 staples for
Staple Refills 10R2509 2,000 staples x 4 sets for Booklet
Staple Cartridge 10R2510 Staple cartridge 2,000 staples for
Booklet finisher
Waste Toner Bottle 45U2679 220K impressions (inspect, empty, or
2 Approximate yield of up to 72,000 impressions has been established with an average coverage of 5% of that toner. An impression is defined as one printed side of an A4/letter sheet. A duplex sheet would consist of two impressions.
The approximate average yields are not a warranty or guarantee of minimum life, and are provided to assist in initial supplies planning. Actual usage should be used to establish the supply's life in the end user's application. Many factors (for example, print coverage per page, machine settings, paper type and size, and environmental conditions) can affect supply life.
Supply warranties are only for defects in materials and workmanship at the time of shipment or installation. They are not for print count life or normal wear and tear, nor for any print count minimum. Contact your place of purchase for warranty return instructions.
Printing supplies can be ordered through your InfoPrint Solutions Company authorized printer or supplies reseller.
Toner is included in the usage charge as part of the maintenance agreement for these printers.
Toner is included in the usage charge as part of the maintenance agreement for these printers. Obtain other InfoPrint Solutions Company printer supplies at 972.881.0733 (ext. 7530) or
Toner is included in the usage charge as part of the maintenance agreement for these printers.
Security, auditability, and control
These products use the security and auditability features of the host hardware, software, or application software.
The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communications facilities.
Terms and conditions |
IBM Global Financing
Warranty period
Three months
The following terms and conditions are the same for machine types 2709 and 2799 (warranty, warranty service, maintenance service, warranty service upgrades, and hourly service rates).
Warranty service
InfoPrint Solutions Company On-site Repair (IOR), 9 x 5 next day.
This includes parts and labor for break/fix but does not include supply items and maintenance.
Maintenance Service
- IOR, 9 x 5 next day
- IOR, 24 x 7
InfoPrint Solutions Company On-site Repair (IOR), 9 x 5 next day.
Usage - Maintenance service offering
InfoPrint Solutions Company will provide the following additional services from the date of installation at the customer's location with a signed maintenance contract.
- Provide toner.
- Perform preventative maintenance, which includes the replacement of consumable parts to help ensure printer performance, visual inspection, cleaning, and adjustment of the printer at InfoPrint Solutions Company's recommended service intervals.
The customer must provide an accurate meter reading from the date of installation and each month thereafter, for billing purposes.
For additional details on the Usage - Maintenance Service Offering contact your InfoPrint Solutions Company representative.
The usage charge is per impression and includes toner. An A4 or Letter-size impression, or any paper size less than A3 is counted as one usage charge.
Any size equal to or greater than A3 is counted as two usage charges.
A duplex sheet contains two impressions - one impression on each side of the sheet. Since less toner is used on black impressions than on full-color impressions, there is a reduced Usage charge for black impressions.
The black usage count is obtained when only black toner is used. This is specified either by the print job or the print driver as pure black. If process black (a compilation of CMY used to create black) or Rich Black (addition of cyan to highlight black) are used, a color usage is generated.
This applies to both machine types 2709 and 2799. Machine type 2709 has a color usage meter and machine type 2799 has a black and white usage meter.
Warranty service upgrades
During the warranty period, warranty service upgrades provide an enhanced level of On-site Service for an additional charge. Service levels are response-time objectives and are not guaranteed.
Warranty upgrades may not be available in all locations.
Warranty upgrades are available to upgrade to the following:
InfoPrint Solutions Company On-Site Repair (IOR): 7 X 24
Usage plan machine
Average usage plan provisions apply
InfoPrint Solutions Company hourly service rate classification
Field-installable features
Model conversions
Machine installation
Installation is performed by InfoPrint Solutions Company.
Graduated program license charges apply
Licensed internal code
InfoPrint Solutions Company Licensed Internal Code (LIC) is licensed for use by a customer on a specific machine, designated by serial number, under the terms and conditions of the InfoPrint Solutions Company Agreement for Licensed Internal Code, to enable a specific machine to function in accordance with its specifications, and only for the capacity authorized by InfoPrint Solutions Company and acquired by the customer. You can obtain the agreement by contacting your InfoPrint Solutions Company representative or visiting
- licensed_internal_code.html
Specific Machine LIC Type Model 2709-P01
Educational allowance
A reduced charge is available to qualified education customers. The educational allowance may not be added to any other discount or allowance.
The educational allowance is 15% for the products in this announcement.
Pricing |
For information on pricing, contact your local InfoPrint Solutions Sales Representative or your InfoPrint Solutions Business Partner.
Product charges
Type Model Description
2709 P01 InfoPrint Pro C900
2799 001 Black/White Meter
Fee +++
Y1: Subject to $6.00 fee (4-14 inch video device)
Feature Feature
Description Number
Initial Order Features:
NA 208V - 240V 9925
EU 220V - 240V 9926
CSS Installation 4900
Spectrophotometer (UV) 4630
TCRU Kit Pro C900 5110
Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000 4542
Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit 4500
LCT RT5020 4510
Multi-bypass Tray BY5000 4502
Bridge Unit BU5000 4512
Letter High Capacity Feeder 4520
A4 High Capacity Feeder 4524
Z Folding Unit (120 Volt) 4530
Z Folding Unit (220 Volt) 4534
Cover Interposer Tray CI5010 4600
3,000-Sheet Finisher 4540
2/3-Hole Punch - NA 4620
2/4-Hole Punch - EU 4622
4-Hole Punch (Scandanavian) 4624
Saddle Stitch Booklet Finisher BK5000 4612
Fiery Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition 4850
Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Ver) 4854
EFI Compose, Fiery Edition 4860
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit English 4632
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit French 4870
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit German 4872
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit Italian 4874
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit Spanish 4876
Color Profiler V2.2 (software only) 4858
Line Cord - Europe 9970
Line Cord - Italy 9973
Line Cord - Switzerland 9974
Line Cord - UK 9971
Line Cord - US 9251
Line Cord - US Chicago 9250
MES Features:
Spectrophotometer (UV) 4631
TCRU Kit Pro C900 5111
Cooling Fan Unit Type 5000 4543
Large Paper Size Tray 1 Kit 4501
LCT RT5020 4511
Multi-bypass Tray BY5000 4503
Bridge Unit BU5000 4513
Letter High Capacity Feeder 4521
A4 High Capacity Feeder 4525
Z Folding Unit (120 Volt) 4531
Z Folding Unit (220 Volt) 4535
Cover Interposer Tray CI5010 4601
3,000-Sheet Finisher 4541
2/3-Hole Punch - NA 4621
2/4-Hole Punch - EU 4623
4-Hole Punch (Scandanavian) 4625
Saddle Stitch Booklet Finisher BK5000 4613
Fiery Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition 4851
Color Profiler Suite V2.2 (UV Ver) 4855
EFI Compose, Fiery Edition 4861
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit English 4633
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit French 4871
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit German 4873
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit Italian 4875
Keyboard, monitor, and mouse kit Spanish 4877
Color Profiler V2.2 (software only) 4859
Line Cord - Europe 4770
Line Cord - Italy 4773
Line Cord - Switzerland 4774
Line Cord - UK 4771
Line Cord - US 4751
Line Cord - US Chicago 4750
Warranty upgrades
From To
9x5 ND 9x5 SD
9x5 ND 24x7 IOR
For ServiceElect (ESA) maintenance service charges, contact InfoPrint Solutions Company Global Services at 888-InfoPrint Solutions Company-4343 (426-4343).
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Terms of use
InfoPrint Solutions Company LLC ("InfoPrint"] products and services which are announced and available in your country can be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions, and prices in effect at the time. InfoPrint Solutions Company LLC ("InfoPrint"] reserves the right to modify or withdraw this announcement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for your information only.