
The latest news from Argecy. Check back often for announcements on sales, special deals on new and refurbished commercial printers, product updates and more.

The new joint venture, InfoPrint Solutions Company, has been operating for about 6 weeks. Processes have been business as usual for now and we are expecting big things down the road from this new company.

Software Withdrawn

Below, you will also see the list of software that is no longer distributed through InfoPrint Solutions Company

Great news! We are now shipping UPS out of Atlanta until 6pm.
InfoPrint 1552 and 1572 with M40 MFP Option now have IPDS capability
Hardware withdrawal: IBM 6400 Line Matrix Printer Model i24 -- Replacement available

IBM announces a new Industrial Impact printer, 4247-L03.  It is an entry level machine with a limited feature set and lower price point than its sibling 4247-003 and 4247-V03.   4247-L03

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