
The latest news from Argecy. Check back often for announcements on sales, special deals on new and refurbished commercial printers, product updates and more.

Ricoh successfully kills the Infoprint brand. End of an era!

FINALLY: Replacement toner cartridges for IBM 18xx family.
This is HUGE news!

FINALLY, reasonable priced replacement toner cartridges:

For T650H11A  and T650H21A: 25,000 page yield
T650DN, T650DTN, T650N, T652DN, T652DTN, T652N, T654DN, T654DTN, T654N, T656DNE

For T654X11A and T654X21A: 36,000 page yield
T654DN, T654DTN, T654N, T656DNE

For E360H11A and E360H21A:  9,000 page yield
E360D, E360DN, E460D, E460DN, E460DW, E462DTN

WARNING! All Lexmark (Dell and IBM equivalent). Lexmark CAN AND HAS used a change of firmware that kills remanufactured cartridgesSee this urgent announcement.

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